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# AOT-GAN for High-Resolution Image Inpainting
### [Arxiv Paper](https://github.com/researchmm/AOT-GAN-for-Inpainting) |
AOT-GAN: Aggregated Contextual Transformations for High-Resolution Image Inpainting<br>
[Yanhong Zeng](https://sites.google.com/view/1900zyh), [Jianlong Fu](https://jianlong-fu.github.io/), [Hongyang Chao](https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=qnbpG6gAAAAJ&hl), and [Baining Guo](https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/research/people/bainguo/).<br>
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## Citation
If any part of our paper and code is helpful to your work, please generously cite with:
author = {Zeng, Yanhong and Fu, Jianlong and Chao, Hongyang and Guo, Baining},
title = {Aggregated Contextual Transformations for High-Resolution Image Inpainting},
booktitle = {Arxiv},
year = {2020}
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## Introduction
Despite some promising results, it remains challenging for existing image inpainting approaches to fill in large missing regions in high resolution images (e.g., 512x512). We analyze that the difficulties mainly drive from simultaneously inferring missing contents and synthesizing fine-grained textures for a extremely large missing region.
We propose a GAN-based model that improves performance by,
1) **Enhancing context reasoning by AOT Block in the generator.** The AOT blocks aggregate contextual transformations with different receptive fields, allowing to capture both informative distant contexts and rich patterns of interest for context reasoning.
2) **Enhancing texture synthesis by SoftGAN in the discriminator.** We improve the training of the discriminator by a tailored mask-prediction task. The enhanced discriminator is optimized to distinguish the detailed appearance of real and synthesized patches, which can in turn facilitate the generator to synthesize more realistic textures.
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## Results
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## Prerequisites
* python 3.8.8
* [pytorch](https://pytorch.org/) (tested on Release 1.8.1)
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## Installation
Clone this repo.
git clone git@github.com:researchmm/AOT-GAN-for-Inpainting.git
cd AOT-GAN-for-Inpainting/
For the full set of required Python packages, we suggest create a Conda environment from the provided YAML, e.g.
conda env create -f environment.yml
conda activate inpainting
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## Datasets
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## Getting Started
1. Training:
* Prepare training images filelist [[our split]](https://drive.google.com/open?id=1_j51UEiZluWz07qTGtJ7Pbfeyp1-aZBg)
* Modify [celebahq.json](configs/celebahq.json) to set path to data, iterations, and other parameters.
* Our codes are built upon distributed training with Pytorch.
* Run `python train.py -c [config_file] -n [model_name] -m [mask_type] -s [image_size] `.
* For example, `python train.py -c configs/celebahq.json -n pennet -m pconv -s 512 `
2. Resume training:
* Run `python train.py -n pennet -m pconv -s 512 `.
3. Testing:
* Run `python test.py -c [config_file] -n [model_name] -m [mask_type] -s [image_size] `.
* For example, `python test.py -c configs/celebahq.json -n pennet -m pconv -s 512 `
4. Evaluating:
* Run `python eval.py -r [result_path]`
<!-- ------------------------------------------------------------------- -->
## Pretrained models
[CELEBA-HQ](https://drive.google.com/open?id=1d7JsTXxrF9vn-2abB63FQtnPJw6FpLm8) |
Download the model dirs and put it under `experiments/`
<!-- ------------------------ -->
## TensorBoard
Visualization on TensorBoard for training is supported.
Run `tensorboard --logdir [log_fold] --bind_all` and open browser to view training progress.
### License
Licensed under an MIT license.
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from .dataset import InpaintingData
from torch.utils.data import DataLoader
def sample_data(loader):
while True:
for batch in loader:
yield batch
def create_loader(args):
dataset = InpaintingData(args)
data_loader = DataLoader(
dataset, batch_size=args.batch_size//args.world_size,
shuffle=True, num_workers=args.num_workers, pin_memory=True)
return sample_data(data_loader)
@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
import zipfile
class ZipReader(object):
file_dict = dict()
def __init__(self):
super(ZipReader, self).__init__()
def build_file_dict(path):
file_dict = ZipReader.file_dict
if path in file_dict:
return file_dict[path]
file_handle = zipfile.ZipFile(path, mode='r', allowZip64=True)
file_dict[path] = file_handle
return file_dict[path]
def imread(path, image_name):
zfile = ZipReader.build_file_dict(path)
data = zfile.read(image_name)
im = Image.open(io.BytesIO(data))
return im
@ -0,0 +1,80 @@
import os
import math
import numpy as np
from glob import glob
from random import shuffle
from PIL import Image, ImageFilter
import torch
import torchvision.transforms.functional as F
import torchvision.transforms as transforms
from torch.utils.data import Dataset, DataLoader
class InpaintingData(Dataset):
def __init__(self, args):
super(Dataset, self).__init__()
self.w = self.h = args.image_size
self.mask_type = args.mask_type
# image and mask
self.image_path = []
for ext in ['*.jpg', '*.png']:
self.image_path.extend(glob(os.path.join(args.dir_image, args.data_train, ext)))
self.mask_path = glob(os.path.join(args.dir_mask, args.mask_type, '*.png'))
# augmentation
self.img_trans = transforms.Compose([
transforms.ColorJitter(0.05, 0.05, 0.05, 0.05),
self.mask_trans = transforms.Compose([
transforms.Resize(args.image_size, interpolation=transforms.InterpolationMode.NEAREST),
(0, 45), interpolation=transforms.InterpolationMode.NEAREST),
def __len__(self):
return len(self.image_path)
def __getitem__(self, index):
# load image
image = Image.open(self.image_path[index]).convert('RGB')
filename = os.path.basename(self.image_path[index])
if self.mask_type == 'pconv':
index = np.random.randint(0, len(self.mask_path))
mask = Image.open(self.mask_path[index])
mask = mask.convert('L')
mask = np.zeros((self.h, self.w)).astype(np.uint8)
mask[self.h//4:self.h//4*3, self.w//4:self.w//4*3] = 1
mask = Image.fromarray(m).convert('L')
# augment
image = self.img_trans(image) * 2. - 1.
