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This guideline is very much a work-in-progress.

Contriubtions to timm for code, documentation, tests are more than welcome!

There haven't been any formal guidelines to date so please bear with me, and feel free to add to this guide.


Code linting and auto-format (black) are not currently in place but open to consideration. In the meantime, the style to follow is (mostly) aligned with Google's guide:

A few specific differences from Google style (or black)

  1. Line length is 120 char. Going over is okay in some cases (e.g. I prefer not to break URL across lines).
  2. Hanging indents are always prefered, please avoid aligning arguments with closing brackets or braces.

Example, from Google guide, but this is a NO here:

   # Aligned with opening delimiter.
   foo = long_function_name(var_one, var_two,
                            var_three, var_four)
   meal = (spam,

   # Aligned with opening delimiter in a dictionary.
   foo = {
       'long_dictionary_key': value1 +

This is YES:

   # 4-space hanging indent; nothing on first line,
   # closing parenthesis on a new line.
   foo = long_function_name(
       var_one, var_two, var_three,
   meal = (

   # 4-space hanging indent in a dictionary.
   foo = {

When there is descrepancy in a given source file (there are many origins for various bits of code and not all have been updated to what I consider current goal), please follow the style in a given file.

PR with pure formatting / style fixes will be accepted but only in isolation from functional changes, best to ask before starting such a change.


As with code style, docstrings style based on the Google guide: guide:

The goal for the code is to eventually move to have all major functions and __init__ methods use PEP484 type annotations.

When type annotations are used for a function, as per the Google pyguide, they should NOT be duplicated in the docstrings, please leave annotations as the one source of truth re typing.

There are a LOT of gaps in current documentation relative to the functionality in timm, please, document away!


If you have any questions about contribution, where / how to contribute, please ask in the Discussions (there is a Contributing topic).