from .activations import *
from .adaptive_avgmax_pool import \
adaptive_avgmax_pool2d, select_adaptive_pool2d, AdaptiveAvgMaxPool2d, SelectAdaptivePool2d
from .anti_aliasing import AntiAliasDownsampleLayer
from .blur_pool import BlurPool2d
from .classifier import ClassifierHead
Monster commit, activation refactor, VoVNet, norm_act improvements, more
* refactor activations into basic PyTorch, jit scripted, and memory efficient custom auto
* implement hard-mish, better grad for hard-swish
* add initial VovNet V1/V2 impl, fix #151
* VovNet and DenseNet first models to use NormAct layers (support BatchNormAct2d, EvoNorm, InplaceIABN)
* Wrap IABN for any models that use it
* make more models torchscript compatible (DPN, PNasNet, Res2Net, SelecSLS) and add tests
5 years ago
from .cond_conv2d import CondConv2d, get_condconv_initializer
from .config import is_exportable, is_scriptable, is_no_jit, set_exportable, set_scriptable, set_no_jit,\
Monster commit, activation refactor, VoVNet, norm_act improvements, more
* refactor activations into basic PyTorch, jit scripted, and memory efficient custom auto
* implement hard-mish, better grad for hard-swish
* add initial VovNet V1/V2 impl, fix #151
* VovNet and DenseNet first models to use NormAct layers (support BatchNormAct2d, EvoNorm, InplaceIABN)
* Wrap IABN for any models that use it
* make more models torchscript compatible (DPN, PNasNet, Res2Net, SelecSLS) and add tests
5 years ago
from .conv2d_same import Conv2dSame
from .conv_bn_act import ConvBnAct
from .create_act import create_act_layer, get_act_layer, get_act_fn
from .create_attn import create_attn
from .create_conv2d import create_conv2d
from .create_norm_act import create_norm_act, get_norm_act_layer
from .drop import DropBlock2d, DropPath, drop_block_2d, drop_path
from .eca import EcaModule, CecaModule
from .evo_norm import EvoNormBatch2d, EvoNormSample2d
Monster commit, activation refactor, VoVNet, norm_act improvements, more
* refactor activations into basic PyTorch, jit scripted, and memory efficient custom auto
* implement hard-mish, better grad for hard-swish
* add initial VovNet V1/V2 impl, fix #151
* VovNet and DenseNet first models to use NormAct layers (support BatchNormAct2d, EvoNorm, InplaceIABN)
* Wrap IABN for any models that use it
* make more models torchscript compatible (DPN, PNasNet, Res2Net, SelecSLS) and add tests
5 years ago
from .inplace_abn import InplaceAbn
from .mixed_conv2d import MixedConv2d
from .norm_act import BatchNormAct2d
from .padding import get_padding
from .pool2d_same import AvgPool2dSame, create_pool2d
from .se import SEModule
from .selective_kernel import SelectiveKernelConv
from .separable_conv import SeparableConv2d, SeparableConvBnAct
from .space_to_depth import SpaceToDepthModule
from .split_attn import SplitAttnConv2d
Monster commit, activation refactor, VoVNet, norm_act improvements, more
* refactor activations into basic PyTorch, jit scripted, and memory efficient custom auto
* implement hard-mish, better grad for hard-swish
* add initial VovNet V1/V2 impl, fix #151
* VovNet and DenseNet first models to use NormAct layers (support BatchNormAct2d, EvoNorm, InplaceIABN)
* Wrap IABN for any models that use it
* make more models torchscript compatible (DPN, PNasNet, Res2Net, SelecSLS) and add tests
5 years ago
from .split_batchnorm import SplitBatchNorm2d, convert_splitbn_model
from .test_time_pool import TestTimePoolHead, apply_test_time_pool
from .weight_init import trunc_normal_