mask = F.to_tensor(self.mask_trans(mask))
return image, mask, filename
if __name__ == '__main__':
from attrdict import AttrDict
args = {
'dir_image': '../../../dataset',
'data_train': 'places2',
'dir_mask': '../../../dataset',
'mask_type': 'pconv',
'image_size': 512
args = AttrDict(args)
data = InpaintingData(args)
print(len(data), len(data.mask_path))
img, mask, filename = data[0]
print(img.size(), mask.size(), filename)
@ -0,0 +1,112 @@
import cv2
import os
import importlib
import numpy as np
from glob import glob
import torch
from torchvision.transforms import ToTensor
from utils.option import args
from utils.painter import Sketcher
def postprocess(image):
image = torch.clamp(image, -1., 1.)
image = (image + 1) / 2.0 * 255.0
image = image.permute(1, 2, 0)
image = image.cpu().numpy().astype(np.uint8)
return image
def demo(args):
# load images
img_list = []
for ext in ['*.jpg', '*.png']:
img_list.extend(glob(os.path.join(args.dir_image, ext)))
# Model and version
net = importlib.import_module('model.'+args.model)
model = net.InpaintGenerator(args)
model.load_state_dict(torch.load(args.pre_train, map_location='cpu'))
for fn in img_list:
filename = os.path.basename(fn).split('.')[0]
orig_img = cv2.resize(cv2.imread(fn, cv2.IMREAD_COLOR), (512, 512))
img_tensor = (ToTensor()(orig_img) * 2.0 - 1.0).unsqueeze(0)
h, w, c = orig_img.shape
mask = np.zeros([h, w, 1], np.uint8)
image_copy = orig_img.copy()
sketch = Sketcher(
'input', [image_copy, mask], lambda: ((255, 255, 255), (255, 255, 255)), args.thick, args.painter)
while True:
ch = cv2.waitKey()
if ch == 27:
# inpaint by deep model
elif ch == ord(' '):
print('[**] inpainting ... ')
with torch.no_grad():
mask_tensor = (ToTensor()(mask)).unsqueeze(0)
masked_tensor = (img_tensor * (1 - mask_tensor).float()) + mask_tensor
pred_tensor = model(masked_tensor, mask_tensor)
comp_tensor = (pred_tensor * mask_tensor + img_tensor * (1 - mask_tensor))
pred_np = postprocess(pred_tensor[0])
masked_np = postprocess(masked_tensor[0])
comp_np = postprocess(comp_tensor[0])
cv2.imshow('pred_images', comp_np)
print('inpainting finish!')
# reset mask
elif ch == ord('r'):
img_tensor = (ToTensor()(orig_img) * 2.0 - 1.0).unsqueeze(0)
image_copy[:] = orig_img.copy()
mask[:] = 0
print("[**] reset!")
# next case
elif ch == ord('n'):
print('[**] move to next image')
elif ch == ord('k'):
print('[**] apply existing processing to images, and keep editing!')
img_tensor = comp_tensor
image_copy[:] = comp_np.copy()
mask[:] = 0
elif ch == ord('+'):
elif ch == ord('-'):
# save results
if ch == ord('s'):
cv2.imwrite(os.path.join(args.outputs, f'{filename}_masked.png'), masked_np)
cv2.imwrite(os.path.join(args.outputs, f'{filename}_pred.png'), pred_np)
cv2.imwrite(os.path.join(args.outputs, f'{filename}_comp.png'), comp_np)
cv2.imwrite(os.path.join(args.outputs, f'{filename}_mask.png'), mask)
print('[**] save successfully!')
