diff --git a/src/drivers/webextension/_locales/fr/messages.json b/src/drivers/webextension/_locales/fr/messages.json
index bae622379..a2a9a26f3 100644
--- a/src/drivers/webextension/_locales/fr/messages.json
+++ b/src/drivers/webextension/_locales/fr/messages.json
@@ -12,48 +12,48 @@
"optionsSave": { "message": "Sauvegarder les options" },
"optionsSaved": { "message": "Sauvegardé" },
"optionBadge": { "message": "Montrer le nombre de technologies identifiées sur l'icône" },
- "optionShowCached": { "message": "Include cached detections in results" },
- "optionApiKey": { "message": "API key" },
- "optionApiKeyDescription": { "message": "get your API key" },
+ "optionShowCached": { "message": "Inclure les détections en cache dans les résultats" },
+ "optionApiKey": { "message": "Clé d'API" },
+ "optionApiKeyDescription": { "message": "obtenir votre clé API" },
"disableOnDomain": { "message": "Désactiver sur ce site web" },
"clearCache": { "message": "Effacer les détections mises en cache" },
"categoryPin": { "message": " Toujours afficher l'icône" },
"termsAccept": { "message": "Je suis OK avec ça" },
"termsDecline": { "message": "Désactiver" },
- "termsContent": { "message": "This extension sends anonymous information about websites you visit, including domain name and identified technologies, to wappalyzer.com. This can be disabled in the settings." },
+ "termsContent": { "message": "Cette extension envoie des informations anonymes sur les sites web que vous visitez, y compris le nom de domaine et les technologies identifiées, à wappalyzer.com. Cela peut être désactivé dans les paramètres." },
"privacyPolicy": { "message": "Politique de confidentialité" },
"createAlert": { "message": "Créer une alerte pour ce site web" },
"leadLists": { "message": "Lead generation tools" },
"tabTechnologies": { "message": "Technologies" },
- "tabPro": { "message": "More info" },
- "creditBalance": { "message": "Credit balance:" },
- "proMessageHeading": { "message": "Unlock PRO features" },
- "proMessage": { "message": "Subscribe to a PRO plan to view company and contact information of the websites you visit." },
- "proButton": { "message": "Compare plans" },
- "proInfo": { "message": "Learn more" },
- "proEmpty": { "message": "No results found." },
- "proCrawl": { "message": "No results found, please check back later." },
- "formSave": { "message": "Save" },
+ "tabPro": { "message": "Plus d'infos" },
+ "creditBalance": { "message": "Solde du crédit :" },
+ "proMessageHeading": { "message": "Débloquer les fonctionnalités PRO" },
+ "proMessage": { "message": "Souscrivez à un plan PRO pour afficher les informations sur les entreprises et les contacts des sites web que vous visitez." },
+ "proButton": { "message": "Comparer les plans" },
+ "proInfo": { "message": "En savoir plus" },
+ "proEmpty": { "message": "Aucun résultat trouvé." },
+ "proCrawl": { "message": "Aucun résultat trouvé, veuillez re-vérifier plus tard." },
+ "formSave": { "message": "Sauvegarder" },
- "setCompany": { "message": "Company information" },
- "setKeywords": { "message": "Keywords" },
- "setEmail": { "message": "Email addresses" },
- "setPhone": { "message": "Phone numbers" },
- "setAddress": { "message": "Addresses" },
- "setContact": { "message": "Contact details" },
- "setSocial": { "message": "Social media accounts" },
- "setMeta": { "message": "Metadata" },
+ "setCompany": { "message": "Informations sur l'entreprise" },
+ "setKeywords": { "message": "Mots clés" },
+ "setEmail": { "message": "Adresses e-mail" },
+ "setPhone": { "message": "Numéros de téléphone" },
+ "setAddress": { "message": "Adresses" },
+ "setContact": { "message": "Coordonnées de contact" },
+ "setSocial": { "message": "Comptes de médias sociaux" },
+ "setMeta": { "message": "Metadonnées" },
"setLocale": { "message": "Locale" },
- "setTrackers": { "message": "Trackers" },
- "setSecurity": { "message": "Security" },
+ "setTrackers": { "message": "Traceurs" },
+ "setSecurity": { "message": "Sécurité" },
- "attributeIpCountry": { "message": "IP country" },
- "attributeIpRegion": { "message": "IP region" },
- "attributeLanguage": { "message": "Language" },
- "attributeEmail": { "message": "Email address" },
- "attributeVerifiedEmail": { "message": "Email address (verified)" },
- "attributeSafeEmail": { "message": "Email address (safe)" },
- "attributePhone": { "message": "Phone number" },
+ "attributeIpCountry": { "message": "Pays de l'IP" },
+ "attributeIpRegion": { "message": "Région de l'IP" },
+ "attributeLanguage": { "message": "Langue" },
+ "attributeEmail": { "message": "Adresse e-mail" },
