* Firefox driver
(function() {
//'use strict';
if ( wappalyzer == null ) return;
var w = wappalyzer, prefs, strings;
Cc = Components.classes,
Ci = Components.interfaces
w.driver = {
lastDisplayed: null,
* Log messages to console
log: function(args) {
if ( prefs != null && prefs.getBoolPref('debug') ) {
* Initialize
init: function(callback) {
var handler = function() {
window.removeEventListener('load', handler, false);
w.log('w.driver: browser window loaded');
strings = document.getElementById('wappalyzer-strings');
AddonManager.getAddonByID('wappalyzer@crunchlabz.com', function(addon) {
// Load jQuery
// Preferences
prefs = Cc['@mozilla.org/preferences-service;1'].getService(Ci.nsIPrefService).getBranch('extensions.wappalyzer.');
prefs.addObserver('', w.driver, false);
// Version check
addon.version = addon.version;
if ( !prefs.getCharPref('version') ) {
w.config.firstRun = true;
} else if ( prefs.getCharPref('version') != addon.version ) {
w.config.upgraded = true;
prefs.setCharPref('version', addon.version);
// Listen for messages from content script
messageManager.addMessageListener('wappalyzer', content);
// Load content script
messageManager.loadFrameScript('chrome://wappalyzer/content/js/content.js', true);
// Listen for location changes
onLocationChange: function(progress, request, location, flags) {
// Get response headers
onStateChange: function(progress, request, flags, status) {
if ( !prefs.getBoolPref('analyzeHeaders') ) { return; }
if ( request != null && flags & Ci.nsIWebProgressListener.STATE_STOP ) {
if ( request.nsIHttpChannel && request.contentType == 'text/html' ) {
if ( progress.currentURI && request.name == progress.currentURI.spec ) {
var headers = new Object();
request.nsIHttpChannel.visitResponseHeaders(function(header, value) {
headers[header] = value;
w.analyze(progress.currentURI.host, progress.currentURI.spec, { headers: headers });
gBrowser.tabContainer.addEventListener('TabSelect', w.driver.displayApps, false);
window.addEventListener('load', handler, false);
window.addEventListener('unload', w.driver.track, false);
// Observe preference changes
observe: function(subject, topic, data) {
if ( topic != 'nsPref:changed' ) { return; }
switch(data) {
case 'addonBar':
* Display apps
displayApps: function() {
var image, url = gBrowser.currentURI.spec.split('#')[0];
if ( w.detected[url] != null && w.detected[url].length ) {
// No change
if ( w.driver.lastDisplayed === JSON.stringify(w.detected[url]) ) { return; }
} else {
if ( w.driver.lastDisplayed === 'empty' ) { return; }
$('#wappalyzer-container > image, #wappalyzer-menu > menuitem, #wappalyzer-menu > menuseparator').addClass('wappalyzer-remove');
if ( w.detected[url] != null && w.detected[url].length ) {
if ( !prefs.getBoolPref('showIcons') ) {
image = $('').attr('src', 'chrome://wappalyzer/skin/images/icon_hot.png');
w.detected[url].map(function(app, i) {
var j, cat, showCat, menuSeparator, menuItem;
for ( i in w.apps[app].cats ) {
showCat = false;
try {
showCat = prefs.getBoolPref('cat' + w.apps[app].cats[i]);
} catch(e) { }
if ( showCat ) {
if ( prefs.getBoolPref('showIcons') ) {
image = $('').attr('src', 'chrome://wappalyzer/skin/images/icons/' + app + '.png');
menuSeparator = $('');
menuItem = $('')
.attr('class', 'wappalyzer-application menuitem-iconic')
.attr('image', 'chrome://wappalyzer/skin/images/icons/' + app + '.png')
.attr('label', app)
menuItem.bind('command', function() {
w.driver.goToURL({ url: w.config.websiteURL + 'applications/' + app.toLowerCase().replace(/ /g, '-').replace(/[^\w-]/g, '') });
for ( j in w.apps[app].cats ) {
var cat = w.apps[app].cats[j];
menuItem = $('')
.attr('class', 'wappalyzer-category')
.attr('label', strings.getString('wappalyzer.cat' + cat))
menuItem.bind('command', function() {
w.driver.goToURL({ url: w.config.websiteURL + 'categories/' + w.categories[cat] });
w.driver.lastDisplayed = JSON.stringify(w.detected[url]);
} else {
image = $('').attr('src', 'chrome://wappalyzer/skin/images/icon.png');
menuSeparator = $('');
menuItem = $('')
.attr('disabled', 'true')
.attr('label', strings.getString('wappalyzer.noAppsDetected'))
w.driver.lastDisplayed = 'empty';
* Go to URL
goToURL: function(args) {
gBrowser.selectedTab = gBrowser.addTab(args.url + '?utm_source=firefox&utm_medium=extension&utm_campaign=extensions');
* Anonymously track detected applications for research purposes
ping: function() {
if ( Object.keys(w.ping.hostnames).length && prefs.getBoolPref('tracking') ) {
// Make POST request
var request = new XMLHttpRequest();
request.open('POST', w.config.websiteURL + 'ping/', true);
request.setRequestHeader('Content-type', 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded');
request.onreadystatechange = function(e) {
if ( request.readyState == 4 ) { w.log('w.driver.ping: status ' + request.status); }
request.send('json=' + encodeURIComponent(JSON.stringify(w.ping)));
w.log('w.driver.ping: ' + JSON.stringify(w.ping));
w.ping = {};
* Content message listener
function content(msg) {
switch ( msg.json.action ) {
case 'analyze':
w.analyze(msg.json.hostname, msg.json.url, msg.json.analyze);
case 'get prefs':
return {
analyzeJavaScript: prefs.getBoolPref('analyzeJavaScript'),
analyzeOnLoad: prefs.getBoolPref('analyzeOnLoad')
msg = null;
* Move container to address or addon bar
function container() {
if ( prefs.getBoolPref('addonBar') ) {
$('#wappalyzer-addonbar').attr('collapsed', 'false');
} else {
$('#wappalyzer-addonbar').attr('collapsed', 'true');
* Bindings
function bindings() {
// Menu items
var prefix = '#wappalyzer-menu-';
$(prefix + 'preferences' )
.bind('command', function() {
w.driver.goToURL({ url: 'chrome://wappalyzer/content/xul/preferences.xul' })
$(prefix + 'feedback')
.bind('command', function() {
w.driver.goToURL({ url: w.config.websiteURL + 'contact' })
$(prefix + 'website')
.bind('command', function() {
w.driver.goToURL({ url: w.config.websiteURL })
$(prefix + 'github' )
.bind('command', function() {
w.driver.goToURL({ url: w.config.githubURL })
$(prefix + 'twitter')
.bind('command', function() {
w.driver.goToURL({ url: w.config.twitterURL})