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import os
from contextlib import suppress
from dataclasses import dataclass, field, InitVar
from typing import Optional
import torch
from torch.distributed import ReduceOp
import torch_xla.core.xla_model as xm
_HAS_XLA = True
except ImportError as e:
xm = None
_HAS_XLA = False
# only the very latest XLA builds have AMP
import torch_xla.amp as xa
except ImportError as e:
xa = None
from .device_env import DeviceEnv, DeviceEnvType, TensorList
_PT_TO_XM_OP = {
ReduceOp.SUM: xm.REDUCE_SUM,
ReduceOp.MIN: xm.REDUCE_MIN,
ReduceOp.MAX: xm.REDUCE_MAX,
ReduceOp.BOR: xm.REDUCE_OR,
def is_xla_available(xla_device_type=None):
if not _HAS_XLA:
return False
supported_devs = xm.get_xla_supported_devices(devkind=xla_device_type)
return len(supported_devs) >= 1
class DeviceEnvXla(DeviceEnv):
def __post_init__(self, device_type: Optional[str], device_idx: Optional[int]):
if device_type is not None:
device_type = device_type.upper()
assert device_type in ('TPU', 'GPU', 'CPU'), "XLA device type must be one of ('TPU', 'GPU', 'CPU')"
self.device = xm.xla_device(n=device_idx, devkind=device_type)
self.world_size = xm.xrt_world_size()
if self.distributed:
assert device_idx is None, "device_index is based on local rank for distributed XLA mode"
self.local_rank = xm.get_local_ordinal()
self.global_rank = xm.get_ordinal()
self.local_rank = 0
self.global_rank = 0
if self.amp:
assert xa is not None, 'XLA AMP is not present on this build'
if self.autocast is None:
self.autocast = xa.autocast if self.amp else suppress
def type(self) -> DeviceEnvType:
return DeviceEnvType.XLA
def wrap_distributed(self, *modules):
wrapped = [m for m in modules] # NO-OP
return wrapped[0] if len(wrapped) == 1 else wrapped
def wrap_parallel(self, *modules):
assert False, "Not implemented"
def mark_step(self):
def all_reduce(self, tensor: torch.Tensor, op=ReduceOp.SUM, average=False):
assert isinstance(tensor, torch.Tensor) # unlike in-place variant, lists/tuples not allowed
op = _PT_TO_XM_OP[op]
scale = 1.0 / self.world_size if average else 1.0
return xm.all_reduce(op, tensor, scale=scale)
def all_reduce_(self, tensor: TensorList, op=ReduceOp.SUM, average=False):
op = _PT_TO_XM_OP[op]
scale = 1.0 / self.world_size if average else 1.0
wrapped = False
if isinstance(tensor, torch.Tensor):
tensor = [tensor] # bare tensors are not operated on in-place
wrapped = True
xm.all_reduce(op, tensor, scale=scale)
if wrapped:
tensor = tensor[0]
return tensor
def all_gather(self, tensor: torch.Tensor, cat_dim=0):
output = xm.all_gather(tensor, cat_dim)
return output
def all_to_all(self, tensor, num_splits, split_dim, cat_dim=0):
output = xm.all_to_all(tensor, split_dim, cat_dim, num_splits)
return output
def broadcast(self, tensor: torch.Tensor, src_rank=0):
if self.global_rank != src_rank:
reduce_tensor = torch.zeros_like(tensor)
xm.all_reduce('sum', reduce_tensor)
xm.all_reduce('sum', tensor)
return tensor
def broadcast_(self, tensor: torch.Tensor, src_rank=0):
out_tensor = self.broadcast(tensor, src_rank)
return tensor.copy_(out_tensor)
def barrier(self):