+ "attributeVerifiedEmail": { "message": "Adresse e-mail (verifiée)" },
+ "attributeSafeEmail": { "message": "Adresse e-mail (sûre)" },
+ "attributePhone": { "message": "Numéro de téléphone" },
"attributeSkype": { "message": "Skype" },
"attributeWhatsapp": { "message": "WhatsApp" },
"attributeInferredCompanyName": { "message": "Inferred company name" },
@@ -66,31 +66,31 @@
"attributePinterest": { "message": "Pinterest" },
"attributeLinkedin": { "message": "LinkedIn" },
"attributeOwler": { "message": "Owler" },
- "attributeTitle": { "message": "Title" },
+ "attributeTitle": { "message": "Titre" },
"attributeDescription": { "message": "Description" },
"attributeCopyright": { "message": "Copyright" },
- "attributeCopyrightYear": { "message": "Copyright year" },
- "attributeResponsive": { "message": "Responsive" },
- "attributeCertInfo_issuer": { "message": "Cert issuer" },
- "attributeCertInfo_protocol": { "message": "Cert protocol" },
- "attributeCertInfo_validTo": { "message": "Cert expiry" },
- "attributeHttps": { "message": "SSL/TLS enabled" },
+ "attributeCopyrightYear": { "message": "Copyright année" },
+ "attributeResponsive": { "message": "Adaptatif" },
+ "attributeCertInfo_issuer": { "message": "Délivreur du certificat" },
+ "attributeCertInfo_protocol": { "message": "Protocole du certifical" },
+ "attributeCertInfo_validTo": { "message": "Expiration du certificat" },
+ "attributeHttps": { "message": "SSL/TLS activé" },
"attributeTrackerGoogleAnalytics": { "message": "Google Analytics" },
"attributeTrackerGoogleAdSense": { "message": "Google AdSense" },
"attributeTrackerMedianet": { "message": "Medianet" },
"attributeTrackerFacebook": { "message": "Facebook" },
"attributeTrackerOptimizely": { "message": "Optimizely" },
- "attributeCompanyName": { "message": "Company name" },
- "attributeIndustry": { "message": "Industry" },
- "attributeAbout": { "message": "About" },
- "attributeLocations": { "message": "Locations" },
- "attributeCompanySize": { "message": "Company size" },
- "attributeCompanyType": { "message": "Company type" },
- "attributeCompanyFounded": { "message": "Company founded" },
- "attributeKeywords": { "message": "Keywords" },
- "attributeDns_spf": { "message": "SPF record" },
- "attributeDns_dmarc": { "message": "DMARC record" },
- "attributeSchemaOrgTypes": { "message": "schema.org types" },
+ "attributeCompanyName": { "message": "Nom de la société" },
+ "attributeIndustry": { "message": "Industrie" },
+ "attributeAbout": { "message": "À propos" },
+ "attributeLocations": { "message": "Localisation" },
+ "attributeCompanySize": { "message": "Taille de la société" },
+ "attributeCompanyType": { "message": "Type de société" },
+ "attributeCompanyFounded": { "message": "Création de l'entreprise" },
+ "attributeKeywords": { "message": "Mots clés" },
+ "attributeDns_spf": { "message": "Enregistrement SPF" },
+ "attributeDns_dmarc": { "message": "Enregistrement DMARC" },
+ "attributeSchemaOrgTypes": { "message": "types schema.org" },
"categoryName1": { "message": "CMS" },
"categoryName2": { "message": "Forum" },
@@ -163,16 +163,16 @@
"categoryName69": { "message": "Connexion avec les réseaux sociaux" },
"categoryName70": { "message": "SSL/TLS certificate authorities" },
"categoryName71": { "message": "Programmes affiliés" },
- "categoryName72": { "message": "Appointment scheduling" },
- "categoryName73": { "message": "Surveys" },
+ "categoryName72": { "message": "Programmation des rendez-vous" },
+ "categoryName73": { "message": "Enquêtes" },
"categoryName74": { "message": "A/B testing" },
"categoryName75": { "message": "Email" },
"categoryName76": { "message": "Personalisation" },
- "categoryName77": { "message": "Retargeting" },
+ "categoryName77": { "message": "Reciblage" },
"categoryName78": { "message": "RUM" },
- "categoryName79": { "message": "Geolocation" },
- "categoryName80": { "message": "WordPress themes" },
- "categoryName81": { "message": "Shopify themes" },
- "categoryName82": { "message": "Drupal themes" },
- "categoryName83": { "message": "Browser fingerprinting" }
+ "categoryName79": { "message": "Géolocalisation" },
+ "categoryName80": { "message": "Thèmes WordPress" },
+ "categoryName81": { "message": "Thèmes Shopify" },
+ "categoryName82": { "message": "Thèmes Drupal" },
+ "categoryName83": { "message": "Empreinte digitale des navigateurs" }
diff --git a/src/drivers/webextension/images/icons/AudioEye.svg b/src/drivers/webextension/images/icons/AudioEye.svg
index 693be792d..41f22c49a 100644
--- a/src/drivers/webextension/images/icons/AudioEye.svg
+++ b/src/drivers/webextension/images/icons/AudioEye.svg
@@ -1,10 +1,6 @@