# Go bindings for Whisper This package provides Go bindings for whisper.cpp. They have been tested on: * Darwin (OS X) 12.6 on x64_64 * Debian Linux on arm64 * Fedora Linux on x86_64 The "low level" bindings are in the `bindings/go` directory and there is a more Go-style package in the `bindings/go/pkg/whisper` directory. The most simple usage is as follows: ```go import ( "github.com/ggerganov/whisper.cpp/bindings/go/pkg/whisper" ) func main() { var modelpath string // Path to the model var samples []float32 // Samples to process // Load the model model, err := whisper.New(modelpath) if err != nil { panic(err) } defer model.Close() // Process samples context, err := model.NewContext() if err != nil { panic(err) } if err := context.Process(samples, nil); err != nil { return err } // Print out the results for { segment, err := context.NextSegment() if err != nil { break } fmt.Printf("[%6s->%6s] %s\n", segment.Start, segment.End, segment.Text) } } ``` ## Building & Testing In order to build, you need to have the Go compiler installed. You can get it from [here](https://golang.org/dl/). Run the tests with: ```bash git clone https://github.com/ggerganov/whisper.cpp.git cd whisper.cpp/bindings/go make test ``` This will compile a static `libwhisper.a` in a `build` folder, download a model file, then run the tests. To build the examples: ```bash make examples ``` The examples are placed in the `build` directory. Once built, you can download all the models with the following command: ```bash ./build/go-model-download -out models ``` And you can then test a model against samples with the following command: ```bash ./build/go-whisper -model models/ggml-tiny.en.bin samples/jfk.wav ```