# addon This is an addon demo that can **perform whisper model reasoning in `node` and `electron` environments**, based on [cmake-js](https://github.com/cmake-js/cmake-js). It can be used as a reference for using the whisper.cpp project in other node projects. ## Install ```shell npm install ``` ## Compile Make sure it is in the project root directory and compiled with make-js. ```shell npx cmake-js compile -T whisper-addon ``` For Electron addon and cmake-js options, you can see [cmake-js](https://github.com/cmake-js/cmake-js) and make very few configuration changes. > Such as appointing special cmake path: > ```shell > npx cmake-js compile -c 'xxx/cmake' -T whisper-addon > ``` ## Run ```shell cd examples/addon.node node index.js --language='language' --model='model-path' --fname_inp='file-path' ``` Because this is a simple Demo, only the above parameters are set in the node environment. Other parameters can also be specified in the node environment.