if ch == 27:
if __name__ == '__main__':
@ -0,0 +1,48 @@
import argparse
import numpy as np
from tqdm import tqdm
from glob import glob
from PIL import Image
from multiprocessing import Pool
from metric import metric as module_metric
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Image Inpainting')
parser.add_argument('--real_dir', required=True, type=str)
parser.add_argument('--fake_dir', required=True, type=str)
parser.add_argument("--metric", type=str, nargs="+")
args = parser.parse_args()
def read_img(name_pair):
rname, fname = name_pair
rimg = Image.open(rname)
fimg = Image.open(fname)
return np.array(rimg), np.array(fimg)
def main(num_worker=8):
real_names = sorted(list(glob(f'{args.real_dir}/*.png')))
fake_names = sorted(list(glob(f'{args.fake_dir}/*.png')))
print(f'real images: {len(real_names)}, fake images: {len(fake_names)}')
real_images = []
fake_images = []
pool = Pool(num_worker)
for rimg, fimg in tqdm(pool.imap_unordered(read_img, zip(real_names, fake_names)), total=len(real_names), desc='loading images'):
# metrics prepare for image assesments
metrics = {met: getattr(module_metric, met) for met in args.metric}
evaluation_scores = {key: 0 for key,val in metrics.items()}
for key, val in metrics.items():
evaluation_scores[key] = val(real_images, fake_images, num_worker=num_worker)
print(' '.join(['{}: {:6f},'.format(key, val) for key,val in evaluation_scores.items()]))
if __name__ == '__main__':
@ -0,0 +1,195 @@
import torch
import torch.nn as nn
import torch.nn.functional as F
import torchvision.models as models
from torch.nn.functional import conv2d
class VGG19(nn.Module):
def __init__(self, resize_input=False):
super(VGG19, self).__init__()
features = models.vgg19(pretrained=True).features
self.resize_input = resize_input
self.mean = torch.Tensor([0.485, 0.456, 0.406]).cuda()
self.std = torch.Tensor([0.229, 0.224, 0.225]).cuda()
prefix = [1, 1, 2, 2, 3, 3, 3, 3, 4, 4, 4, 4, 5, 5, 5, 5]
posfix = [1, 2, 1, 2, 1, 2, 3, 4, 1, 2, 3, 4, 1, 2, 3, 4]
names = list(zip(prefix, posfix))
self.relus = []
for pre, pos in names:
self.relus.append('relu{}_{}'.format(pre, pos))
pre, pos), torch.nn.Sequential())
nums = [[0, 1], [2, 3], [4, 5, 6], [7, 8],
[9, 10, 11], [12, 13], [14, 15], [16, 17],
[18, 19, 20], [21, 22], [23, 24], [25, 26],
[27, 28, 29], [30, 31], [32, 33], [34, 35]]
for i, layer in enumerate(self.relus):
for num in nums[i]:
self.__getattr__(layer).add_module(str(num), features[num])
# don't need the gradients, just want the features
for param in self.parameters():
param.requires_grad = False
def forward(self, x):
# resize and normalize input for pretrained vgg19
x = (x + 1.0) / 2.0
x = (x - self.mean.view(1, 3, 1, 1)) / (self.std.view(1, 3, 1, 1))
if self.resize_input:
x = F.interpolate(
x, size=(256, 256), mode='bilinear', align_corners=True)
features = []
for layer in self.relus:
x = self.__getattr__(layer)(x)
out = {key: value for (key, value) in list(zip(self.relus, features))}
return out
def gaussian(window_size, sigma):
def gauss_fcn(x):
return -(x - window_size // 2)**2 / float(2 * sigma**2)
gauss = torch.stack([torch.exp(torch.tensor(gauss_fcn(x)))
for x in range(window_size)])
return gauss / gauss.sum()
def get_gaussian_kernel(kernel_size: int, sigma: float) -> torch.Tensor:
r"""Function that returns Gaussian filter coefficients.
kernel_size (int): filter size. It should be odd and positive.
sigma (float): gaussian standard deviation.
Tensor: 1D tensor with gaussian filter coefficients.
- Output: :math:`(\text{kernel_size})`
>>> kornia.image.get_gaussian_kernel(3, 2.5)
tensor([0.3243, 0.3513, 0.3243])
>>> kornia.image.get_gaussian_kernel(5, 1.5)
tensor([0.1201, 0.2339, 0.2921, 0.2339, 0.1201])
if not isinstance(kernel_size, int) or kernel_size % 2 == 0 or kernel_size <= 0:
raise TypeError(
"kernel_size must be an odd positive integer. Got {}".format(kernel_size))
window_1d: torch.Tensor = gaussian(kernel_size, sigma)
return window_1d
def get_gaussian_kernel2d(kernel_size, sigma):
r"""Function that returns Gaussian filter matrix coefficients.
kernel_size (Tuple[int, int]): filter sizes in the x and y direction.
Sizes should be odd and positive.
sigma (Tuple[int, int]): gaussian standard deviation in the x and y
Tensor: 2D tensor with gaussian filter matrix coefficients.
