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// PipelineLoader.swift
// Diffusion
// Created by Pedro Cuenca on December 2022.
// See LICENSE at
import CoreML
import Combine
import Path
import ZIPFoundation
import StableDiffusion
class PipelineLoader {
static let models = Path.applicationSupport / "models"
let url: URL
private var downloadSubscriber: Cancellable?
init(url: URL) {
self.url = url
state = .undetermined
enum PipelinePreparationPhase {
case undetermined
case waitingToDownload
case downloading(Double)
case downloaded
case uncompressing
case readyOnDisk
case loaded
case failed(Error)
var state: PipelinePreparationPhase {
didSet {
statePublisher.value = state
private(set) lazy var statePublisher: CurrentValueSubject<PipelinePreparationPhase, Never> = CurrentValueSubject(state)
func setInitialState() {
if ready {
state = .readyOnDisk
if downloaded {
state = .downloaded
state = .waitingToDownload
extension PipelineLoader {
static func removeAll() {
try? models.delete()
extension PipelineLoader {
var filename: String {
return url.lastPathComponent
var downloadedPath: Path { PipelineLoader.models / filename }
var downloadedURL: URL { downloadedPath.url }
var uncompressPath: Path { downloadedPath.parent }
var packagesFilename: String { downloadedPath.basename(dropExtension: true) }
var compiledPath: Path { downloadedPath.parent/packagesFilename }
var downloaded: Bool {
return downloadedPath.exists
var ready: Bool {
return compiledPath.exists
// TODO: maybe receive Progress to add another progress as child
func prepare() async throws -> Pipeline {
do {
try PipelineLoader.models.mkdir(.p)
try await download()
try await unzip()
let pipeline = try await load(url: compiledPath.url)
return Pipeline(pipeline)
} catch {
state = .failed(error)
throw error
func download() async throws -> URL {
if ready || downloaded { return downloadedURL }
let downloader = Downloader(from: url, to: downloadedURL)
downloadSubscriber = downloader.downloadState.sink { state in
if case .downloading(let progress) = state {
self.state = .downloading(progress)
try downloader.waitUntilDone()
return downloadedURL
func unzip() async throws {
guard downloaded else { return }
state = .uncompressing
do {
try FileManager().unzipItem(at: downloadedURL, to: uncompressPath.url)
} catch {
// Cleanup if error occurs while unzipping
try uncompressPath.delete()
throw error
try downloadedPath.delete()
state = .readyOnDisk
func load(url: URL) async throws -> StableDiffusionPipeline {
let beginDate = Date()
let configuration = MLModelConfiguration()
configuration.computeUnits = .cpuAndGPU // .all works for v1.4, but not for v1.5. TODO: measure performance on different devices
let pipeline = try StableDiffusionPipeline(resourcesAt: url,
configuration: configuration,
disableSafety: false)
print("Pipeline loaded in \(Date().timeIntervalSince(beginDate))")
state = .loaded
return pipeline