* npm : preparing infra for node package
* npm : package infra ready
* npm : initial version ready
* npm : change name to whisper.cpp
whisper.js is taken
"lib" is needed for windows.
With this change, you can build whisper.cpp with OpenBLAS's prebuilt DLL.
1. extract a zip from https://github.com/xianyi/OpenBLAS/releases
2. copy the headers in (openblas)/include to the root directory of whisper.cpp
3. invoke cmake with -DCMAKE_LIBRARY_PATH=(openblas)\lib -DWHISPER_SUPPORT_OPENBLAS=ON
4. copy (openblas)/bin/libopenblas.dll to the same directory of whisper.dll after msbuild
Supported via CMake - just add:
On Ubuntu, you have to install the library like this:
apt install libopenblas-dev
Unfortunately, I don't observe any benefit compared to the
original AVX2 + FP16 implementation. Maybe I'm missing something