Add FX based FeatureGraphNet capability

Alexander Soare 3 years ago
parent 65419f60cc
commit ab3ac3f25b

@ -0,0 +1,291 @@
""" PyTorch FX Based Feature Extraction Helpers
An extension/alternative to timm.models.features making use of PyTorch FX. Here, the idea is to:
1. Symbolically trace a model producing a graph based intermediate representation (PyTorch FX functionality with
some custom tweaks)
2. Identify desired feature extraction nodes and reconfigure them as output nodes while deleting all unecessary
nodes. (custom - inspired by
3. Write the resulting graph into a GraphModule (PyTorch FX functionality)
Copyright 2021 Alexander Soare
from typing import Callable, Dict
import math
from collections import OrderedDict
from pprint import pprint
from inspect import ismethod
import re
import warnings
import torch
from torch import nn
from torch import fx
import torch.nn.functional as F
from .features import _get_feature_info
from .fx_helpers import fx_and, fx_float_to_int
# Layers we went to treat as leaf modules for FeatureGraphNet
from .layers import Conv2dSame, ScaledStdConv2dSame, BatchNormAct2d, BlurPool2d, CondConv2d, StdConv2dSame
from .layers import GatherExcite, DropPath
from .layers.non_local_attn import BilinearAttnTransform
from .layers.pool2d_same import MaxPool2dSame, AvgPool2dSame
# These modules will not be traced through.
_leaf_modules = {
Conv2dSame, ScaledStdConv2dSame, BatchNormAct2d, BlurPool2d, CondConv2d, StdConv2dSame, GatherExcite, DropPath,
BilinearAttnTransform, MaxPool2dSame, AvgPool2dSame
from .layers import InplaceAbn
except ImportError:
def register_leaf_module(module: nn.Module):
Any module not under timm.models.layers should get this decorator if we don't want to trace through it.
return module
# These functions will not be traced through
_autowrap_functions=(fx_float_to_int, fx_and)
class TimmTracer(fx.Tracer):
Temporary bridge from torch.fx.Tracer to include any general workarounds required to make FX work for us
def __init__(self, autowrap_modules=(math, ), autowrap_functions=(), enable_cpatching=False):
super().__init__(autowrap_modules=autowrap_modules, enable_cpatching=enable_cpatching)
# FIXME: This is a workaround pending on a PyTorch PR
self._autowrap_function_ids.update(set([id(f) for f in autowrap_functions]))
def create_node(self, kind, target, args, kwargs, name=None, type_expr=None):
# FIXME: This is a workaround pending on a PyTorch PR
if target == F.pad:
kwargs['value'] = float(kwargs['value'])
return super().create_node(kind, target, args, kwargs, name=name, type_expr=type_expr)
class LeafNodeTracer(TimmTracer):
Account for desired leaf nodes according to _leaf_modules and _autowrap functions
def __init__(self):
def is_leaf_module(self, m: nn.Module, module_qualname: str) -> bool:
if isinstance(m, tuple(_leaf_modules)):
return True
return super().is_leaf_module(m, module_qualname)
# Taken from with modifications for storing
# qualified names for all Nodes, not just top-level Modules
class NodePathTracer(LeafNodeTracer):
NodePathTracer is an FX tracer that, for each operation, also records the qualified name of the Node from which the
operation originated. A qualified name here is a `.` seperated path walking the hierarchy from top level module
down to leaf operation or leaf module. The name of the top level module is not included as part of the qualified
name. For example, if we trace a module who's forward method applies a ReLU module, the qualified name for that
node will simply be 'relu'.