- Output: :math:`(\text{kernel_size}_x, \text{kernel_size}_y)`
>>> kornia.image.get_gaussian_kernel2d((3, 3), (1.5, 1.5))
tensor([[0.0947, 0.1183, 0.0947],
[0.1183, 0.1478, 0.1183],
[0.0947, 0.1183, 0.0947]])
>>> kornia.image.get_gaussian_kernel2d((3, 5), (1.5, 1.5))
tensor([[0.0370, 0.0720, 0.0899, 0.0720, 0.0370],
[0.0462, 0.0899, 0.1123, 0.0899, 0.0462],
[0.0370, 0.0720, 0.0899, 0.0720, 0.0370]])
if not isinstance(kernel_size, tuple) or len(kernel_size) != 2:
raise TypeError(
"kernel_size must be a tuple of length two. Got {}".format(kernel_size))
if not isinstance(sigma, tuple) or len(sigma) != 2:
raise TypeError(
"sigma must be a tuple of length two. Got {}".format(sigma))
ksize_x, ksize_y = kernel_size
sigma_x, sigma_y = sigma
kernel_x: torch.Tensor = get_gaussian_kernel(ksize_x, sigma_x)
kernel_y: torch.Tensor = get_gaussian_kernel(ksize_y, sigma_y)
kernel_2d: torch.Tensor = torch.matmul(
kernel_x.unsqueeze(-1), kernel_y.unsqueeze(-1).t())
return kernel_2d
class GaussianBlur(nn.Module):
r"""Creates an operator that blurs a tensor using a Gaussian filter.
The operator smooths the given tensor with a gaussian kernel by convolving
it to each channel. It suports batched operation.
kernel_size (Tuple[int, int]): the size of the kernel.
sigma (Tuple[float, float]): the standard deviation of the kernel.
Tensor: the blurred tensor.
- Input: :math:`(B, C, H, W)`
- Output: :math:`(B, C, H, W)`
>>> input = torch.rand(2, 4, 5, 5)
>>> gauss = kornia.filters.GaussianBlur((3, 3), (1.5, 1.5))
>>> output = gauss(input) # 2x4x5x5
def __init__(self, kernel_size, sigma):
super(GaussianBlur, self).__init__()
self.kernel_size = kernel_size
self.sigma = sigma
self._padding = self.compute_zero_padding(kernel_size)
self.kernel = get_gaussian_kernel2d(kernel_size, sigma)
def compute_zero_padding(kernel_size):
"""Computes zero padding tuple."""
computed = [(k - 1) // 2 for k in kernel_size]
return computed[0], computed[1]
def forward(self, x): # type: ignore
if not torch.is_tensor(x):
raise TypeError(
"Input x type is not a torch.Tensor. Got {}".format(type(x)))
if not len(x.shape) == 4:
raise ValueError(
"Invalid input shape, we expect BxCxHxW. Got: {}".format(x.shape))
# prepare kernel
b, c, h, w = x.shape
tmp_kernel: torch.Tensor = self.kernel.to(x.device).to(x.dtype)
kernel: torch.Tensor = tmp_kernel.repeat(c, 1, 1, 1)
# TODO: explore solution when using jit.trace since it raises a warning
# because the shape is converted to a tensor instead to a int.
# convolve tensor with gaussian kernel
return conv2d(x, kernel, padding=self._padding, stride=1, groups=c)
# functional interface
def gaussian_blur(input, kernel_size, sigma):
r"""Function that blurs a tensor using a Gaussian filter.
See :class:`~kornia.filters.GaussianBlur` for details.
