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38 lines
849 B

echo "\$WAPPALYZER_ROOT not set"
exit 1
wappalyzer links
# Mozilla Firefox
echo "Building Firefox driver..."
cfx xpi --pkgdir=$WAPPALYZER_ROOT/src/drivers/firefox --output-file=$WAPPALYZER_ROOT/build/wappalyzer_firefox.xpi
# Google Chrome
echo "Building Chrome driver..."
pushd $WAPPALYZER_ROOT/src/drivers/chrome > /dev/null
zip -qr $WAPPALYZER_ROOT/build/ .
popd > /dev/null
# Bookmarklet
echo "Building Bookmarklet driver..."
echo "var json =" > /tmp/bookmarklet
cat $WAPPALYZER_ROOT/src/apps.json >> /tmp/bookmarklet
echo -e ";\n\nwappalyzer.apps = json.apps;\nwappalyzer.categories = json.categories;" >> /tmp/bookmarklet
mv /tmp/bookmarklet $WAPPALYZER_ROOT/src/drivers/bookmarklet/js/apps.js
echo "Done. Builds have been created in $WAPPALYZER_ROOT/build."