from .byobnet import *
from .cspnet import *
from .densenet import *
from .dla import *
from .dpn import *
from .efficientnet import *
from .gluon_resnet import *
from .gluon_xception import *
from .hrnet import *
from .inception_resnet_v2 import *
from .inception_v3 import *
from .inception_v4 import *
from .mobilenetv3 import *
from .nasnet import *
from .nfnet import *
from .pnasnet import *
from .regnet import *
from .res2net import *
from .resnest import *
from .resnet import *
from .resnetv2 import *
from .rexnet import *
from .selecsls import *
from .senet import *
from .sknet import *
from .tresnet import *
from .vgg import *
from .vision_transformer import *
Monster commit, activation refactor, VoVNet, norm_act improvements, more
* refactor activations into basic PyTorch, jit scripted, and memory efficient custom auto
* implement hard-mish, better grad for hard-swish
* add initial VovNet V1/V2 impl, fix #151
* VovNet and DenseNet first models to use NormAct layers (support BatchNormAct2d, EvoNorm, InplaceIABN)
* Wrap IABN for any models that use it
* make more models torchscript compatible (DPN, PNasNet, Res2Net, SelecSLS) and add tests
5 years ago
from .vovnet import *
from .xception import *
from .xception_aligned import *
from .factory import create_model
from .helpers import load_checkpoint, resume_checkpoint
from .layers import TestTimePoolHead, apply_test_time_pool
from .layers import convert_splitbn_model
Monster commit, activation refactor, VoVNet, norm_act improvements, more
* refactor activations into basic PyTorch, jit scripted, and memory efficient custom auto
* implement hard-mish, better grad for hard-swish
* add initial VovNet V1/V2 impl, fix #151
* VovNet and DenseNet first models to use NormAct layers (support BatchNormAct2d, EvoNorm, InplaceIABN)
* Wrap IABN for any models that use it
* make more models torchscript compatible (DPN, PNasNet, Res2Net, SelecSLS) and add tests
5 years ago
from .layers import is_scriptable, is_exportable, set_scriptable, set_exportable, is_no_jit, set_no_jit
from .registry import *