""" PyTorch implementation of DualPathNetworks
Based on original MXNet implementation https://github.com/cypw/DPNs with
many ideas from another PyTorch implementation https://github.com/oyam/pytorch-DPNs.
This implementation is compatible with the pretrained weights from cypw's MXNet implementation.
Hacked together by / Copyright 2020 Ross Wightman
from __future__ import absolute_import
from __future__ import division
from __future__ import print_function
from collections import OrderedDict
from typing import Tuple
import torch
import torch.nn as nn
import torch.nn.functional as F
from .helpers import build_model_with_cfg
from .layers import SelectAdaptivePool2d, BatchNormAct2d, create_conv2d, ConvBnAct
from .registry import register_model
__all__ = ['DPN']
def _cfg(url='', **kwargs):
return {
'url': url, 'num_classes': 1000, 'input_size': (3, 224, 224), 'pool_size': (7, 7),
'crop_pct': 0.875, 'interpolation': 'bicubic',
'first_conv': 'features.conv1_1.conv', 'classifier': 'classifier',
default_cfgs = {
'dpn68': _cfg(
'dpn68b': _cfg(
'dpn92': _cfg(
'dpn98': _cfg(
'dpn131': _cfg(
'dpn107': _cfg(
class CatBnAct(nn.Module):
def __init__(self, in_chs, norm_layer=BatchNormAct2d):
super(CatBnAct, self).__init__()
self.bn = norm_layer(in_chs, eps=0.001)
Monster commit, activation refactor, VoVNet, norm_act improvements, more
* refactor activations into basic PyTorch, jit scripted, and memory efficient custom auto
* implement hard-mish, better grad for hard-swish
* add initial VovNet V1/V2 impl, fix #151
* VovNet and DenseNet first models to use NormAct layers (support BatchNormAct2d, EvoNorm, InplaceIABN)
* Wrap IABN for any models that use it
* make more models torchscript compatible (DPN, PNasNet, Res2Net, SelecSLS) and add tests
5 years ago
@torch.jit._overload_method # noqa: F811
def forward(self, x):
Monster commit, activation refactor, VoVNet, norm_act improvements, more
* refactor activations into basic PyTorch, jit scripted, and memory efficient custom auto
* implement hard-mish, better grad for hard-swish
* add initial VovNet V1/V2 impl, fix #151
* VovNet and DenseNet first models to use NormAct layers (support BatchNormAct2d, EvoNorm, InplaceIABN)
* Wrap IABN for any models that use it
* make more models torchscript compatible (DPN, PNasNet, Res2Net, SelecSLS) and add tests
5 years ago
# type: (Tuple[torch.Tensor, torch.Tensor]) -> (torch.Tensor)
@torch.jit._overload_method # noqa: F811
def forward(self, x):
# type: (torch.Tensor) -> (torch.Tensor)
def forward(self, x):
if isinstance(x, tuple):
x = torch.cat(x, dim=1)
return self.bn(x)
class BnActConv2d(nn.Module):
def __init__(self, in_chs, out_chs, kernel_size, stride, groups=1, norm_layer=BatchNormAct2d):
super(BnActConv2d, self).__init__()
self.bn = norm_layer(in_chs, eps=0.001)
self.conv = create_conv2d(in_chs, out_chs, kernel_size, stride=stride, groups=groups)
def forward(self, x):
return self.conv(self.bn(x))
class DualPathBlock(nn.Module):
def __init__(
self, in_chs, num_1x1_a, num_3x3_b, num_1x1_c, inc, groups, block_type='normal', b=False):
super(DualPathBlock, self).__init__()
self.num_1x1_c = num_1x1_c
self.inc = inc
self.b = b
Identity is not the same thing as equality in Python
Identity is not the same thing as equality in Python. In these instances, we want the latter.
Use ==/!= to compare str, bytes, and int literals.
$ __python__
>>> proj = "pro"
>>> proj += 'j'
>>> proj
>>> proj == 'proj'
>>> proj is 'proj'
>>> 0 == 0.0
>>> 0 is 0.0
[flake8](http://flake8.pycqa.org) testing of https://github.com/rwightman/pytorch-image-models on Python 3.7.1
$ __flake8 . --count --select=E9,F63,F72,F82 --show-source --statistics__
./data/loader.py:48:23: F823 local variable 'input' defined as a builtin referenced before assignment
yield input, target
./models/dpn.py:170:12: F632 use ==/!= to compare str, bytes, and int literals
if block_type is 'proj':
./models/dpn.py:173:14: F632 use ==/!= to compare str, bytes, and int literals
elif block_type is 'down':
./models/dpn.py:177:20: F632 use ==/!= to compare str, bytes, and int literals
assert block_type is 'normal'
3 F632 use ==/!= to compare str, bytes, and int literals
1 F823 local variable 'input' defined as a builtin referenced before assignment
__E901,E999,F821,F822,F823__ are the "_showstopper_" [flake8](http://flake8.pycqa.org) issues that can halt the runtime with a SyntaxError, NameError, etc. These 5 are different from most other flake8 issues which are merely "style violations" -- useful for readability but they do not effect runtime safety.
