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const fs = require('fs')
const iconPath = './src/drivers/webextension/images/icons'
const categories = JSON.parse(fs.readFileSync('./src/categories.json'))
let technologies = {}
for (const index of Array(27).keys()) {
const charCode = index ? index + 96 : 95
const character = String.fromCharCode(charCode)
const _technologies = JSON.parse(
Object.keys(_technologies).forEach((name) => {
const _charCode = name.toLowerCase().charCodeAt(0)
if (charCode !== _charCode) {
if (_charCode < 97 || _charCode > 122) {
if (charCode !== 95) {
throw new Error(
`${name} should be moved from ./src/technologies/${character}.json to ./src/technologies/_.json`
} else {
throw new Error(
`${name} should be moved from ./src/technologies/${character}.json to ./src/technologies/${String.fromCharCode(
technologies = {
Object.keys(technologies).forEach((name) => {
const technology = technologies[name]
// Validate regular expressions
;['url', 'html', 'meta', 'headers', 'cookies', 'script', 'js'].forEach(
(type) => {
if (technology[type]) {
const keyed =
typeof technology[type] === 'string' ||
? { _: technology[type] }
: technology[type]
Object.keys(keyed).forEach((key) => {
const patterns = Array.isArray(keyed[key]) ? keyed[key] : [keyed[key]]
patterns.forEach((pattern, index) => {
const id = `${name}: ${type}[${key === '_' ? `${index}` : key}]`
const [regex, ...flags] = pattern.split('\\;')
let maxGroups = 0
flags.forEach((flag) => {
const [key, value] = flag.split(':')
if (key === 'version') {
const refs = value.match(/\\(\d+)/g)
if (refs) {
maxGroups = refs.reduce((max, ref) =>
Math.max(max, parseInt(refs[1] || 0))
} else if (key === 'confidence') {
if (
!/^\d+$/.test(value) ||
parseInt(value, 10) < 0 ||
parseInt(value, 10) > 99
) {
throw new Error(
`Confidence value must a number between 0 and 99: ${value} (${id})`
} else {
throw new Error(`Invalid flag: ${key} (${id})`)
// Validate regular expression
try {
// eslint-disable-next-line no-new
new RegExp(regex)
} catch (error) {
throw new Error(`${error.message} (${id})`)
// Count capture groups
const groups = new RegExp(`${regex}|`).exec('').length - 1
if (groups > maxGroups) {
throw new Error(
`Too many non-capturing groups, expected ${maxGroups}: ${regex} (${id})`
if (type === 'html' && !/[<>]/.test(regex)) {
throw new Error(
`HTML pattern must include < or >: ${regex} (${id})`
// Validate categories
technology.cats.forEach((id) => {
if (!categories[id]) {
throw new Error(`No such category: ${id} (${name})`)
// Validate icons
if (technology.icon && !fs.existsSync(`${iconPath}/${technology.icon}`)) {
throw new Error(`No such icon: ${technology.icon} (${name})`)
// Validate website URLs
try {
// eslint-disable-next-line no-new
const { protocol } = new URL(
if (protocol !== 'http:' && protocol !== 'https:') {
throw new Error('Invalid protocol')
} catch (error) {
throw new Error(`Invalid website URL: ${} (${name})`)
// Validate implies and excludes
const { implies, excludes } = technology
if (implies) {
;(Array.isArray(implies) ? implies : [implies]).forEach((implied) => {
const [_name, ...flags] = implied.split('\\;')
const id = `${name}: implies[${implied}]`
if (!technologies[_name]) {
throw new Error(`Implied technology does not exist: ${_name} (${id})`)
flags.forEach((flag) => {
const [key, value] = flag.split(':')
if (key === 'version') {
if (key === 'confidence') {
if (
!/^\d+$/.test(value) ||
parseInt(value, 10) < 0 ||
parseInt(value, 10) > 99
) {
throw new Error(
`Confidence value must a number between 0 and 99: ${value} (${id})`
} else {
throw new Error(`Invalid flag: ${key} (${id})`)
if (excludes) {
;(Array.isArray(excludes) ? excludes : [excludes]).forEach((excluded) => {
const id = `${name}: excludes[${excluded}]`
if (!technologies[excluded]) {
throw new Error(
`Excluded technology does not exist: ${excluded} (${id})`
// Validate icons
fs.readdirSync(iconPath).forEach((file) => {
const filePath = `${iconPath}/${file}`
if (fs.statSync(filePath).isFile() && !file.startsWith('.')) {
if (!/^(png|svg)$/i.test(file.split('.').pop())) {
throw new Error(`Incorrect file type, expected PNG or SVG: ${filePath}`)
if (
!Object.values(technologies).some(({ icon }) => icon === file) &&
4 years ago
file !== 'default.svg'
) {
throw new Error(`Extraneous file: ${filePath}`)