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"NVD3.png", "implies": "D3", "js": { "nv.addGraph": "", "nv.version": "^(.+)$\\;confidence:0\\;version:\\1" }, "scripts": "nv\\.d3(?:\\.min)?\\.js", "website": "http://nvd3.org" }, "Nacelle": { "cats": [ 6 ], "description": "Nacelle is a headless commerce platform", "icon": "Nacelle.svg", "js": { "nacelleEventData": "" }, "website": "https://nacelle.com/" }, "Nagich": { "cats": [ 68 ], "description": "Nagich is a website accessibility overlay provider from Israel.", "icon": "Nagich.svg", "js": { "interdeal.version": "([\\d.]+)\\;version:\\1" }, "pricing": [ "poa" ], "saas": true, "scripts": "\\.nagich\\.co(?:m|\\.il)/core/([\\d.]+)/accessibility\\.js\\;version:\\1", "website": "https://www.nagich.co.il" }, "Najva": { "cats": [ 32 ], "description": "Najva is a retention marketing solution that offers push notification and email marketing.", "icon": "Najva.png", "js": { "Najva.identifyEmailSubscriber": "" }, "pricing": [ "low", "freemium" ], "saas": true, "scripts": "app\\.najva\\.com/", "website": "https://www.najva.com" }, "Narrativ": { "cats": [ 71 ], "description": "Narrativ is a subscription technology platform for brands to acquire new customers through trusted creators.", "icon": "Narrativ.png", "scripts": "static\\.narrativ\\.com/", "website": "https://narrativ.com/" }, "Navegg": { "cats": [ 10 ], "icon": "Navegg.png", "scripts": "tag\\.navdmp\\.com", "website": "https://www.navegg.com/" }, "Neos CMS": { "cats": [ 1 ], "excludes": "TYPO3 CMS", "headers": { "X-Flow-Powered": "Neos/?(.+)?$\\;version:\\1" }, "icon": "Neos.svg", "implies": "Neos Flow", "url": "/neos/", "website": "https://neos.io" }, "Neos Flow": { "cats": [ 18 ], "excludes": "TYPO3 CMS", "headers": { "X-Flow-Powered": "Flow/?(.+)?$\\;version:\\1" }, "icon": "Neos.svg", "implies": "PHP", "website": "https://flow.neos.io" }, "Nepso": { "cats": [ 1 ], "headers": { "X-Powered-CMS": "Nepso" }, "icon": "nepso.svg", "website": "https://www.nepso.com" }, "NetSuite": { "cats": [ 6 ], "cookies": { "NS_VER": 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