* Instagram trained / ImageNet tuned ResNeXt101-32x8d to 32x48d from from [facebookresearch](https://pytorch.org/hub/facebookresearch_WSL-Images_resnext/)
* Squeeze-and-Excitation ResNet/ResNeXt (from [Cadene](https://github.com/Cadene/pretrained-models.pytorch) with some pretrained weight additions by myself)
@ -141,16 +142,13 @@ I've leveraged the training scripts in this repository to train a few of the mod
NOTE: For some reason I can't hit the stated accuracy with my impl of MNASNet and Google's tflite weights. Using a TF equivalent to 'SAME' padding was important to get > 70%, but something small is still missing. Trying to train my own weights from scratch with these models has so far to leveled off in the same 72-73% range.
Models with `*tfp` next to them were scored with `--tf-preprocessing` flag.
The `tf_efficientnet` and `tflite_(se)mnasnet` models require an equivalent for 'SAME' padding as their arch results in asymmetric padding. I've added this in the model creation wrapper, but it does come with a performance penalty.
## Script Usage
## Usage
## Environment
### Environment
All development and testing has been done in Conda Python 3 environments on Linux x86-64 systems, specifically Python 3.6.x and 3.7.x. Little to no care has been taken to be Python 2.x friendly and I don't plan to support it. If you run into any challenges running on Windows, or other OS, I'm definitely open to looking into those issues so long as it's in a reproducible (read Conda) environment.
This package can be installed via pip. Currently, the model factory (`timm.create_model`) is the most useful component to use via a pip install.
Install (after conda env/install):
pip install timm
>>> import timm
>>> m = timm.create_model('mobilenetv3_100', pretrained=True)
>>> m.eval()
### Scripts
A train, validation, inference, and checkpoint cleaning script included in the github root folder. Scripts are not currently packaged in the pip release.
#### Training
The variety of training args is large and not all combinations of options (or even options) have been fully tested. For the training dataset folder, specify the folder to the base that contains a `train` and `validation` folder.
@ -173,7 +189,7 @@ To train an SE-ResNet34 on ImageNet, locally distributed, 4 GPUs, one process pe
NOTE: NVIDIA APEX should be installed to run in per-process distributed via DDP or to enable AMP mixed precision with the --amp flag
### Validation / Inference
#### Validation / Inference
Validation and inference scripts are similar in usage. One outputs metrics on a validation set and the other outputs topk class ids in a csv. Specify the folder containing validation images, not the base as in training script.