* F821: undefined name `name`
* F822: undefined name `name` in `__all__`
* F823: local variable name referenced before assignment
* E901: SyntaxError or IndentationError
* E999: SyntaxError -- failed to compile a file into an Abstract Syntax Tree
6 years ago
if block_type == 'proj':
self.key_stride = 1
self.has_proj = True
Identity is not the same thing as equality in Python
Identity is not the same thing as equality in Python. In these instances, we want the latter.
Use ==/!= to compare str, bytes, and int literals.
$ __python__
>>> proj = "pro"
>>> proj += 'j'
>>> proj
>>> proj == 'proj'
>>> proj is 'proj'
>>> 0 == 0.0
>>> 0 is 0.0
[flake8](http://flake8.pycqa.org) testing of https://github.com/rwightman/pytorch-image-models on Python 3.7.1
$ __flake8 . --count --select=E9,F63,F72,F82 --show-source --statistics__
./data/loader.py:48:23: F823 local variable 'input' defined as a builtin referenced before assignment
yield input, target
./models/dpn.py:170:12: F632 use ==/!= to compare str, bytes, and int literals
if block_type is 'proj':
./models/dpn.py:173:14: F632 use ==/!= to compare str, bytes, and int literals
elif block_type is 'down':
./models/dpn.py:177:20: F632 use ==/!= to compare str, bytes, and int literals
assert block_type is 'normal'
3 F632 use ==/!= to compare str, bytes, and int literals
1 F823 local variable 'input' defined as a builtin referenced before assignment
__E901,E999,F821,F822,F823__ are the "_showstopper_" [flake8](http://flake8.pycqa.org) issues that can halt the runtime with a SyntaxError, NameError, etc. These 5 are different from most other flake8 issues which are merely "style violations" -- useful for readability but they do not effect runtime safety.
* F821: undefined name `name`
* F822: undefined name `name` in `__all__`
* F823: local variable name referenced before assignment
* E901: SyntaxError or IndentationError
* E999: SyntaxError -- failed to compile a file into an Abstract Syntax Tree
6 years ago
elif block_type == 'down':
self.key_stride = 2
self.has_proj = True
Identity is not the same thing as equality in Python
Identity is not the same thing as equality in Python. In these instances, we want the latter.
Use ==/!= to compare str, bytes, and int literals.
$ __python__
>>> proj = "pro"
>>> proj += 'j'
>>> proj
>>> proj == 'proj'
>>> proj is 'proj'
>>> 0 == 0.0
>>> 0 is 0.0
[flake8](http://flake8.pycqa.org) testing of https://github.com/rwightman/pytorch-image-models on Python 3.7.1
$ __flake8 . --count --select=E9,F63,F72,F82 --show-source --statistics__
./data/loader.py:48:23: F823 local variable 'input' defined as a builtin referenced before assignment
yield input, target
./models/dpn.py:170:12: F632 use ==/!= to compare str, bytes, and int literals
if block_type is 'proj':
./models/dpn.py:173:14: F632 use ==/!= to compare str, bytes, and int literals
elif block_type is 'down':
./models/dpn.py:177:20: F632 use ==/!= to compare str, bytes, and int literals
assert block_type is 'normal'
3 F632 use ==/!= to compare str, bytes, and int literals
1 F823 local variable 'input' defined as a builtin referenced before assignment
__E901,E999,F821,F822,F823__ are the "_showstopper_" [flake8](http://flake8.pycqa.org) issues that can halt the runtime with a SyntaxError, NameError, etc. These 5 are different from most other flake8 issues which are merely "style violations" -- useful for readability but they do not effect runtime safety.
