{ "EC-CUBE": { "cats": [ 6 ], "cpe": "cpe:2.3:a:lockon:ec-cube:*:*:*:*:*:*:*:*", "description": "EC-CUBE is an open source package used to build ecommerce sites.", "icon": "EC-CUBE.svg", "implies": "PHP", "oss": true, "scriptSrc": [ "eccube\\.js", "win_op\\.js" ], "website": "http://www.ec-cube.net" }, "ECharts": { "cats": [ 25 ], "description": "ECharts is an open-source JavaScript visualisation library.", "dom": "div[_echarts_instance_]", "icon": "echarts.png", "oss": true, "scriptSrc": [ "/echarts\\.min\\.[a-zA-Z0-9]*\\.js", "/echarts(?:\\.simple)?(?:\\.esm)?(?:\\.common)?(?:\\.min)?\\.js", "cdn\\.jsdelivr\\.net/(?:npm|gh/apache)/echarts@([\\d.]+(?:-[^/]+)?|latest)/dist/echarts.*\\.js\\;version:\\1" ], "website": "https://echarts.apache.org/" }, "EKM": { "cats": [ 6 ], "cookies": { "ekmpowershop": "" }, "description": "EKM is an all-in-one online store builder, with the company based in the UK.", "icon": "EKM.png", "js": { "_ekmpinpoint": "" }, "pricing": [ "low", "recurring" ], "saas": true, "website": "https://www.ekm.com" }, "ELOG": { "cats": [ 19 ], "html": "ELOG Logbook Selection", "icon": "ELOG.png", "website": "http://midas.psi.ch/elog" }, "ELOG HTTP": { "cats": [ 22 ], "headers": { "Server": "ELOG HTTP ?([\\d.-]+)?\\;version:\\1" }, "icon": "ELOG.png", "implies": "ELOG", "website": "http://midas.psi.ch/elog" }, "EPrints": { "cats": [ 19 ], "icon": "EPrints.png", "implies": "Perl", "js": { "EPJS_menu_template": "", "EPrints": "" }, "meta": { "generator": "EPrints ([\\d.]+)\\;version:\\1" }, "website": "http://www.eprints.org" }, "ERPNext": { "cats": [ 1 ], "cpe": "cpe:2.3:a:frappe:erpnext:*:*:*:*:*:*:*:*", "description": "ERPNext is a free and open-source integrated Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) software developed by Frappe Technologies.", "icon": "ERPNext.png", "implies": "Frappe", "js": { "erpnext.shopping_cart": "", "erpnext.subscribe_to_newsletter": "" }, "oss": true, "pricing": [ "mid", "recurring" ], "website": "https://erpnext.com" }, "ESW": { "cats": [ 106 ], "description": "ESW (eShopWorld) is a company providing payments, shipping, and delivery services focusing on cross-border ecommerce.", "icon": "ESW.svg", "js": { "eshopworld": "", "eswRetailerDisplayConfiguration": "" }, "scriptSrc": "Eswhooks\\.js", "website": "http://esw.com" }, "EWWW Image Optimizer": { "cats": [ 87, 92 ], "description": "EWWW Image Optimizer is an image optimisation WordPress plugin designed to improve the performance of your website.", "icon": "EWWW Image Optimizer.png", "js": { "ewww_webp_supported": "" }, "oss": true, "requires": "WordPress", "scriptSrc": "/wp-content/plugins/ewww-image-optimizer/", "website": "https://github.com/nosilver4u/ewww-image-optimizer" }, "EX.CO": { "cats": [ 5 ], "description": "EX.CO (formerly Playbuzz) is an online publishing platform for publishers, brand agencies, and individual content creators to create content in interactive formats such as polls, quizzes, lists, video snippets, slideshows, and countdowns.", 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