(function() { 'use strict'; var {Cc, Ci} = require('chrome'), main = require('wappalyzer'), w = main.wappalyzer, mediator = Cc['@mozilla.org/appshell/window-mediator;1'].getService(Ci.nsIWindowMediator), doc = mediator.getMostRecentWindow('navigator:browser').document, urlBar = doc.getElementById('urlbar-icons'), tabCache = {}, headersCache = {}, categoryNames = {}, data = require('sdk/self').data, ss = require('sdk/simple-storage'), sp = require("sdk/simple-prefs"), tabs = require('sdk/tabs'), panel = require('sdk/panel').Panel({ width: 250, height: 50, contentURL: data.url('panel.html'), contentScriptFile: data.url('js/panel.js'), position: { right: 30, top: 30 } }), widget = require('sdk/widget').Widget({ id: 'wappalyzer', label: 'Wappalyzer', contentURL: data.url('images/icon32.png'), panel: panel }), initTab, addIcon, removeIcons; initTab = function(tab) { tabCache[tab.id] = { count: 0, appsDetected: [] }; tab.on('ready', function(tab) { var worker = tab.attach({ contentScriptFile: data.url('js/tab.js') }); worker.port.on('analyze', function(message) { var url = message.url.replace(/#.*$/, ''); if ( headersCache[url] !== undefined ) { message.analyze.headers = headersCache[url]; } w.analyze(message.hostname, url, message.analyze); }); worker.port.on('log', function(message) { w.log('[ tab.js ] ' + message); }); }); }; tabs.on('open', initTab); tabs.on('close', function(tab) { tabCache[tab.id] = null; }); tabs.on('activate', function(tab) { w.driver.displayApps(); }); panel.port.on('resize', function(height) { panel.height = height; }); addIcon = function(url) { var icon = doc.createElement('image'), show = true; icon.setAttribute('src', data.url(url)); icon.setAttribute('class', 'wappalyzer-icon'); icon.setAttribute('width', '16'); icon.setAttribute('height', '16'); icon.setAttribute('style', 'cursor: pointer; margin-right: 2px;'); icon.addEventListener('mouseover', function() { if ( panel.isShowing ) { show = false; } }); icon.addEventListener('mouseout', function() { show = true; }); icon.addEventListener('click', function() { if ( show ) { panel.show(); show = false; } else { panel.hide(); show = true; } }, false); urlBar.appendChild(icon); return icon; }; removeIcons = function() { var icons; do { icons = urlBar.getElementsByClassName('wappalyzer-icon'); if ( icons.length ) { urlBar.removeChild(icons[0]); } } while ( icons.length ); }; w.driver = { /** * Log messages to console */ log: function(args) { console.log(args.message); }, /** * Initialize */ init: function(callback) { var json = JSON.parse(data.load('apps.json')); try { var version = require('sdk/self').version; if ( !ss.storage.version ) { w.driver.goToURL({ url: w.config.websiteURL + 'installed', medium: 'install' }); } else if ( version !== ss.storage.version ) { w.driver.goToURL({ url: w.config.websiteURL + 'upgraded', medium: 'upgrade' }); } ss.storage.version = version; } catch(e) { } w.apps = json.apps; w.categories = json.categories; for ( var id in w.categories ) { categoryNames[id] = require('sdk/l10n').get('cat' + id); } for each ( var tab in tabs ) { initTab(tab); } sp.on('urlbar', function() { if ( !sp.prefs.urlbar ) { removeIcons(); } }); var httpRequestObserver = { init: function() { var observerService = Cc['@mozilla.org/observer-service;1'].getService(Ci.nsIObserverService); observerService.addObserver(this, 'http-on-examine-response', false); }, observe: function(subject, topic, data) { if ( topic == 'http-on-examine-response' ) { subject.QueryInterface(Ci.nsIHttpChannel); this.onExamineResponse(subject); } }, onExamineResponse: function (subject) { var uri = subject.URI.spec.replace(/#.*$/, ''); // Remove hash if ( headersCache.length > 50 ) { headersCache = {}; } if ( subject.contentType === 'text/html' ) { if ( headersCache[uri] === undefined ) { headersCache[uri] = {}; } subject.visitResponseHeaders(function(header, value) { headersCache[uri][header.toLowerCase()] = value; }); } } }; httpRequestObserver.init(); }, goToURL: function(args) { var url = args.url + ( typeof args.medium === 'undefined' ? '' : '?utm_source=firefox&utm_medium=' + args.medium + '&utm_campaign=extensions'); tabs.open(url); }, displayApps: function() { var url = tabs.activeTab.url.replace(/#.*$/, ''), count = w.detected[url] ? Object.keys(w.detected[url]).length : 0; w.log('display apps'); if ( tabCache[tabs.activeTab.id] === undefined ) { initTab(tabs.activeTab); } tabCache[tabs.activeTab.id].count = count; tabCache[tabs.activeTab.id].appsDetected = w.detected[url]; if ( sp.prefs.urlbar ) { removeIcons(); // Add icons if ( count ) { for ( appName in tabCache[tabs.activeTab.id].appsDetected ) { addIcon('images/icons/' + appName + '.png'); } } else { addIcon('images/icon32.png'); } } widget.contentURL = data.url('images/icon32.png'); if ( count > 0 ) { // Find the main application to display var i, appName, found = false; widget.contentURL = data.url('images/icon32_hot.png'), w.driver.categoryOrder.forEach(function(match) { for ( appName in w.detected[url] ) { w.apps[appName].cats.forEach(function(cat) { if ( cat == match && !found ) { widget.contentURL = data.url('images/icons/' + appName + '.png'), found = true; } }); } }); }; panel.port.emit('displayApps', { tabCache: tabCache[tabs.activeTab.id], apps: w.apps, categories: w.categories, categoryNames: categoryNames }); }, ping: function() { var Request = require('sdk/request').Request; if ( Object.keys(w.ping.hostnames).length && sp.prefs.tracking ) { Request({ url: w.config.websiteURL + 'ping/v2/', content: { json: encodeURIComponent(JSON.stringify(w.ping)) }, onComplete: function (response) { w.log('w.driver.ping: status ' + response.status); } }).post(); w.log('w.driver.ping: ' + JSON.stringify(w.ping)); w.ping = { hostnames: {} }; } }, categoryOrder: [ // Used to pick the main application 1, // CMS 11, // Blog 6, // Web Shop 2, // Message Board 8, // Wiki 13, // Issue Tracker 30, // Web Mail 18, // Web Framework 21, // LMS 7, // Photo Gallery 3, // Database Manager 34, // Database 4, // Documentation Tool 9, // Hosting Panel 29, // Search Engine 12, // Javascript Framework 26, // Mobile Framework 25, // Javascript Graphics 22, // Web Server 27, // Programming Language 28, // Operating System 15, // Comment System 20, // Editor 10, // Analytics 32, // Marketing Automation 38, // Media Server 31, // CDN 23, // Cache Tool 17, // Font Script 24, // Rich Text Editor 35, // Map 5, // Widget 14, // Video Player 16, // Captcha 33, // Web Server Extension 37, // Network Device 39, // Webcam 40, // Printer 36, // Advertising Network 19 // Miscellaneous ] } w.init(); }());