* F821: undefined name `name`
* F822: undefined name `name` in `__all__`
* F823: local variable name referenced before assignment
* E901: SyntaxError or IndentationError
* E999: SyntaxError -- failed to compile a file into an Abstract Syntax Tree
6 years ago
assert block_type == 'normal'
self.key_stride = 1
self.has_proj = False
Monster commit, activation refactor, VoVNet, norm_act improvements, more
* refactor activations into basic PyTorch, jit scripted, and memory efficient custom auto
* implement hard-mish, better grad for hard-swish
* add initial VovNet V1/V2 impl, fix #151
* VovNet and DenseNet first models to use NormAct layers (support BatchNormAct2d, EvoNorm, InplaceIABN)
* Wrap IABN for any models that use it
* make more models torchscript compatible (DPN, PNasNet, Res2Net, SelecSLS) and add tests
5 years ago
self.c1x1_w_s1 = None
self.c1x1_w_s2 = None
if self.has_proj:
# Using different member names here to allow easier parameter key matching for conversion
if self.key_stride == 2:
self.c1x1_w_s2 = BnActConv2d(
in_chs=in_chs, out_chs=num_1x1_c + 2 * inc, kernel_size=1, stride=2)
self.c1x1_w_s1 = BnActConv2d(
in_chs=in_chs, out_chs=num_1x1_c + 2 * inc, kernel_size=1, stride=1)
Monster commit, activation refactor, VoVNet, norm_act improvements, more
* refactor activations into basic PyTorch, jit scripted, and memory efficient custom auto
* implement hard-mish, better grad for hard-swish
* add initial VovNet V1/V2 impl, fix #151
* VovNet and DenseNet first models to use NormAct layers (support BatchNormAct2d, EvoNorm, InplaceIABN)
* Wrap IABN for any models that use it
* make more models torchscript compatible (DPN, PNasNet, Res2Net, SelecSLS) and add tests
5 years ago
self.c1x1_a = BnActConv2d(in_chs=in_chs, out_chs=num_1x1_a, kernel_size=1, stride=1)
self.c3x3_b = BnActConv2d(
in_chs=num_1x1_a, out_chs=num_3x3_b, kernel_size=3, stride=self.key_stride, groups=groups)
if b:
self.c1x1_c = CatBnAct(in_chs=num_3x3_b)
self.c1x1_c1 = create_conv2d(num_3x3_b, num_1x1_c, kernel_size=1)
self.c1x1_c2 = create_conv2d(num_3x3_b, inc, kernel_size=1)
self.c1x1_c = BnActConv2d(in_chs=num_3x3_b, out_chs=num_1x1_c + inc, kernel_size=1, stride=1)
Monster commit, activation refactor, VoVNet, norm_act improvements, more
* refactor activations into basic PyTorch, jit scripted, and memory efficient custom auto
* implement hard-mish, better grad for hard-swish
* add initial VovNet V1/V2 impl, fix #151
* VovNet and DenseNet first models to use NormAct layers (support BatchNormAct2d, EvoNorm, InplaceIABN)
* Wrap IABN for any models that use it
* make more models torchscript compatible (DPN, PNasNet, Res2Net, SelecSLS) and add tests
5 years ago
self.c1x1_c1 = None
self.c1x1_c2 = None
Monster commit, activation refactor, VoVNet, norm_act improvements, more
* refactor activations into basic PyTorch, jit scripted, and memory efficient custom auto
* implement hard-mish, better grad for hard-swish
* add initial VovNet V1/V2 impl, fix #151
* VovNet and DenseNet first models to use NormAct layers (support BatchNormAct2d, EvoNorm, InplaceIABN)
* Wrap IABN for any models that use it
* make more models torchscript compatible (DPN, PNasNet, Res2Net, SelecSLS) and add tests
5 years ago
@torch.jit._overload_method # noqa: F811
def forward(self, x):
Monster commit, activation refactor, VoVNet, norm_act improvements, more
* refactor activations into basic PyTorch, jit scripted, and memory efficient custom auto
* implement hard-mish, better grad for hard-swish
* add initial VovNet V1/V2 impl, fix #151
* VovNet and DenseNet first models to use NormAct layers (support BatchNormAct2d, EvoNorm, InplaceIABN)
* Wrap IABN for any models that use it
* make more models torchscript compatible (DPN, PNasNet, Res2Net, SelecSLS) and add tests
5 years ago
