@ -80,7 +80,7 @@
'Contens': { cats: { 1: 1 }, meta: { 'generator': /contens/i } },
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@ -93,6 +93,7 @@
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'Danneo CMS': { cats: { 1: 1 }, meta: { 'generator': /Danneo/i } },
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'DirectAdmin': { cats: { 1: 9 }, html: /<a[^>]+>DirectAdmin<\/a> Web Control Panel/i },
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@ -112,9 +113,10 @@
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'FAST ESP': { cats: { 1: 29 }, html: /fastsearch|searchProfile\=|searchCategory\=/i, url: /esppublished|searchProfile\=|searchCategory\=/i },
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@ -129,6 +131,7 @@
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'Gravity Insights': { cats: { 1: 10 }, html: /gravityInsightsParams\.site_guid = '/, env: /^GravityInsights$/ },
@ -188,10 +191,11 @@
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@ -203,14 +207,14 @@
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'PHP-Nuke': { cats: { 1: 2 }, meta: { 'generator': /PHP-Nuke/i }, html: /<[^>]+Powered by PHP\-Nuke/i },
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'phpMyAdmin': { cats: { 1: 3 }, html: /(var pma_absolute_uri = '|PMA_sendHeaderLocation\(|<title>phpMyAdmin<\/title>)/i },
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@ -248,7 +252,7 @@
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