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114 lines
3.1 KiB

cd "$(dirname $0)/.."
7 years ago
if [[ -z "$version" ]]; then
current=$(grep '"version":' src/drivers/webextension/manifest.json | sed 's/^.*"version": "\(.*\)".*$/\1/')
echo "No version specified. Current version is $current."
exit 1;
8 years ago
set -eu
7 years ago
echo "Deleting junk files..."
find . -name ".DS_Store" -exec rm {} \;
echo "Prettifying apps.json..."
jsonlint-cli -ist $'\t' src/apps.json
echo "Converting SVG icons to PNG..."
7 years ago
svg2png-many -i src/icons/ -o src/icons/converted/ --width=32 --height=32
echo "Compressing PNG icons..."
set +e
optipng -quiet "src/icons/*.png"
optipng -quiet "src/icons/converted/*.png"
set -e
7 years ago
sed -i "s/\"version\": \"[^\"]*\"/\"version\": \"$version\"/" src/drivers/npm/package.json
# WebExtension
echo "Building WebExtension..."
8 years ago
pushd $webextension_dir > /dev/null
7 years ago
sed -i "s/\"version\": \"[^\"]*\"/\"version\": \"$version\"/" manifest.json
zip -qr ../../../build/ . \
-x images/icon_44.png \
-x images/icon_50.png \
-x images/icon_150.png \
-x js/ms_\*.js \
-x manifest.edge.json \
-x \*.log \
-x \*.lock \
-x \*.gitignore \
-x \*.gitkeep \
-x \* \
-x \*.min.js \
-x \*.yarn-integrity \
-x \*package.json \
-x \*LICENSE \
-x \*
8 years ago
popd > /dev/null
# Edge
#echo "Building Edge application..."
#pushd build > /dev/null
#mv $webextension_dir/manifest.json $webextension_dir/manifest.webextension.json
#mv $webextension_dir/manifest.edge.json $webextension_dir/manifest.json
#sed -i "s/\"version\": \"[^\"]*\"/\"version\": \"$version\"/" $webextension_dir/manifest.json
#manifoldjs -l debug -p edgeextension -f edgeextension -m $webextension_dir/manifest.json
## Replace symlinks with actual files
#rm $manifest_dir/Extension/images/icons
#cp ../src/apps.json $manifest_dir/Extension
#cp ../src/wappalyzer.js $manifest_dir/Extension/js
#cp -r ../src/icons $manifest_dir/Extension/images
#mv $webextension_dir/manifest.json $webextension_dir/manifest.edge.json
#mv $webextension_dir/manifest.webextension.json $webextension_dir/manifest.json
#sed -i 's/INSERT-YOUR-PACKAGE-IDENTITY-NAME-HERE/1591Wappalyzer.Wappalyzer/' $manifest_dir/appxmanifest.xml
#sed -i 's/INSERT-YOUR-PACKAGE-IDENTITY-PUBLISHER-HERE/D240C22F-A6C1-45DF-BF7B-4C835064DF51/' $manifest_dir/appxmanifest.xml
#sed -i 's/INSERT-YOUR-PACKAGE-PROPERTIES-PUBLISHERDISPLAYNAME-HERE/Wappalyzer/' $manifest_dir/appxmanifest.xml
#sed -i 's/Version="0.\([^"]\+\)/Version="\1.0/' $manifest_dir/appxmanifest.xml
#cp $webextension_dir/images/icon_44.png $manifest_dir/Assets/Square44x44Logo.png
#cp $webextension_dir/images/icon_150.png $manifest_dir/Assets/Square150x150Logo.png
#cp $webextension_dir/images/icon_50.png $manifest_dir/Assets/StoreLogo.png
#manifoldjs -l debug -p edgeextension package $manifest_dir
#mv Wappalyzer/edgeextension/package/edgeExtension.appx wappalyzer_edge.appx
#rm -rf Wappalyzer
#popd > /dev/null
7 years ago
echo "Done (v$version)."