You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

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jsonToDOM.namespaces = {
html: '',
xul: '',
jsonToDOM.defaultNamespace = jsonToDOM.namespaces.html;
function jsonToDOM(jsonTemplate, doc, nodes) {
function namespace(name) {
const reElemNameParts = /^(?:(.*):)?(.*)$/.exec(name);
return { namespace: jsonToDOM.namespaces[reElemNameParts[1]], shortName: reElemNameParts[2] };
// Note that 'elemNameOrArray' is: either the full element name (eg. [html:]div) or an array of elements in JSON notation
function tag(elemNameOrArray, elemAttr) {
// Array of elements? Parse each one...
if (Array.isArray(elemNameOrArray)) {
const frag = doc.createDocumentFragment();, (thisElem) => {
return frag;
// Single element? Parse element namespace prefix (if none exists, default to defaultNamespace), and create element
const elemNs = namespace(elemNameOrArray);
const elem = doc.createElementNS(elemNs.namespace || jsonToDOM.defaultNamespace, elemNs.shortName);
// Set element's attributes and/or callback functions (eg. onclick)
for (const key in elemAttr) {
const val = elemAttr[key];
if (nodes && key == 'key') {
nodes[val] = elem;
const attrNs = namespace(key);
if (typeof val === 'function') {
// Special case for function attributes; don't just add them as 'on...' attributes, but as events, using addEventListener
elem.addEventListener(key.replace(/^on/, ''), val, false);
} else {
// Note that the default namespace for XML attributes is, and should be, blank (ie. they're not in any namespace)
elem.setAttributeNS(attrNs.namespace || '', attrNs.shortName, val);
// Create and append this element's children
const childElems =, 2);
childElems.forEach((childElem) => {
if (childElem != null) {
childElem instanceof doc.defaultView.Node ? childElem
: Array.isArray(childElem) ? tag(...childElem)
: doc.createTextNode(childElem),
return elem;
return tag(...jsonTemplate);