return GaussianBlur(kernel_size, sigma)(input)
if __name__ == '__main__':
img = Image.open('test.png').convert('L')
tensor_img = F.to_tensor(img).unsqueeze(0).float()
print('tensor_img size: ', tensor_img.size())
blurred_img = gaussian_blur(tensor_img, (61, 61), (10, 10))
print(torch.min(blurred_img), torch.max(blurred_img))
blurred_img = blurred_img*255
img = blurred_img.int().numpy().astype(np.uint8)[0][0]
print(img.shape, np.min(img), np.max(img), np.unique(img))
cv2.imwrite('gaussian.png', img)
@ -0,0 +1,104 @@
import torch
import torch.nn as nn
import torch.nn.functional as F
from .common import VGG19, gaussian_blur
class L1():
def __init__(self,):
self.calc = torch.nn.L1Loss()
def __call__(self, x, y):
return self.calc(x, y)
class Perceptual(nn.Module):
def __init__(self, weights=[1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0]):
super(Perceptual, self).__init__()
self.vgg = VGG19().cuda()
self.criterion = torch.nn.L1Loss()
self.weights = weights
def __call__(self, x, y):
x_vgg, y_vgg = self.vgg(x), self.vgg(y)
content_loss = 0.0
prefix = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]
for i in range(5):
content_loss += self.weights[i] * self.criterion(
x_vgg[f'relu{prefix[i]}_1'], y_vgg[f'relu{prefix[i]}_1'])
return content_loss
class Style(nn.Module):
def __init__(self):
super(Style, self).__init__()
self.vgg = VGG19().cuda()
self.criterion = torch.nn.L1Loss()
def compute_gram(self, x):
b, c, h, w = x.size()
f = x.view(b, c, w * h)
f_T = f.transpose(1, 2)
G = f.bmm(f_T) / (h * w * c)
return G
def __call__(self, x, y):
x_vgg, y_vgg = self.vgg(x), self.vgg(y)
style_loss = 0.0
prefix = [2, 3, 4, 5]
posfix = [2, 4, 4, 2]
for pre, pos in list(zip(prefix, posfix)):
style_loss += self.criterion(
self.compute_gram(x_vgg[f'relu{pre}_{pos}']), self.compute_gram(y_vgg[f'relu{pre}_{pos}']))
return style_loss
class nsgan():
def __init__(self, ):
self.loss_fn = torch.nn.Softplus()
def __call__(self, netD, fake, real):
fake_detach = fake.detach()
d_fake = netD(fake_detach)
d_real = netD(real)
dis_loss = self.loss_fn(-d_real).mean() + self.loss_fn(d_fake).mean()
g_fake = netD(fake)
gen_loss = self.loss_fn(-g_fake).mean()
return dis_loss, gen_loss
class smgan():
def __init__(self, ksize=71):
self.ksize = ksize
self.loss_fn = nn.MSELoss()
def __call__(self, netD, fake, real, masks):
fake_detach = fake.detach()
g_fake = netD(fake)
d_fake = netD(fake_detach)
d_real = netD(real)
_, _, h, w = g_fake.size()
b, c, ht, wt = masks.size()
# Handle inconsistent size between outputs and masks
if h != ht or w != wt:
g_fake = F.interpolate(g_fake, size=(ht, wt), mode='bilinear', align_corners=True)
d_fake = F.interpolate(d_fake, size=(ht, wt), mode='bilinear', align_corners=True)
d_real = F.interpolate(d_real, size=(ht, wt), mode='bilinear', align_corners=True)
d_fake_label = gaussian_blur(masks, (self.ksize, self.ksize), (10, 10)).detach().cuda()
d_real_label = torch.zeros_like(d_real).cuda()
g_fake_label = torch.ones_like(g_fake).cuda()
dis_loss = self.loss_fn(d_fake, d_fake_label) + self.loss_fn(d_real, d_real_label)
gen_loss = self.loss_fn(g_fake, g_fake_label) * masks / torch.mean(masks)
return dis_loss.mean(), gen_loss.mean()
@ -0,0 +1,130 @@
import torch.nn as nn
import torch.nn.functional as F
from torchvision import models
class InceptionV3(nn.Module):
"""Pretrained InceptionV3 network returning feature maps"""
# Index of default block of inception to return,
# corresponds to output of final average pooling
# Maps feature dimensionality to their output blocks indices
64: 0, # First max pooling features
192: 1, # Second max pooling featurs
768: 2, # Pre-aux classifier features
2048: 3 # Final average pooling features
def __init__(self, output_blocks=[DEFAULT_BLOCK_INDEX],
resize_input=True, normalize_input=True, requires_grad=False):
"""Build pretrained InceptionV3
output_blocks : list of int
Indices of blocks to return features of. Possible values are:
- 0: corresponds to output of first max pooling
- 1: corresponds to output of second max pooling
- 2: corresponds to output which is fed to aux classifier
- 3: corresponds to output of final average pooling
resize_input : bool
If true, bilinearly resizes input to width and height 299 before
feeding input to model. As the network without fully connected
layers is fully convolutional, it should be able to handle inputs
of arbitrary size, so resizing might not be strictly needed
normalize_input : bool
If true, normalizes the input to the statistics the pretrained
Inception network expects
requires_grad : bool
If true, parameters of the model require gradient. Possibly useful
for finetuning the network
super(InceptionV3, self).__init__()
self.resize_input = resize_input
self.normalize_input = normalize_input
self.output_blocks = sorted(output_blocks)
self.last_needed_block = max(output_blocks)
assert self.last_needed_block <= 3, \
'Last possible output block index is 3'
self.blocks = nn.ModuleList()
