moved YUI and YUI Doc to correct categories

Benoit Pointet 13 years ago
parent 4cd5c66500
commit f12747d4c9

@ -237,8 +237,8 @@ if ( typeof wappalyzer != 'undefined' ) {
'Yahoo! Web Analytics': { cats: { 1: 10 }, html: /<script[^>]* src=("|')[^>]*http:\/\/d\.yimg\.com\/mi\/ywa\.js/ }, 'Yahoo! Web Analytics': { cats: { 1: 10 }, html: /<script[^>]* src=("|')[^>]*http:\/\/d\.yimg\.com\/mi\/ywa\.js/ },
'Yandex.Metrika': { cats: { 1: 10 }, html: /<script[^>]* src=("|')[^"']+mc\.yandex\.ru\/metrika\/watch\.js("|')/ }, 'Yandex.Metrika': { cats: { 1: 10 }, html: /<script[^>]* src=("|')[^"']+mc\.yandex\.ru\/metrika\/watch\.js("|')/ },
'YouTube': { cats: { 1: 14 }, html: /<(param|embed)[^>]+youtube\.com\/v/i }, 'YouTube': { cats: { 1: 14 }, html: /<(param|embed)[^>]+youtube\.com\/v/i },
'YUI Doc': { cats: { 1: 12 }, html: /<html[^>]* yuilibrary\.com\/rdf\/[0-9.]+\/yui\.rdf/i }, 'YUI Doc': { cats: { 1: 4 }, html: /<html[^>]* yuilibrary\.com\/rdf\/[0-9.]+\/yui\.rdf/i },
'YUI': { cats: { 1: 4 }, html: /<script[^>]* src=("|')[^'"]*(\/yui\/|yui\.yahooapis\.com)[^'"]*("|')/, env: /^YAHOO$/ }, 'YUI': { cats: { 1: 12 }, html: /<script[^>]* src=("|')[^'"]*(\/yui\/|yui\.yahooapis\.com)[^'"]*("|')/, env: /^YAHOO$/ },
'Zen Cart': { cats: { 1: 6 }, html: /<meta name=("|')generator("|') [^>]+Zen Cart/i }, 'Zen Cart': { cats: { 1: 6 }, html: /<meta name=("|')generator("|') [^>]+Zen Cart/i },
'Zend': { cats: { 1: 18 }, headers: { 'X-Powered-By': /Zend/ } } 'Zend': { cats: { 1: 18 }, headers: { 'X-Powered-By': /Zend/ } }
}; };