// Wappalyzer by ElbertF 2009 http://elbertf.com var wappalyzer = (function() { self = { apps: {}, appsDetected: 0, browser: false, cats: {}, checkUnique: {}, currentTab: false, customApps: '', debug: false, enableTracking: true, history: {}, hitCount: 0, homeUrl: 'http://wappalyzer.com/', hoverTimeout: false, newInstall: false, popupOnHover: true, prevUrl: '', prefs: {}, regexBlacklist: /(dev\.|\/admin|\.local)/, regexDomain: /^[a-z0-9._\-]+\.[a-z]+/, req: false, request: false, showApps: 1, showCats: [], strings: {}, twitterUrl: 'https://twitter.com/Wappalyzer', version: '', init: function() { self.log('init'); self.browser = gBrowser; self.strings = document.getElementById('wappalyzer-strings'); // Preferences self.prefs = Components.classes['@mozilla.org/preferences-service;1'].getService(Components.interfaces.nsIPrefService).getBranch('wappalyzer.'); self.prefs.QueryInterface(Components.interfaces.nsIPrefBranch2); self.prefs.addObserver('', wappalyzer, false); self.showApps = self.prefs.getIntPref( 'showApps'); self.customApps = self.prefs.getCharPref('customApps'); self.debug = self.prefs.getBoolPref('debug'); self.enableTracking = self.prefs.getBoolPref('enableTracking'); self.popupOnHover = self.prefs.getBoolPref('popupOnHover'); self.newInstall = self.prefs.getBoolPref('newInstall'); self.version = self.prefs.getCharPref('version'); for ( var i = 1; i <= 24; i ++ ) { self.showCats[i] = self.prefs.getBoolPref('cat' + i); } var locationPref = self.prefs.getIntPref('location'); self.moveLocation(locationPref); // Open page after installation if ( self.newInstall ) { self.prefs.setBoolPref('newInstall', false); gBrowser.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', self.installSuccess, false); } else { // Open page after upgrade try { var prefs = Components.classes["@mozilla.org/preferences-service;1"].getService(Components.interfaces.nsIPrefBranch); var enabledItems = prefs.getCharPref('extensions.enabledAddons'); var version = enabledItems.replace(/(^.*wappalyzer[^:]+:)([^,]+),.*$/, '$2'); if ( version && self.version != version ) { gBrowser.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', self.upgradeSuccess, false); self.version = version; self.prefs.setCharPref('version', self.version); } } catch(e) { } } // Listen messages sent from the content process if ( typeof messageManager != 'undefined' ) { messageManager.addMessageListener('wappalyzer:onPageLoad', self.onContentPageLoad); messageManager.loadFrameScript('chrome://wappalyzer/content/content.js', true); } // Listen for URL changes self.browser.addProgressListener(self.urlChange, Components.interfaces.nsIWebProgress.NOTIFY_LOCATION); // Listen for page loads self.browser.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', self.onPageLoad, true); self.evaluateCustomApps(); }, // Log messages to console log: function(message) { if ( self.debug && message ) { var consoleService = Components.classes["@mozilla.org/consoleservice;1"].getService(Components.interfaces.nsIConsoleService); consoleService.logStringMessage("Wappalyzer: " + message); } }, // Listen for preference changes observe: function(subject, topic, data) { if ( topic != 'nsPref:changed' ) { return; } switch(data) { case 'customApps': self.customApps = self.prefs.getCharPref('customApps'); break; case 'debug': self.debug = self.prefs.getBoolPref('debug'); break; case 'enableTracking': self.enableTracking = self.prefs.getBoolPref('enableTracking'); break; case 'popupOnHover': self.popupOnHover = self.prefs.getBoolPref('popupOnHover'); self.moveLocation(); break; case 'showApps': self.showApps = self.prefs.getIntPref('showApps'); break; case 'location': var locationPref = self.prefs.getIntPref('location'); self.moveLocation(locationPref); break; case 'cat1': self.showCats[ 1] = self.prefs.getIntPref( 'cat1'); break; case 'cat2': self.showCats[ 2] = self.prefs.getIntPref( 'cat2'); break; case 'cat3': self.showCats[ 3] = self.prefs.getIntPref( 'cat3'); break; case 'cat4': self.showCats[ 4] = self.prefs.getIntPref( 'cat4'); break; case 'cat5': self.showCats[ 5] = self.prefs.getIntPref( 