def __init__(self):
# Track the qualified name of the Node being traced
self.current_module_qualname : str = ''
# A map from FX Node to the qualified name
self.node_to_qualname = OrderedDict()
def call_module(self, m: torch.nn.Module, forward: Callable, args, kwargs):
Override of Tracer.call_module (see
This override:
1) Stores away the qualified name of the caller for restoration later
2) Installs the qualified name of the caller in `current_module_qualname` for retrieval by `create_proxy`
3) Once a leaf module is reached, calls `create_proxy`
4) Restores the caller's qualified name into current_module_qualname
old_qualname = self.current_module_qualname
module_qualname = self.path_of_module(m)
self.current_module_qualname = module_qualname
if not self.is_leaf_module(m, module_qualname):
out = forward(*args, **kwargs)
return out
return self.create_proxy('call_module', module_qualname, args, kwargs)
self.current_module_qualname = old_qualname
def create_proxy(self, kind: str, target: fx.node.Target, args, kwargs, name=None, type_expr=None):
Override of `Tracer.create_proxy`. This override intercepts the recording
of every operation and stores away the current traced module's qualified
name in `node_to_qualname`
proxy = super().create_proxy(kind, target, args, kwargs, name, type_expr)
self.node_to_qualname[proxy.node] = self._get_node_qualname(
self.current_module_qualname, proxy.node)
return proxy
def _get_node_qualname(self, module_qualname: str, node: fx.node.Node):
node_qualname = module_qualname
if node.op == 'call_module':
# Node terminates in a leaf module so the module_qualname is a complete description of the node
# Just need to check if this module has appeared before. If so add postfix counter starting from _1 for the
# first reappearance (this follows the way that repeated leaf ops are enumerated by PyTorch FX)
for existing_qualname in reversed(self.node_to_qualname.values()):
# Check to see if existing_qualname is of the form {node_qualname} or {node_qualname}_{int}
if re.match(rf'{node_qualname}(_[0-9]+)?$', existing_qualname) is not None:
postfix = existing_qualname.replace(node_qualname, '')
if len(postfix):
# existing_qualname is of the form {node_qualname}_{int}
next_index = int(postfix[1:]) + 1
# existing_qualname is of the form {node_qualname}
next_index = 1
node_qualname += f'_{next_index}'
# Node terminates in non- leaf module so the node name needs to be appended
if len(node_qualname) > 0: # only append '.' if we are deeper than the top level module
node_qualname += '.'
node_qualname += str(node)
return node_qualname
def print_graph_node_qualified_names(model: nn.Module):
Dev utility to prints nodes in order of execution. Useful for choosing `nodes` for a FeatureGraphNet design.
This is useful for two reasons:
1. Not all submodules are traced through. Some are treated as leaf modules. See `LeafNodeTracer`
2. Leaf ops that occur more than once in the graph get a `_{counter}` postfix.
WARNING: Changes to the operations in the original module might not change the module's overall behaviour, but they
may result in changes to the postfixes for the names of repeated ops, thereby breaking feature extraction.
tracer = NodePathTracer()
def get_intermediate_nodes(model: nn.Module, return_nodes: Dict[str, str]) -> nn.Module:
Creates a new FX-based module that returns intermediate nodes from a given model. This is achieved by re-writing
the computation graph of the model via FX to return the desired nodes as outputs. All unused nodes are removed,
together with their corresponding parameters.
model (nn.Module): model on which we will extract the features
return_nodes (Dict[name, new_name]): a dict containing the names (or partial names - see note below) of the
nodes for which the activations will be returned as the keys. The values of the dict are the names
of the returned activations (which the user can specify).
A note on node specification: A node is specified as a `.` seperated path walking the hierarchy from top
level module down to leaf operation or leaf module. For instance `blocks.5.3.bn1`. Nevertheless, the keys
in this dict need not be fully specified. One could provide `blocks.5` as a key, and the last node with
that prefix will be selected.
While designing a feature extractor one can use the `print_graph_node_qualified_names` utility as a guide
to which nodes are available.
Acknowledgement: Starter code from
return_nodes = {str(k): str(v) for k, v in return_nodes.items()}
# Instantiate our NodePathTracer and use that to trace the model
tracer = NodePathTracer()
graph = tracer.trace(model)
name = model.__class__.__name__ if isinstance(model, nn.Module) else model.__name__
graph_module = fx.GraphModule(tracer.root, graph, name)
available_nodes = [f'{v}.{k}' for k, v in tracer.node_to_qualname.items()]
# FIXME We don't know if we should expect this to happen
assert len(set(available_nodes)) == len(available_nodes), \
"There are duplicate nodes! Please raise an issue"
# Check that all outputs in return_nodes are present in the model
for query in return_nodes.keys():
if not any([m.startswith(query) for m in available_nodes]):
raise ValueError(f"return_node: {query} is not present in model")
# Remove existing output nodes
orig_output_node = None
for n in reversed(graph_module.graph.nodes):
if n.op == "output":
orig_output_node = n
assert orig_output_node
# And remove it
# Find nodes corresponding to return_nodes and make them into output_nodes
nodes = [n for n in graph_module.graph.nodes]
output_nodes = OrderedDict()
for n in reversed(nodes):
if 'tensor_constant' in str(n):
# NOTE Without this control flow we would get a None value for
# `module_qualname = tracer.node_to_qualname.get(n)`. On the other hand, we can safely assume that we'll
# never need to get this as an interesting intermediate node.
module_qualname = tracer.node_to_qualname.get(n)
for query in return_nodes:
depth = query.count('.')