inception = models.inception_v3(pretrained=True)
# Block 0: input to maxpool1
block0 = [
nn.MaxPool2d(kernel_size=3, stride=2)
# Block 1: maxpool1 to maxpool2
if self.last_needed_block >= 1:
block1 = [
nn.MaxPool2d(kernel_size=3, stride=2)
# Block 2: maxpool2 to aux classifier
if self.last_needed_block >= 2:
block2 = [
# Block 3: aux classifier to final avgpool
if self.last_needed_block >= 3:
block3 = [
nn.AdaptiveAvgPool2d(output_size=(1, 1))
for param in self.parameters():
param.requires_grad = requires_grad
def forward(self, inp):
"""Get Inception feature maps
inp : torch.autograd.Variable
Input tensor of shape Bx3xHxW. Values are expected to be in
range (0, 1)
List of torch.autograd.Variable, corresponding to the selected output
block, sorted ascending by index
outp = []
x = inp
if self.resize_input:
x = F.interpolate(x, size=(299, 299),
mode='bilinear', align_corners=True)
if self.normalize_input:
x = x.clone()
x[:, 0] = x[:, 0] * (0.229 / 0.5) + (0.485 - 0.5) / 0.5
x[:, 1] = x[:, 1] * (0.224 / 0.5) + (0.456 - 0.5) / 0.5
x[:, 2] = x[:, 2] * (0.225 / 0.5) + (0.406 - 0.5) / 0.5
for idx, block in enumerate(self.blocks):
x = block(x)
if idx in self.output_blocks:
if idx == self.last_needed_block:
return outp
@ -0,0 +1,212 @@
import os
import pickle
import numpy as np
from tqdm import tqdm
from scipy import linalg
from multiprocessing import Pool
from skimage.metrics import structural_similarity
from skimage.metrics import peak_signal_noise_ratio
import torch
from torch.autograd import Variable
from torch.nn.functional import adaptive_avg_pool2d
from .inception import InceptionV3
# ============================
def compare_mae(pairs):
real, fake = pairs
real, fake = real.astype(np.float32), fake.astype(np.float32)
return np.sum(np.abs(real - fake)) / np.sum(real + fake)
def compare_psnr(pairs):
real, fake = pairs
return peak_signal_noise_ratio(real, fake)
def compare_ssim(pairs):
real, fake = pairs
return structural_similarity(real, fake, multichannel=True)
# ================================
def mae(reals, fakes, num_worker=8):
error = 0
pool = Pool(num_worker)
for val in tqdm(pool.imap_unordered(compare_mae, zip(reals, fakes)), total=len(reals), desc='compare_mae'):
error += val
return error / len(reals)
def psnr(reals, fakes, num_worker=8):
error = 0
pool = Pool(num_worker)
for val in tqdm(pool.imap_unordered(compare_psnr, zip(reals, fakes)), total=len(reals), desc='compare_psnr'):
error += val
return error / len(reals)
def ssim(reals, fakes, num_worker=8):
error = 0
pool = Pool(num_worker)
for val in tqdm(pool.imap_unordered(compare_ssim, zip(reals, fakes)), total=len(reals), desc='compare_ssim'):
error += val
return error / len(reals)
def fid(reals, fakes, num_worker=8, real_fid_path=None):
dims = 2048
batch_size = 4
block_idx = InceptionV3.BLOCK_INDEX_BY_DIM[dims]
model = InceptionV3([block_idx]).cuda()
if real_fid_path is None:
real_fid_path = 'places2_fid.pt'
if os.path.isfile(real_fid_path):
data = pickle.load(open(real_fid_path, 'rb'))
real_m, real_s = data['mu'], data['sigma']
reals = (np.array(reals).astype(np.float32) / 255.0).transpose((0, 3, 1, 2))
real_m, real_s = calculate_activation_statistics(reals, model, batch_size, dims)
with open(real_fid_path, 'wb') as f:
pickle.dump({'mu': real_m, 'sigma': real_s}, f)
# calculate fid statistics for fake images
fakes = (np.array(fakes).astype(np.float32) / 255.0).transpose((0, 3, 1, 2))
fake_m, fake_s = calculate_activation_statistics(fakes, model, batch_size, dims)
fid_value = calculate_frechet_distance(real_m, real_s, fake_m, fake_s)
return fid_value
def calculate_activation_statistics(images, model, batch_size=64,
dims=2048, cuda=True, verbose=False):
"""Calculation of the statistics used by the FID.
-- images : Numpy array of dimension (n_images, 3, hi, wi). The values
must lie between 0 and 1.
-- model : Instance of inception model
-- batch_size : The images numpy array is split into batches with
batch size batch_size. A reasonable batch size
depends on the hardware.
-- dims : Dimensionality of features returned by Inception
-- cuda : If set to True, use GPU
-- verbose : If set to True and parameter out_step is given, the
number of calculated batches is reported.
-- mu : The mean over samples of the activations of the pool_3 layer of
the inception model.
-- sigma : The covariance matrix of the activations of the pool_3 layer of
the inception model.
act = get_activations(images, model, batch_size, dims, cuda, verbose)
mu = np.mean(act, axis=0)
sigma = np.cov(act, rowvar=False)
return mu, sigma
def get_activations(images, model, batch_size=64, dims=2048, cuda=True, verbose=False):
"""Calculates the activations of the pool_3 layer for all images.
-- images : Numpy array of dimension (n_images, 3, hi, wi). The values
must lie between 0 and 1.
-- model : Instance of inception model
-- batch_size : the images numpy array is split into batches with
batch size batch_size. A reasonable batch size depends
on the hardware.