'cat5'); break; case 'cat6': self.showCats[ 6] = self.prefs.getIntPref( 'cat6'); break; case 'cat7': self.showCats[ 7] = self.prefs.getIntPref( 'cat7'); break; case 'cat8': self.showCats[ 8] = self.prefs.getIntPref( 'cat8'); break; case 'cat9': self.showCats[ 9] = self.prefs.getIntPref( 'cat9'); break; case 'cat10': self.showCats[10] = self.prefs.getIntPref('cat10'); break; case 'cat11': self.showCats[11] = self.prefs.getIntPref('cat11'); break; case 'cat12': self.showCats[12] = self.prefs.getIntPref('cat12'); break; case 'cat13': self.showCats[13] = self.prefs.getIntPref('cat13'); break; case 'cat14': self.showCats[14] = self.prefs.getIntPref('cat14'); break; case 'cat15': self.showCats[15] = self.prefs.getIntPref('cat15'); break; case 'cat16': self.showCats[16] = self.prefs.getIntPref('cat16'); break; case 'cat17': self.showCats[17] = self.prefs.getIntPref('cat17'); break; case 'cat18': self.showCats[18] = self.prefs.getIntPref('cat18'); break; case 'cat19': self.showCats[19] = self.prefs.getIntPref('cat19'); break; case 'cat20': self.showCats[20] = self.prefs.getIntPref('cat20'); break; case 'cat21': self.showCats[21] = self.prefs.getIntPref('cat21'); break; case 'cat22': self.showCats[22] = self.prefs.getIntPref('cat22'); break; case 'cat23': self.showCats[23] = self.prefs.getIntPref('cat23'); break; case 'cat24': self.showCats[24] = self.prefs.getIntPref('cat24'); break; } }, openTab: function(url) { self.browser.selectedTab = self.browser.addTab(url); }, moveLocation: function(locationPref) { self.log('moveLocation'); switch ( locationPref ) { case 1: var containerId = 'wappalyzer-statusbar'; // Show status bar panel document.getElementById('wappalyzer-statusbar').style.visibility = ''; document.getElementById('wappalyzer-statusbar').style.padding = '1px'; break; default: var containerId = 'urlbar-icons'; // Hide status bar panel document.getElementById('wappalyzer-statusbar').style.visibility = 'hidden'; document.getElementById('wappalyzer-statusbar').style.padding = '0'; } var e = document.getElementById(containerId); var container = document.getElementById('wappalyzer-container'); if ( self.popupOnHover ) { container.addEventListener('mouseover', function() { self.hoverTimeout = setTimeout(function() { document.getElementById('wappalyzer-apps').openPopup(document.getElementById('wappalyzer-container'), 'after_end'); }, 200); }, false); container.addEventListener('mouseout', function() { clearTimeout(self.hoverTimeout); }, false); } e.appendChild(container); }, onPageLoad: function(event) { self.log('onPageLoad'); var target = event.originalTarget; if ( !target.request ) { self.request = false; } self.analyzePage( target.documentElement, target.location.href, target.documentElement.innerHTML, [], [], true ); }, onContentPageLoad: function(message) { self.log('onContentPageLoad'); self.analyzePage( null, message.json.href, message.json.html, message.json.headers, message.json.environmentVars, true ); }, onUrlChange: function(request) { self.log('onUrlChange'); self.clearDetectedApps(); var doc = self.browser.contentDocument; self.request = doc.request ? doc.request : request; self.currentTab = false; self.analyzePage( doc, doc.location.href ? doc.location.href : '', doc.documentElement ? doc.documentElement.innerHTML : '', [], [], false ); }, urlChange: { QueryInterface: function(iid) { if ( iid.equals(Components.interfaces.nsIWebProgressListener) || iid.equals(Components.interfaces.nsISupportsWeakReference) || iid.equals(Components.interfaces.nsISupports) ) { return this; } throw Components.results.NS_NOINTERFACE; }, onLocationChange: function(progress, request, url) { self.log('urlChange.onLocationChange'); if ( !url ) { self.prevUrl = ''; return; } if ( url.spec != self.prevUrl ) { self.prevUrl = url.spec; self.onUrlChange(request); } }, onStateChange: function(a, b, c, d) {}, onProgressChange: function(a, b, c, d, e, f) {}, onStatusChange: function(a, b, c, d) {}, onSecurityChange: function(a, b, c) {} }, analyzePage: function(doc, href, html, headers, environmentVars, doCount) { self.log('analyzePage'); self.currentTab = false; if ( href == self.browser.contentDocument.location.href ) { self.currentTab = true; if ( !doc ) { doc = self.browser.contentDocument; } self.clearDetectedApps(); } if ( typeof html == 'undefined' ) { html = ''; } // Prevent large documents from slowing things down if ( html.length > 50000 ) { html = html.substring(0, 25000) + html.substring(html.length - 25000, html.length); } // Scan URL, domain and response headers for patterns if ( html || self.request ) { // Check cached application names if ( doc && typeof doc.detectedApps != 'undefined' ) { for ( i in doc.detectedApps ) { var appName = doc.detectedApps[i]; if ( typeof self.checkUnique[appName] == 'undefined' ) { self.log('CACHE'); // self.showApp(appName, doc, href, doCount); self.checkUnique[appName] = true; } } } for ( var appName in self.apps ) { // Don't scan for apps that have already been detected if ( typeof self.checkUnique[appName] == 'undefined' ) { // Scan HTML if ( html && typeof self.apps[appName].html != 'undefined' ) { var regex = self.apps[appName].html; if ( regex.test(html) ) { self.showApp(appName, doc, href, doCount); } } // Scan URL if ( href && typeof self.apps[appName].url != 'undefined' ) { var regex = self.apps[appName].url; if ( regex.test(href) ) { self.showApp(appName, doc, href, doCount); } } // Scan response headers if ( typeof self.apps[appName].headers != 'undefined' && self.request ) { for ( var header in self.apps[appName].headers ) { var regex = self.apps[appName].headers[header]; try { if ( regex.test(self.request.nsIHttpChannel.getResponseHeader(header)) ) { self.showApp(appName, doc, href, doCount); } } catch(e) { } } } // Scan environment variables if ( environmentVars && typeof self.apps[appName].env != 'undefined' ) { var regex = self.apps[appName].env; for ( var i in environmentVars ) { try { if ( regex.test(environmentVars[i]) ) { self.showApp(appName, doc, href, doCount); } } catch(e) { } } } } } } html = ''; // Free memory }, showApp: function(detectedApp, doc, href, doCount) { self.log('showApp ' + detectedApp); self.report(detectedApp, href); // Keep detected application names in memory if ( doc ) { if ( typeof doc.detectedApps == 'undefined' ) { doc.detectedApps = []; } doc.detectedApps.push(detectedApp); } if ( detectedApp && typeof self.checkUnique[detectedApp] == 'undefined' ) { var show = false; for ( var i in self.apps[detectedApp].cats ) { if ( self.showCats[self.apps[detectedApp].cats[i]] ) { show = true; break; } } if ( show && self.currentTab ) { var e = document.getElementById('wappalyzer-detected-apps'); if ( self.showApps == 2 ) { document.getElementById('wappalyzer-icon').setAttribute('src', 'chrome://wappalyzer/skin/icon16x16_hot.ico'); document.getElementById('wappalyzer-detected-apps').style.display = 'none'; } else { // Hide Wappalyzer icon document.getElementById('wappalyzer-icon').style.display = 'none'; document.getElementById('wappalyzer-detected-apps').style.display = ''; } // Show app icon and label var child = document.createElement('image'); if ( typeof self.apps[detectedApp].icon == 'string' ) { child.setAttribute('src', self.apps[detectedApp].icon); } else { child.setAttribute('src', 'chrome://wappalyzer/skin/icons/' + detectedApp + '.ico'); } child.setAttribute('class', 'wappalyzer-icon'); if ( self.appsDetected ) { child.setAttribute('style', 'margin-left: .5em'); } e.appendChild(child); if ( self.showApps == 0 ) { var child = document.createElement('label'); child.setAttribute('value', detectedApp); child.setAttribute('class', 'wappalyzer-app-name'); e.appendChild(child); } // Show application in popup var e = document.getElementById('wappalyzer-apps'); if ( !self.appsDetected ) { // Remove "no apps detected" message document.getElementById('wappalyzer-apps').removeChild(document.getElementById('wappalyzer-no-detected-apps')); } else { var child = document.createElement('menuseparator'); e.appendChild(child); } var child = document.createElement('menuitem'); child.setAttribute('class', 'menuitem-iconic'); child.setAttribute('type', ''); child.addEventListener('command', function() { self.openTab(self.homeUrl + 'stats/app/' + escape(detectedApp)); }, false); if ( typeof self.apps[detectedApp].custom == 'undefined' ) { child.setAttribute('label', detectedApp); child.setAttribute('image', 'chrome://wappalyzer/skin/icons/' + detectedApp + '.ico'); } else { child.setAttribute('label', detectedApp + ' (' + self.strings.getString('wappalyzer.custom') + ')'); child.setAttribute('disabled', 'true'); child.setAttribute('image', self.apps[detectedApp].icon); } e.appendChild(child); if ( self.apps[detectedApp].cats ) { for ( var i in self.apps[detectedApp].cats ) { var child = document.createElement('menuitem'); child.setAttribute('label', self.cats[self.apps[detectedApp].cats[i]].name); child.setAttribute('disabled', 'true'); e.appendChild(child); } } } if ( doCount ) { self.report(detectedApp, href); } self.appsDetected ++; self.checkUnique[detectedApp] = true; } }, report: function(detectedApp, href) { self.log('report'); if ( typeof self.apps[detectedApp].custom == 'undefined' ) { var regex = /:\/\/(.[^/]+)/, domain = href.match(regex) ? href.match(regex)[1] : '' ; if ( self.enableTracking && self.regexDomain.test(domain) && !self.regexBlacklist.test(href) ) { if ( typeof self.history[domain] == 'undefined' ) { self.history[domain] = []; } if ( typeof self.history[domain][detectedApp] == 'undefined' ) { self.history[domain][detectedApp] = 0; } self.history[domain][detectedApp] ++; self.hitCount ++; if ( self.hitCount > 200 ) { self.sendReport(); } } } }, // Anonymously send the name of the detected apps and domains to wappalyzer.com // You can turn this off in the options dialog // This is used to track the distribution of software, stats are publicly available on the site sendReport: function() { self.log('sendReport'); if ( self.enableTracking && !self.req ) { var report = ''; if ( self.history ) { for ( var i in self.history ) { report += '[' + i; for ( var j in self.history[i] ) { report += '|' + j + ':' + self.history[i][j]; } report += ']'; } } // Make POST request self.req = new XMLHttpRequest(); self.req.open('POST', self.homeUrl + 'report/', true); self.req.channel.loadFlags |= Components.interfaces.nsIRequest.LOAD_BYPASS_CACHE; self.req.setRequestHeader('Content-type', 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded'); self.req.onreadystatechange = function(e) { if ( self.req.readyState == 4 ) { if ( self.req.status == 200 ) { // Reset report = ''; self.hitCount = 0; self.history = []; } self.req.close(); self.req = false; } }; self.req.send('d=' + encodeURIComponent(report)); } }, clearDetectedApps: function() { self.log('clearDetectedApps'); self.appsDetected = 0; self.checkUnique = []; // Show Wappalyzer icon document.getElementById('wappalyzer-icon').setAttribute('src', 'chrome://wappalyzer/skin/icon16x16.ico'); document.getElementById('wappalyzer-icon').style.display = ''; // Clear app icons and labels var e = document.getElementById('wappalyzer-detected-apps'); while ( e.childNodes.length > 0 ) { e.removeChild(e.childNodes.item(0)); } // Clear application popup var e = document.getElementById('wappalyzer-apps'); while ( e.childNodes.length > 0 ) { e.removeChild(e.childNodes.item(0)); } var child = document.createElement('menuitem'); child.setAttribute('label', self.strings.getString('wappalyzer.noDetectedApps')); child.setAttribute('id', 'wappalyzer-no-detected-apps'); child.setAttribute('class', 'menuitem-iconic'); child.setAttribute('disabled', 'true'); child.setAttribute('type', ''); e.appendChild(child); }, installSuccess: function() { self.log('installSuccess'); gBrowser.removeEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', self.installSuccess, false); self.openTab(self.homeUrl + 'install/success/'); }, upgradeSuccess: function() { self.log('upgradeSuccess'); gBrowser.removeEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', self.upgradeSuccess, false); self.openTab(self.homeUrl + 'install/upgraded/'); } }; addEventListener('load', function() { self.init(); }, false); addEventListener('unload', function() { self.sendReport(); }, false); return self; })();