if '.'.join(module_qualname.split('.')[:depth+1]) == query:
output_nodes[return_nodes[query]] = n
output_nodes = OrderedDict(reversed(list(output_nodes.items())))
# And add them in the end of the graph
with graph_module.graph.inserting_after(nodes[-1]):
# Remove unused modules / parameters
graph_module = fx.GraphModule(graph_module, graph_module.graph, name)
return graph_module
class FeatureGraphNet(nn.Module):
Take the provided model and transform it into a graph module. This class wraps the resulting graph module while
also keeping the original model's non-parameter properties for reference. The original model is discarded.
WARNING: Changes to the operations in the original module might not change the module's overall behaviour, but they
may result in changes to the postfixes for the names of repeated ops, thereby breaking feature extraction.
WARNING: This puts the input model into eval mode prior to tracing. This means that any control flow dependent on
the model being in train mode will be lost.
def __init__(self, model, out_indices, out_map=None):
self.feature_info = _get_feature_info(model, out_indices)
if out_map is not None:
assert len(out_map) == len(out_indices)
# NOTE the feature_info key is innapropriately named 'module' because prior to FX only modules could be
# provided. Recall that here, we may also provide nodes referring to individual ops
return_nodes = {info['module']: out_map[i] if out_map is not None else info['module']
for i, info in enumerate(self.feature_info) if i in out_indices}
self.graph_module = get_intermediate_nodes(model, return_nodes)
# Keep non-parameter model properties for reference
for attr_str in model.__dir__():
attr = getattr(model, attr_str)
if (not attr_str.startswith('_') and attr_str not in self.__dir__() and not ismethod(attr)
and not isinstance(attr, (nn.Module, nn.Parameter))):
setattr(self, attr_str, attr)
def forward(self, x):
return list(self.graph_module(x).values())
def train(self, mode=True):
NOTE: This also covers `self.eval()` as that just does self.train(False)
if mode:
"Setting a FeatureGraphNet to training mode won't necessarily have the desired effect. Control "
"flow depending on `` will follow the `False` path. See FeatureGraphNet doc-string "
"for more details.")

@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
def fx_and(a: bool, b: bool) -> bool:
Symbolic tracing helper to substitute for normal usage of `* and *` within `torch._assert`.
Hint: Symbolic tracing does not support control flow but since an `assert` is either a dead-end or not, this hack
is okay.
return (a and b)
def fx_float_to_int(x: float) -> int:
Symbolic tracing helper to substitute for inbuilt `int`.
Hint: Inbuilt `int` can't accept an argument of type `Proxy`
return int(x)

@ -14,6 +14,7 @@ import torch.nn as nn
from .features import FeatureListNet, FeatureDictNet, FeatureHookNet from .features import FeatureListNet, FeatureDictNet, FeatureHookNet
from .fx_features import FeatureGraphNet
from .hub import has_hf_hub, download_cached_file, load_state_dict_from_hf, load_state_dict_from_url from .hub import has_hf_hub, download_cached_file, load_state_dict_from_hf, load_state_dict_from_url
from .layers import Conv2dSame, Linear from .layers import Conv2dSame, Linear
@ -477,6 +478,8 @@ def build_model_with_cfg(
feature_cls = feature_cls.lower() feature_cls = feature_cls.lower()
if 'hook' in feature_cls: if 'hook' in feature_cls:
feature_cls = FeatureHookNet feature_cls = FeatureHookNet
elif feature_cls == 'fx':
feature_cls = FeatureGraphNet
else: else:
assert False, f'Unknown feature class {feature_cls}' assert False, f'Unknown feature class {feature_cls}'
model = feature_cls(model, **feature_cfg) model = feature_cls(model, **feature_cfg)