# type: (Tuple[torch.Tensor, torch.Tensor]) -> Tuple[torch.Tensor, torch.Tensor]
@torch.jit._overload_method # noqa: F811
def forward(self, x):
# type: (torch.Tensor) -> Tuple[torch.Tensor, torch.Tensor]
def forward(self, x) -> Tuple[torch.Tensor, torch.Tensor]:
if isinstance(x, tuple):
x_in = torch.cat(x, dim=1)
Monster commit, activation refactor, VoVNet, norm_act improvements, more
* refactor activations into basic PyTorch, jit scripted, and memory efficient custom auto
* implement hard-mish, better grad for hard-swish
* add initial VovNet V1/V2 impl, fix #151
* VovNet and DenseNet first models to use NormAct layers (support BatchNormAct2d, EvoNorm, InplaceIABN)
* Wrap IABN for any models that use it
* make more models torchscript compatible (DPN, PNasNet, Res2Net, SelecSLS) and add tests
5 years ago
x_in = x
if self.c1x1_w_s1 is None and self.c1x1_w_s2 is None:
# self.has_proj == False, torchscript requires condition on module == None
x_s1 = x[0]
x_s2 = x[1]
Monster commit, activation refactor, VoVNet, norm_act improvements, more
* refactor activations into basic PyTorch, jit scripted, and memory efficient custom auto
* implement hard-mish, better grad for hard-swish
* add initial VovNet V1/V2 impl, fix #151
* VovNet and DenseNet first models to use NormAct layers (support BatchNormAct2d, EvoNorm, InplaceIABN)
* Wrap IABN for any models that use it
* make more models torchscript compatible (DPN, PNasNet, Res2Net, SelecSLS) and add tests
5 years ago
# self.has_proj == True
if self.c1x1_w_s1 is not None:
# self.key_stride = 1
x_s = self.c1x1_w_s1(x_in)
# self.key_stride = 2
x_s = self.c1x1_w_s2(x_in)
x_s1 = x_s[:, :self.num_1x1_c, :, :]
x_s2 = x_s[:, self.num_1x1_c:, :, :]
x_in = self.c1x1_a(x_in)
x_in = self.c3x3_b(x_in)
Monster commit, activation refactor, VoVNet, norm_act improvements, more
* refactor activations into basic PyTorch, jit scripted, and memory efficient custom auto
* implement hard-mish, better grad for hard-swish
* add initial VovNet V1/V2 impl, fix #151
* VovNet and DenseNet first models to use NormAct layers (support BatchNormAct2d, EvoNorm, InplaceIABN)
* Wrap IABN for any models that use it
* make more models torchscript compatible (DPN, PNasNet, Res2Net, SelecSLS) and add tests
5 years ago
x_in = self.c1x1_c(x_in)
if self.c1x1_c1 is not None:
# self.b == True, using None check for torchscript compat
out1 = self.c1x1_c1(x_in)
out2 = self.c1x1_c2(x_in)
out1 = x_in[:, :self.num_1x1_c, :, :]
out2 = x_in[:, self.num_1x1_c:, :, :]
resid = x_s1 + out1
dense = torch.cat([x_s2, out2], dim=1)
return resid, dense
class DPN(nn.Module):
def __init__(self, small=False, num_init_features=64, k_r=96, groups=32,
b=False, k_sec=(3, 4, 20, 3), inc_sec=(16, 32, 24, 128), output_stride=32,
num_classes=1000, in_chans=3, drop_rate=0., global_pool='avg', fc_act=nn.ELU):
super(DPN, self).__init__()
self.num_classes = num_classes
self.drop_rate = drop_rate
self.b = b
assert output_stride == 32 # FIXME look into dilation support
bw_factor = 1 if small else 4
blocks = OrderedDict()
# conv1
blocks['conv1_1'] = ConvBnAct(
in_chans, num_init_features, kernel_size=3 if small else 7, stride=2, norm_kwargs=dict(eps=.001))
blocks['conv1_pool'] = nn.MaxPool2d(kernel_size=3, stride=2, padding=1)
self.feature_info = [dict(num_chs=num_init_features, reduction=2, module='features.conv1_1')]
# conv2
bw = 64 * bw_factor
inc = inc_sec[0]
r = (k_r * bw) // (64 * bw_factor)
blocks['conv2_1'] = DualPathBlock(num_init_features, r, r, bw, inc, groups, 'proj', b)
in_chs = bw + 3 * inc
for i in range(2, k_sec[0] + 1):
blocks['conv2_' + str(i)] = DualPathBlock(in_chs, r, r, bw, inc, groups, 'normal', b)
in_chs += inc
self.feature_info += [dict(num_chs=in_chs, reduction=4, module=f'features.conv2_{k_sec[0]}')]
# conv3
bw = 128 * bw_factor
inc = inc_sec[1]
r = (k_r * bw) // (64 * bw_factor)
blocks['conv3_1'] = DualPathBlock(in_chs, r, r, bw, inc, groups, 'down', b)
