@ -20,34 +20,40 @@ def natural_key(string_):
def find_images_and_targets(folder, types=IMG_EXTENSIONS, class_to_idx=None, leaf_name_only=True, sort=True):
if class_to_idx is None:
class_to_idx = dict()
build_class_idx = True
build_class_idx = False
labels = []
filenames = []
for root, subdirs, files in os.walk(folder, topdown=False):
rel_path = os.path.relpath(root, folder) if (root != folder) else ''
label = os.path.basename(rel_path) if leaf_name_only else rel_path.replace(os.path.sep, '_')
if build_class_idx and not subdirs:
class_to_idx[label] = None
for f in files:
base, ext = os.path.splitext(f)
if ext.lower() in types:
filenames.append(os.path.join(root, f))
if build_class_idx:
classes = sorted(class_to_idx.keys(), key=natural_key)
for idx, c in enumerate(classes):
class_to_idx[c] = idx
if class_to_idx is None:
# building class index
unique_labels = set(labels)
sorted_labels = list(sorted(unique_labels, key=natural_key))
class_to_idx = {c: idx for idx, c in enumerate(sorted_labels)}
images_and_targets = zip(filenames, [class_to_idx[l] for l in labels])
if sort:
images_and_targets = sorted(images_and_targets, key=lambda k: natural_key(k[0]))
if build_class_idx:
return images_and_targets, classes, class_to_idx
return images_and_targets, class_to_idx
def load_class_map(filename, root=''):
class_to_idx = {}
class_map_path = filename
if not os.path.exists(class_map_path):
class_map_path = os.path.join(root, filename)
assert os.path.exists(class_map_path), 'Cannot locate specified class map file (%s)' % filename
class_map_ext = os.path.splitext(filename)[-1].lower()
if class_map_ext == '.txt':
with open(class_map_path) as f:
class_to_idx = {v.strip(): k for k, v in enumerate(f)}
return images_and_targets
assert False, 'Unsupported class map extension'
return class_to_idx
class Dataset(data.Dataset):
@ -56,19 +62,25 @@ class Dataset(data.Dataset):
imgs, _, _ = find_images_and_targets(root)
if len(imgs) == 0:
class_to_idx = None
if class_map:
class_to_idx = load_class_map(class_map, root)
images, class_to_idx = find_images_and_targets(root, class_to_idx=class_to_idx)
if len(images) == 0:
raise(RuntimeError("Found 0 images in subfolders of: " + root + "\n"
"Supported image extensions are: " + ",".join(IMG_EXTENSIONS)))
self.root = root
self.imgs = imgs
self.samples = images
self.imgs = self.samples # torchvision ImageFolder compat
self.class_to_idx = class_to_idx
self.load_bytes = load_bytes
self.transform = transform
def __getitem__(self, index):
path, target = self.imgs[index]
path, target = self.samples[index]
img = open(path, 'rb').read() if self.load_bytes else Image.open(path).convert('RGB')
if self.transform is not None:
img = self.transform(img)
@ -82,18 +94,17 @@ class Dataset(data.Dataset):
def filenames(self, indices=[], basename=False):
if indices:
if basename:
return [os.path.basename(self.imgs[i][0]) for i in indices]
return [os.path.basename(self.samples[i][0]) for i in indices]
return [self.imgs[i][0] for i in indices]
return [self.samples[i][0] for i in indices]
if basename:
return [os.path.basename(x[0]) for x in self.imgs]
return [os.path.basename(x[0]) for x in self.samples]
return [x[0] for x in self.imgs]
return [x[0] for x in self.samples]
def _extract_tar_info(tarfile):
class_to_idx = {}
def _extract_tar_info(tarfile, class_to_idx=None, sort=True):
files = []
labels = []
for ti in tarfile.getmembers():
@ -101,26 +112,31 @@ def _extract_tar_info(tarfile):
dirname, basename = os.path.split(ti.path)
label = os.path.basename(dirname)
class_to_idx[label] = None
ext = os.path.splitext(basename)[1]
if ext.lower() in IMG_EXTENSIONS:
for idx, c in enumerate(sorted(class_to_idx.keys(), key=natural_key)):
class_to_idx[c] = idx
if class_to_idx is None:
unique_labels = set(labels)
sorted_labels = list(sorted(unique_labels, key=natural_key))
class_to_idx = {c: idx for idx, c in enumerate(sorted_labels)}
tarinfo_and_targets = zip(files, [class_to_idx[l] for l in labels])
tarinfo_and_targets = sorted(tarinfo_and_targets, key=lambda k: natural_key(k[0].path))
return tarinfo_and_targets
if sort:
tarinfo_and_targets = sorted(tarinfo_and_targets, key=lambda k: natural_key(k[0].path))
return tarinfo_and_targets, class_to_idx
class DatasetTar(data.Dataset):
def __init__(self, root, load_bytes=False, transform=None):
def __init__(self, root, load_bytes=False, transform=None, class_map=''):
class_to_idx = None
if class_map:
class_to_idx = load_class_map(class_map, root)
assert os.path.isfile(root)
self.root = root
with tarfile.open(root) as tf: # cannot keep this open across processes, reopen later
self.imgs = _extract_tar_info(tf)
self.samples, self.class_to_idx = _extract_tar_info(tf, class_to_idx)
self.tarfile = None # lazy init in __getitem__
self.load_bytes = load_bytes
self.transform = transform
@ -128,7 +144,7 @@ class DatasetTar(data.Dataset):
def __getitem__(self, index):
if self.tarfile is None:
self.tarfile = tarfile.open(self.root)
tarinfo, target = self.imgs[index]
tarinfo, target = self.samples[index]
iob = self.tarfile.extractfile(tarinfo)
img = iob.read() if self.load_bytes else Image.open(iob).convert('RGB')
if self.transform is not None:
@ -138,7 +154,7 @@ class DatasetTar(data.Dataset):
return img, target
def __len__(self):
return len(self.imgs)
return len(self.samples)
class AugMixDataset(torch.utils.data.Dataset):