-- dims : Dimensionality of features returned by Inception
-- cuda : If set to True, use GPU
-- verbose : If set to True and parameter out_step is given, the number
of calculated batches is reported.
-- A numpy array of dimension (num images, dims) that contains the
activations of the given tensor when feeding inception with the
query tensor.
d0 = images.shape[0]
if batch_size > d0:
print(('Warning: batch size is bigger than the data size. '
'Setting batch size to data size'))
batch_size = d0
n_batches = d0 // batch_size
n_used_imgs = n_batches * batch_size
pred_arr = np.empty((n_used_imgs, dims))
for i in tqdm(range(n_batches), desc='calculate activations'):
if verbose:
print('\rPropagating batch %d/%d' %
(i + 1, n_batches), end='', flush=True)
start = i * batch_size
end = start + batch_size
batch = torch.from_numpy(images[start:end]).type(torch.FloatTensor)
batch = Variable(batch)
if torch.cuda.is_available:
batch = batch.cuda()
with torch.no_grad():
pred = model(batch)[0]
# If model output is not scalar, apply global spatial average pooling.
# This happens if you choose a dimensionality not equal 2048.
if pred.shape[2] != 1 or pred.shape[3] != 1:
pred = adaptive_avg_pool2d(pred, output_size=(1, 1))
pred_arr[start:end] = pred.cpu().data.numpy().reshape(batch_size, -1)
if verbose:
print(' done')
return pred_arr
def calculate_frechet_distance(mu1, sigma1, mu2, sigma2, eps=1e-6):
"""Numpy implementation of the Frechet Distance.
The Frechet distance between two multivariate Gaussians X_1 ~ N(mu_1, C_1)
and X_2 ~ N(mu_2, C_2) is
d^2 = ||mu_1 - mu_2||^2 + Tr(C_1 + C_2 - 2*sqrt(C_1*C_2)).
Stable version by Dougal J. Sutherland.
-- mu1 : Numpy array containing the activations of a layer of the
inception net (like returned by the function 'get_predictions')
for generated samples.
-- mu2 : The sample mean over activations, precalculated on an
representive data set.
-- sigma1: The covariance matrix over activations for generated samples.
-- sigma2: The covariance matrix over activations, precalculated on an
representive data set.
-- : The Frechet Distance.
mu1 = np.atleast_1d(mu1)
mu2 = np.atleast_1d(mu2)
sigma1 = np.atleast_2d(sigma1)
sigma2 = np.atleast_2d(sigma2)
assert mu1.shape == mu2.shape, 'Training and test mean vectors have different lengths'
assert sigma1.shape == sigma2.shape, 'Training and test covariances have different dimensions'
diff = mu1 - mu2
# Product might be almost singular
covmean, _ = linalg.sqrtm(sigma1.dot(sigma2), disp=False)
if not np.isfinite(covmean).all():
msg = ('fid calculation produces singular product; '
'adding %s to diagonal of cov estimates') % eps
offset = np.eye(sigma1.shape[0]) * eps
covmean = linalg.sqrtm((sigma1 + offset).dot(sigma2 + offset))
# Numerical error might give slight imaginary component
if np.iscomplexobj(covmean):
if not np.allclose(np.diagonal(covmean).imag, 0, atol=1e-3):
m = np.max(np.abs(covmean.imag))
raise ValueError('Imaginary component {}'.format(m))
covmean = covmean.real
tr_covmean = np.trace(covmean)
return (diff.dot(diff) + np.trace(sigma1) + np.trace(sigma2) - 2 * tr_covmean)
@ -0,0 +1,113 @@
import torch
import torch.nn as nn
import torch.nn.functional as F
from torch.nn.utils import spectral_norm
from .common import BaseNetwork
class InpaintGenerator(BaseNetwork):
def __init__(self, args): # 1046
super(InpaintGenerator, self).__init__()
self.encoder = nn.Sequential(
nn.Conv2d(4, 64, 7),
nn.Conv2d(64, 128, 4, stride=2, padding=1),
nn.Conv2d(128, 256, 4, stride=2, padding=1),
self.middle = nn.Sequential(*[AOTBlock(256, args.rates) for _ in range(args.block_num)])
self.decoder = nn.Sequential(
UpConv(256, 128),
UpConv(128, 64),
nn.Conv2d(64, 3, 3, stride=1, padding=1)
def forward(self, x, mask):
x = torch.cat([x, mask], dim=1)
x = self.encoder(x)
x = self.middle(x)
x = self.decoder(x)
x = torch.tanh(x)
return x
class UpConv(nn.Module):
def __init__(self, inc, outc, scale=2):
super(UpConv, self).__init__()
self.scale = scale
self.conv = nn.Conv2d(inc, outc, 3, stride=1, padding=1)
def forward(self, x):
return self.conv(F.interpolate(x, scale_factor=2, mode='bilinear', align_corners=True))
