// // PromptView.swift // Diffusion-macOS // // Created by Cyril Zakka on 1/12/23. // See LICENSE at https://github.com/huggingface/swift-coreml-diffusers/LICENSE // import Combine import SwiftUI import CompactSlider enum PipelineState { case downloading(Double) case uncompressing case loading case ready case failed(Error) } /// Mimics the native appearance, but labels are clickable. /// To be removed (adding gestures to all labels) if we observe any UI shenanigans. struct LabelToggleDisclosureGroupStyle: DisclosureGroupStyle { func makeBody(configuration: Configuration) -> some View { VStack { HStack { Button { withAnimation { configuration.isExpanded.toggle() } } label: { Image(systemName: configuration.isExpanded ? "chevron.down" : "chevron.right").frame(width:8, height: 8) }.buttonStyle(.plain).font(.footnote).fontWeight(.semibold).foregroundColor(.gray) configuration.label.onTapGesture { withAnimation { configuration.isExpanded.toggle() } } Spacer() } if configuration.isExpanded { configuration.content } } } } struct ControlsView: View { @EnvironmentObject var generation: GenerationContext static let models = ModelInfo.MODELS @State private var model = Settings.shared.currentModel.modelVersion @State private var disclosedModel = true @State private var disclosedPrompt = true @State private var disclosedGuidance = false @State private var disclosedSteps = false @State private var disclosedSeed = false // TODO: refactor download with similar code in Loading.swift (iOS) @State private var stateSubscriber: Cancellable? @State private var pipelineState: PipelineState = .downloading(0) @State private var pipelineLoader: PipelineLoader? = nil // TODO: make this computed, and observable, and easy to read @State private var mustShowSafetyCheckerDisclaimer = false @State private var showModelsHelp = false @State private var showPromptsHelp = false @State private var showGuidanceHelp = false @State private var showStepsHelp = false @State private var showSeedHelp = false func updateSafetyCheckerState() { mustShowSafetyCheckerDisclaimer = generation.disableSafety && !Settings.shared.safetyCheckerDisclaimerShown } func modelDidChange(model: ModelInfo) { print("Loading model \(model)") Settings.shared.currentModel = model pipelineLoader?.cancel() pipelineState = .downloading(0) Task.init { let loader = PipelineLoader(model: model) self.pipelineLoader = loader stateSubscriber = loader.statePublisher.sink { state in DispatchQueue.main.async { switch state { case .downloading(let progress): print("\(loader.model.modelVersion): \(progress)") pipelineState = .downloading(progress) case .uncompressing: pipelineState = .uncompressing case .readyOnDisk: pipelineState = .loading case .failed(let error): pipelineState = .failed(error) default: break } } } do { generation.pipeline = try await loader.prepare() pipelineState = .ready } catch { print("Could not load model, error: \(error)") pipelineState = .failed(error) } } } func modelLabel(_ model: ModelInfo) -> Text { let downloaded = PipelineLoader(model: model).ready let prefix = downloaded ? "● " : "◌ " //"○ " return Text(prefix).foregroundColor(downloaded ? .accentColor : .secondary) + Text(model.modelVersion) } var body: some View { VStack(alignment: .leading) { Label("Adjustments", systemImage: "gearshape.2") .font(.headline) .fontWeight(.bold) Divider() ScrollView { Group { DisclosureGroup(isExpanded: $disclosedModel) { Picker("", selection: $model) { ForEach(Self.models, id: \.modelVersion) { modelLabel($0) } } .onChange(of: model) { theModel in guard let model = ModelInfo.from(modelVersion: theModel) else { return } modelDidChange(model: model) } } label: { HStack { Label("Model from Hub", systemImage: "cpu").foregroundColor(.secondary) Spacer() if disclosedModel { Button { showModelsHelp.toggle() } label: { Image(systemName: "info.circle") } .buttonStyle(.plain) // Or maybe use .sheet instead .sheet(isPresented: $showModelsHelp) { modelsHelp($showModelsHelp) } } }.foregroundColor(.secondary) } Divider() DisclosureGroup(isExpanded: $disclosedPrompt) { Group { TextField("Positive prompt", text: $generation.positivePrompt, axis: .vertical).lineLimit(5) .textFieldStyle(.squareBorder) .listRowInsets(EdgeInsets(top: 0, leading: -20, bottom: 0, trailing: 20)) TextField("Negative prompt", text: $generation.negativePrompt, axis: .vertical).lineLimit(5) .textFieldStyle(.squareBorder) }.padding(.leading, 10) } label: { HStack { Label("Prompts", systemImage: "text.quote").foregroundColor(.secondary) Spacer() if disclosedPrompt { Button { showPromptsHelp.toggle() } label: { Image(systemName: "info.circle") } .buttonStyle(.plain) // Or maybe use .sheet instead .popover(isPresented: $showPromptsHelp, arrowEdge: .trailing) { promptsHelp($showPromptsHelp) } } }.foregroundColor(.secondary) } Divider() let guidanceScaleValue = generation.guidanceScale.formatted("%.1f") DisclosureGroup(isExpanded: $disclosedGuidance) { CompactSlider(value: $generation.guidanceScale, in: 0...20, step: 0.5) { Text("Guidance Scale") Spacer() Text(guidanceScaleValue) }.padding(.leading, 10) } label: { HStack { Label("Guidance Scale", systemImage: "scalemass").foregroundColor(.secondary) Spacer() if disclosedGuidance { Button { showGuidanceHelp.toggle() } label: { Image(systemName: "info.circle") } .buttonStyle(.plain) // Or maybe use .sheet instead .popover(isPresented: $showGuidanceHelp, arrowEdge: .trailing) { guidanceHelp($showGuidanceHelp) } } else { Text(guidanceScaleValue) } }.foregroundColor(.secondary) } Divider() DisclosureGroup(isExpanded: $disclosedSteps) { CompactSlider(value: $generation.steps, in: 0...150, step: 5) { Text("Steps") Spacer() Text("\(Int(generation.steps))") }.padding(.leading, 10) } label: { HStack { Label("Step count", systemImage: "square.3.layers.3d.down.left").foregroundColor(.secondary) Spacer() if disclosedSteps { Button { showStepsHelp.toggle() } label: { Image(systemName: "info.circle") } .buttonStyle(.plain) .popover(isPresented: $showStepsHelp, arrowEdge: .trailing) { stepsHelp($showStepsHelp) } } else { Text("\(Int(generation.steps))") } }.foregroundColor(.secondary) } Divider() DisclosureGroup(isExpanded: $disclosedSeed) { let sliderLabel = generation.seed < 0 ? "Random Seed" : "Seed" CompactSlider(value: $generation.seed, in: -1...1000, step: 1) { Text(sliderLabel) Spacer() Text("\(Int(generation.seed))") }.padding(.leading, 10) } label: { HStack { Label("Seed", systemImage: "leaf").foregroundColor(.secondary) Spacer() if disclosedSeed { Button { showSeedHelp.toggle() } label: { Image(systemName: "info.circle") } .buttonStyle(.plain) .popover(isPresented: $showSeedHelp, arrowEdge: .trailing) { seedHelp($showSeedHelp) } } else { Text("\(Int(generation.seed))") } }.foregroundColor(.secondary) } } } .disclosureGroupStyle(LabelToggleDisclosureGroupStyle()) Toggle("Disable Safety Checker", isOn: $generation.disableSafety).onChange(of: generation.disableSafety) { value in updateSafetyCheckerState() } .popover(isPresented: $mustShowSafetyCheckerDisclaimer) { VStack { Text("You have disabled the safety checker").font(.title).padding(.top) Text(""" Please, ensure that you abide \ by the conditions of the Stable Diffusion license and do not expose \ unfiltered results to the public. """) .lineLimit(nil) .padding(.all, 5) Button { Settings.shared.safetyCheckerDisclaimerShown = true updateSafetyCheckerState() } label: { Text("I Accept").frame(maxWidth: 200) } .padding(.bottom) } .frame(minWidth: 400, idealWidth: 400, maxWidth: 400) .fixedSize() } Divider() StatusView(pipelineState: $pipelineState) } .padding() .onAppear { print(PipelineLoader.models) modelDidChange(model: ModelInfo.from(modelVersion: model) ?? ModelInfo.v2Base) } } }