Add Carro / shopify apps

nurbek 3 years ago
parent dca59356be
commit c6783d4109

@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
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@ -446,6 +446,22 @@
"scriptSrc": "/cargo\\.",
"website": ""
"Carro": {
"cats": [
"description": "Carro connects participating Shopify stores together to enable cross-store selling or the ability for like-minded partners to directly sell each other products without the need for inventory, managing returns, or minimum order quantities.",
"icon": "Cargo.svg",
"requires": "Shopify",
"scriptSrc": "cdn\\.getcarro\\.com/",
"saas": true,
"pricing": [
"website": ""
"Cart Functionality": {
"cats": [