class AOTBlock(nn.Module):
def __init__(self, dim, rates):
super(AOTBlock, self).__init__()
self.rates = rates
for i, rate in enumerate(rates):
nn.Conv2d(dim, dim//4, 3, padding=0, dilation=rate),
self.fuse = nn.Sequential(
nn.Conv2d(dim, dim, 3, padding=0, dilation=1))
self.gate = nn.Sequential(
nn.Conv2d(dim, dim, 3, padding=0, dilation=1))
def forward(self, x):
out = [self.__getattr__(f'block{str(i).zfill(2)}')(x) for i in range(len(self.rates))]
out = torch.cat(out, 1)
out = self.fuse(out)
mask = my_layer_norm(self.gate(x))
mask = torch.sigmoid(mask)
return x * (1 - mask) + out * mask
def my_layer_norm(feat):
mean = feat.mean((2, 3), keepdim=True)
std = feat.std((2, 3), keepdim=True) + 1e-9
feat = 2 * (feat - mean) / std - 1
feat = 5 * feat
return feat
# ----- discriminator -----
class Discriminator(BaseNetwork):
def __init__(self, ):
super(Discriminator, self).__init__()
inc = 3
self.conv = nn.Sequential(
spectral_norm(nn.Conv2d(inc, 64, 4, stride=2, padding=1, bias=False)),
nn.LeakyReLU(0.2, inplace=True),
spectral_norm(nn.Conv2d(64, 128, 4, stride=2, padding=1, bias=False)),
nn.LeakyReLU(0.2, inplace=True),
spectral_norm(nn.Conv2d(128, 256, 4, stride=2, padding=1, bias=False)),
nn.LeakyReLU(0.2, inplace=True),
spectral_norm(nn.Conv2d(256, 512, 4, stride=1, padding=1, bias=False)),
nn.LeakyReLU(0.2, inplace=True),
nn.Conv2d(512, 1, 4, stride=1, padding=1)
def forward(self, x):
feat = self.conv(x)
return feat
@ -0,0 +1,57 @@
import torch
import torch.nn as nn
class BaseNetwork(nn.Module):
def __init__(self):
super(BaseNetwork, self).__init__()
def print_network(self):
if isinstance(self, list):
self = self[0]
num_params = 0
for param in self.parameters():
num_params += param.numel()
print('Network [%s] was created. Total number of parameters: %.1f million. '
'To see the architecture, do print(network).' % (type(self).__name__, num_params / 1000000))
def init_weights(self, init_type='normal', gain=0.02):
initialize network's weights
init_type: normal | xavier | kaiming | orthogonal
def init_func(m):
classname = m.__class__.__name__
if classname.find('InstanceNorm2d') != -1:
if hasattr(m, 'weight') and m.weight is not None:
nn.init.constant_(m.weight.data, 1.0)
if hasattr(m, 'bias') and m.bias is not None:
nn.init.constant_(m.bias.data, 0.0)
elif hasattr(m, 'weight') and (classname.find('Conv') != -1 or classname.find('Linear') != -1):
if init_type == 'normal':
nn.init.normal_(m.weight.data, 0.0, gain)
elif init_type == 'xavier':
nn.init.xavier_normal_(m.weight.data, gain=gain)
elif init_type == 'xavier_uniform':
nn.init.xavier_uniform_(m.weight.data, gain=1.0)
elif init_type == 'kaiming':
nn.init.kaiming_normal_(m.weight.data, a=0, mode='fan_in')
elif init_type == 'orthogonal':
nn.init.orthogonal_(m.weight.data, gain=gain)
elif init_type == 'none': # uses pytorch's default init method
raise NotImplementedError(
'initialization method [%s] is not implemented' % init_type)
if hasattr(m, 'bias') and m.bias is not None:
nn.init.constant_(m.bias.data, 0.0)
# propagate to children
for m in self.children():
if hasattr(m, 'init_weights'):
m.init_weights(init_type, gain)
@ -0,0 +1,62 @@
import os
import argparse
import importlib
import numpy as np
from PIL import Image
from glob import glob
import torch
import torch.nn as nn
from torchvision.transforms import ToTensor
from utils.option import args
def postprocess(image):
image = torch.clamp(image, -1., 1.)
image = (image + 1) / 2.0 * 255.0
image = image.permute(1, 2, 0)
image = image.cpu().numpy().astype(np.uint8)
return Image.fromarray(image)
def main_worker(args, use_gpu=True):
device = torch.device('cuda') if use_gpu else torch.device('cpu')
# Model and version
net = importlib.import_module('model.'+args.model)
model = net.InpaintGenerator(args).cuda()
model.load_state_dict(torch.load(args.pre_train, map_location='cuda'))
# prepare dataset
image_paths = []
for ext in ['.jpg', '.png']:
image_paths.extend(glob(os.path.join(args.dir_image, '*'+ext)))
mask_paths = sorted(glob(os.path.join(args.dir_mask, '*.png')))
os.makedirs(args.outputs, exist_ok=True)