in_chs = bw + 3 * inc
for i in range(2, k_sec[1] + 1):
blocks['conv3_' + str(i)] = DualPathBlock(in_chs, r, r, bw, inc, groups, 'normal', b)
in_chs += inc
self.feature_info += [dict(num_chs=in_chs, reduction=8, module=f'features.conv3_{k_sec[1]}')]
# conv4
bw = 256 * bw_factor
inc = inc_sec[2]
r = (k_r * bw) // (64 * bw_factor)
blocks['conv4_1'] = DualPathBlock(in_chs, r, r, bw, inc, groups, 'down', b)
in_chs = bw + 3 * inc
for i in range(2, k_sec[2] + 1):
blocks['conv4_' + str(i)] = DualPathBlock(in_chs, r, r, bw, inc, groups, 'normal', b)
in_chs += inc
self.feature_info += [dict(num_chs=in_chs, reduction=16, module=f'features.conv4_{k_sec[2]}')]
# conv5
bw = 512 * bw_factor
inc = inc_sec[3]
r = (k_r * bw) // (64 * bw_factor)
blocks['conv5_1'] = DualPathBlock(in_chs, r, r, bw, inc, groups, 'down', b)
in_chs = bw + 3 * inc
for i in range(2, k_sec[3] + 1):
blocks['conv5_' + str(i)] = DualPathBlock(in_chs, r, r, bw, inc, groups, 'normal', b)
in_chs += inc
self.feature_info += [dict(num_chs=in_chs, reduction=32, module=f'features.conv5_{k_sec[3]}')]
def _fc_norm(f, eps): return BatchNormAct2d(f, eps=eps, act_layer=fc_act, inplace=False)
blocks['conv5_bn_ac'] = CatBnAct(in_chs, norm_layer=_fc_norm)
self.num_features = in_chs
self.features = nn.Sequential(blocks)
# Using 1x1 conv for the FC layer to allow the extra pooling scheme
self.global_pool = SelectAdaptivePool2d(pool_type=global_pool)
num_features = self.num_features * self.global_pool.feat_mult()
self.classifier = nn.Conv2d(num_features, num_classes, kernel_size=1, bias=True)
def get_classifier(self):
return self.classifier
def reset_classifier(self, num_classes, global_pool='avg'):
self.num_classes = num_classes
self.global_pool = SelectAdaptivePool2d(pool_type=global_pool)
if num_classes:
num_features = self.num_features * self.global_pool.feat_mult()
self.classifier = nn.Conv2d(num_features, num_classes, kernel_size=1, bias=True)
self.classifier = nn.Identity()
def forward_features(self, x):
return self.features(x)
def forward(self, x):
x = self.forward_features(x)
x = self.global_pool(x)
if self.drop_rate > 0.:
x = F.dropout(x, p=self.drop_rate, training=self.training)
out = self.classifier(x)
return out.flatten(1)
def _create_dpn(variant, pretrained=False, **kwargs):
return build_model_with_cfg(
DPN, variant, pretrained, default_cfg=default_cfgs[variant],
feature_cfg=dict(feature_concat=True, flatten_sequential=True), **kwargs)
def dpn68(pretrained=False, **kwargs):
model_kwargs = dict(
small=True, num_init_features=10, k_r=128, groups=32,
k_sec=(3, 4, 12, 3), inc_sec=(16, 32, 32, 64), **kwargs)
return _create_dpn('dpn68', pretrained=pretrained, **model_kwargs)
def dpn68b(pretrained=False, **kwargs):
model_kwargs = dict(
small=True, num_init_features=10, k_r=128, groups=32,
b=True, k_sec=(3, 4, 12, 3), inc_sec=(16, 32, 32, 64), **kwargs)
return _create_dpn('dpn68b', pretrained=pretrained, **model_kwargs)
def dpn92(pretrained=False, **kwargs):
model_kwargs = dict(
num_init_features=64, k_r=96, groups=32,
k_sec=(3, 4, 20, 3), inc_sec=(16, 32, 24, 128), **kwargs)
return _create_dpn('dpn92', pretrained=pretrained, **model_kwargs)
def dpn98(pretrained=False, **kwargs):
model_kwargs = dict(
num_init_features=96, k_r=160, groups=40,
k_sec=(3, 6, 20, 3), inc_sec=(16, 32, 32, 128), **kwargs)
return _create_dpn('dpn98', pretrained=pretrained, **model_kwargs)
def dpn131(pretrained=False, **kwargs):
model_kwargs = dict(
num_init_features=128, k_r=160, groups=40,
k_sec=(4, 8, 28, 3), inc_sec=(16, 32, 32, 128), **kwargs)
return _create_dpn('dpn131', pretrained=pretrained, **model_kwargs)
def dpn107(pretrained=False, **kwargs):
model_kwargs = dict(
num_init_features=128, k_r=200, groups=50,
k_sec=(4, 8, 20, 3), inc_sec=(20, 64, 64, 128), **kwargs)
return _create_dpn('dpn107', pretrained=pretrained, **model_kwargs)