/** * Chrome driver */ (function() { if ( wappalyzer == null ) { return; } var w = wappalyzer, tab, tabCache = {}; w.driver = { /** * Log messages to console */ log: function(args) { console.log(args.message); }, /** * Initialize */ init: function(callback) { w.log('init'); chrome.browserAction.setBadgeBackgroundColor({ color: [255, 102, 0, 255] }); // Version check try { var version = chrome.app.getDetails().version; if ( localStorage['version'] == null ) { w.config.firstRun = true; // Set defaults for ( option in defaults ) { localStorage[option] = defaults[option]; } } else if ( version !== localStorage['version'] && localStorage['upgradeMessage'] ) { w.config.upgraded = true; } localStorage['version'] = version; } catch(e) { } chrome.extension.onRequest.addListener(function(request, sender, sendResponse) { if ( typeof request.id != 'undefined' ) { w.log('request: ' + request.id); switch ( request.id ) { case 'log': w.log(request.message); break; case 'analyze': tab = sender.tab; var hostname, a = document.createElement('a'); a.href = tab.url; hostname = a.hostname; w.analyze(hostname, tab.url, request.subject); for ( subject in request.subject ) { tabCache[tab.id].analyzed.push(subject); } break; case 'fetch_headers': chrome.tabs.executeScript(request.tab.id, { file: 'js/headers.js' }); break; case 'get_apps': sendResponse({ tabCache: tabCache[request.tab.id] }); break; } } }); chrome.tabs.getAllInWindow(null, function(tabs) { tabs.map(function(tab) { if ( tab.url.match(/^https?:\/\//) ) { chrome.tabs.executeScript(tab.id, { file: 'js/content.js' }); } }) }); chrome.tabs.onRemoved.addListener(function(tabId) { w.log('remove tab'); tabCache[tabId] = null; }); callback(); }, goToURL: function(args) { window.open(args.url + '?utm_source=chrome&utm_medium=extension&utm_campaign=extensions'); }, /** * Display apps */ displayApps: function() { var count = w.detected[tab.url].length.toString(); if ( tabCache[tab.id] == null ) { tabCache[tab.id] = { count: 0, appsDetected: [], analyzed: [] }; } tabCache[tab.id].count = count; tabCache[tab.id].appsDetected = w.detected[tab.url]; if ( count > 0 ) { // Find the main application to display var i, appName, found = false; w.driver.categoryOrder.map(function(match) { for ( i in w.detected[tab.url] ) { appName = w.detected[tab.url][i]; w.apps[appName].cats.map(function(cat) { if ( cat === match && !found ) { chrome.browserAction.setIcon({ tabId: tab.id, path: 'images/icons/' + appName + '.png' }); found = true; } }); } }); chrome.browserAction.setBadgeText({ tabId: tab.id, text: count }); }; }, /** * Anonymously track detected applications for research purposes */ ping: function() { if ( Object.keys(w.ping.hostnames).length && localStorage['tracking'] ) { // Make POST request var request = new XMLHttpRequest(); request.open('POST', w.config.websiteURL + 'ping/', true); request.setRequestHeader('Content-type', 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded'); request.onreadystatechange = function(e) { if ( request.readyState == 4 ) { w.log('w.driver.ping: status ' + request.status); } }; request.send('json=' + encodeURIComponent(JSON.stringify(w.ping))); w.log('w.driver.ping: ' + JSON.stringify(w.ping)); w.ping = {}; } }, categoryOrder: [ // Used to pick the main application 1, // CMS 11, // Blog 6, // Web Shop 2, // Message Board 8, // Wiki 13, // Issue Tracker 30, // Web Mail 18, // Web Framework 21, // LMS 7, // Photo Gallery 3, // Database Manager 4, // Documentation Tool 9, // Hosting Panel 29, // Search Engine 12, // Javascript Framework 26, // Mobile Framework 25, // Javascript Graphics 22, // Web Server 27, // Programming Language 28, // Operating System 15, // Comment System 20, // Editor 10, // Analytics 31, // CDN 23, // Cache Tool 17, // Font Script 24, // Rich Text Editor 5, // Widget 14, // Video Player 16, // Captcha 19 // Miscellaneous ] }; w.init(); })();