You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

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// TextToImage.swift
// Diffusion
// Created by Pedro Cuenca on December 2022.
// See LICENSE at
import SwiftUI
import Combine
import StableDiffusion
// TODO: bind to UI controls
let scheduler = StableDiffusionScheduler.dpmpp
let steps = 25
let seed: UInt32? = nil
func generate(pipeline: Pipeline?, prompt: String) async -> CGImage? {
guard let pipeline = pipeline else { return nil }
return try? pipeline.generate(prompt: prompt, scheduler: scheduler, numInferenceSteps: steps, seed: seed)
enum GenerationState {
case startup
case running(StableDiffusionProgress?)
case idle
struct ImageWithPlaceholder: View {
var image: Binding<CGImage?>
var state: Binding<GenerationState>
var body: some View {
switch state.wrappedValue {
case .startup: return AnyView(Image("placeholder").resizable())
case .running(let progress):
guard let progress = progress, progress.stepCount > 0 else {
// The first time it takes a little bit before generation starts
return AnyView(ProgressView())
let step = Int(progress.step) + 1
let fraction = Double(step) / Double(progress.stepCount)
let label = "Step \(step) of \(progress.stepCount)"
return AnyView(ProgressView(label, value: fraction, total: 1).padding())
guard let theImage = image.wrappedValue else {
return AnyView(Image(systemName: "exclamationmark.triangle").resizable())
let imageView = Image(theImage, scale: 1, label: Text("generated"))
return AnyView(
VStack {
imageView.resizable().clipShape(RoundedRectangle(cornerRadius: 20))
ShareLink(item: imageView, preview: SharePreview("Generated image", image: imageView))
struct TextToImage: View {
@EnvironmentObject var context: DiffusionGlobals
@State private var prompt = "Labrador in the style of Vermeer"
@State private var image: CGImage? = nil
@State private var state: GenerationState = .startup
@State private var progressSubscriber: Cancellable?
func submit() {
if case .running = state { return }
Task {
state = .running(nil)
image = await generate(pipeline: context.pipeline, prompt: prompt)
state = .idle
var body: some View {
VStack {
HStack {
TextField("Prompt", text: $prompt)
.onSubmit {
Button("Generate") {
ImageWithPlaceholder(image: $image, state: $state)
.onAppear {
progressSubscriber = context.pipeline!.progressPublisher.sink { progress in
guard let progress = progress else { return }
state = .running(progress)