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The source code is available on GitHub and distributed under the Apache License 2.0.", "dom": "canvas[data-engine*='Babylon.js']", "icon": "babylonjs.svg", "js": { "BABYLON.AddressMode": "" }, "oss": true, "website": "https://www.babylonjs.com/" }, "Back In Stock": { "cats": [ 100 ], "description": "Back In Stock lets your customers choose restock alerts for specific variant combinations, including size, colour or style.", "icon": "Back In Stock.png", "pricing": [ "freemium", "low", "recurring" ], "requires": "Shopify", "saas": true, "scriptSrc": "app\\.backinstock\\.org/", "website": "https://backinstock.org" }, "Backbone.js": { "cats": [ 12 ], "cpe": "cpe:2.3:a:backbone_project:backbone:*:*:*:*:*:*:*:*", "description": "BackboneJS is a JavaScript library that allows to develop and structure the client side applications that run in a web browser.", "icon": "Backbone.js.png", "implies": "Underscore.js", "js": { "Backbone": "", "Backbone.VERSION": "^(.+)$\\;version:\\1" }, "scriptSrc": "backbone.*\\.js", "website": "http://backbonejs.org" }, "Backdrop": { "cats": [ 1 ], "excludes": "Drupal", "headers": { "X-Backdrop-Cache": "", "X-Generator": "^Backdrop CMS(?:\\s([\\d.]+))?\\;version:\\1" }, "icon": "Backdrop.png", "implies": "PHP", "js": { "Backdrop": "" }, "meta": { "generator": "^Backdrop CMS(?:\\s([\\d.]+))?\\;version:\\1" }, "website": "https://backdropcms.org" }, "Baidu Analytics (百度统计)": { "cats": [ 10 ], "description": "Baidu Analytics (百度统计) is a free tool for tracking and reporting traffic data of users visiting your site.", "icon": "Baidu Tongji.png", "scriptSrc": "hm\\.baidu\\.com/hm?\\.js", "website": "https://tongji.baidu.com/" }, "Baidu Maps": { "cats": [ 35 ], "description": "Baidu Maps is a desktop and mobile web mapping service application and technology provided by Baidu, offering satellite imagery, street maps, street view and indoor view perspectives, as well as functions such as a route planner for traveling by foot, car, or with public transportation.", "icon": "Baidu Maps.png", "js": { "BMAP_API_VERSION": "(.+)\\;version:\\1", "bmap.version": "(.+)\\;version:\\1" }, "website": "https://map.baidu.com" }, "BambooHR": { "cats": [ 101 ], "description": "BambooHR is an American technology company that provides human resources software as a service.", "dom": "a[href*='.bamboohr.com/'][target='_blank']", "headers": { "Content-Security-Policy": "\\.bamboohr\\.com" }, "icon": "BambooHR.svg", "js": { "scrollToBambooHR": "" }, "pricing": [ "payg", "recurring" ], "saas": true, "scriptSrc": "\\.bamboohr\\.com/", "website": "https://www.bamboohr.com" }, "Bambuser": { "cats": [ 103 ], "description": "Bambuser is a SaaS company based in Stockholm that provides live video shopping technology.", "icon": "Bambuser.png", "js": { "BambuserLiveShopping": "", "_bambuser": "" }, "pricing": [ "poa" ], "saas": true, "scriptSrc": "\\.bambuser\\.com/", "website": "https://bambuser.com" }, "BandsInTown Events Widget": { "cats": [ 5 ], "description": "Bandsintown Events Widget is a free widget which makes it simple to embed your event listings and allow fans to buy tickets, RSVP, follow you and join your Email & SMS lists.", "icon": "BandsInTown.png", "scriptSrc": "widget\\.bandsintown\\.com/", "website": "https://artists.bandsintown.com/support/events-widget" }, "Banshee": { "cats": [ 1, 18 ], "description": "Banshee is a PHP website framework with a main focus on security. 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