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from .registry import is_model, is_model_in_modules, model_entrypoint
from .helpers import load_checkpoint
def create_model(
"""Create a model
model_name (str): name of model to instantiate
pretrained (bool): load pretrained ImageNet-1k weights if true
num_classes (int): number of classes for final fully connected layer (default: 1000)
in_chans (int): number of input channels / colors (default: 3)
checkpoint_path (str): path of checkpoint to load after model is initialized
Keyword Args:
drop_rate (float): dropout rate for training (default: 0.0)
global_pool (str): global pool type (default: 'avg')
**: other kwargs are model specific
margs = dict(pretrained=pretrained, num_classes=num_classes, in_chans=in_chans)
# Not all models have support for batchnorm params passed as args, only gen_efficientnet variants
supports_bn_params = is_model_in_modules(model_name, ['gen_efficientnet'])
if not supports_bn_params and any([x in kwargs for x in ['bn_tf', 'bn_momentum', 'bn_eps']]):
kwargs.pop('bn_tf', None)
kwargs.pop('bn_momentum', None)
kwargs.pop('bn_eps', None)
if is_model(model_name):
create_fn = model_entrypoint(model_name)
model = create_fn(**margs, **kwargs)
raise RuntimeError('Unknown model (%s)' % model_name)
if checkpoint_path:
load_checkpoint(model, checkpoint_path)
return model