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"use strict";
(function() {
lastEnv = null,
prefs = {}
addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', function() {
removeEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', onLoad, false);
prefs = sendSyncMessage('wappalyzer', { action: 'get prefs' })[0];
}, false);
function onLoad() {
if ( content.document.contentType != 'text/html' ) { return; }
if ( prefs.analyzeOnLoad ) {
content.document.documentElement.addEventListener('load', function() {
var env = Object.keys(content.wrappedJSObject);
if ( env.join() !== lastEnv ) {
lastEnv = env.join();
sendAsyncMessage('wappalyzer', {
action: 'analyze',
analyze: {
env: Object.keys(content.wrappedJSObject)
removeEventListener('load', onLoad, true);
}, true);
var html = content.document.documentElement.outerHTML;
// Comments outside HTML
//if ( content.document.lastChild.nodeType === 8 ) {
if ( html.length > 50000 ) {
html = html.substring(0, 25000) + html.substring(html.length - 25000, html.length);
sendAsyncMessage('wappalyzer', {
action: 'analyze',
hostname: content.location.hostname,
url: content.location.href,
analyze: {
html: html,
env: prefs.analyzeJavaScript ? Object.keys(content.wrappedJSObject) : []