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import abc
from contextlib import suppress
from enum import Enum
from typing import Callable, Union, Optional, List, Tuple, Dict, Any
from dataclasses import dataclass, field, InitVar
import torch
import torch.distributed as dist
TensorList = Union[torch.Tensor, List[torch.Tensor], Tuple[torch.Tensor]]
class DeviceEnvType(Enum):
""" Device Environment Types
CPU = "cpu"
CUDA = "cuda"
XLA = "xla"
def state_dict_apply(state_dict: Dict[str, Any], apply_fn, select_fn=lambda x: x.isinstance(torch.Tensor)):
out_dict = {}
for k, v in state_dict.items():
if isinstance(v, dict):
out_dict[k] = state_dict_apply(v, apply_fn, select_fn)
out_dict[k] = apply_fn(v) if select_fn(v) else v
return out_dict
class DeviceEnv:
device_type: InitVar[Optional[str]] = None
device_index: InitVar[Optional[int]] = None
channels_last: InitVar[bool] = False
device: torch.device = field(init=False) # set from device_type + device_index or post_init logic
world_size: Optional[int] = None # set by post_init from env when None
local_rank: Optional[int] = None # set by post_init from env when None
global_rank: Optional[int] = None # set by post_init from env when None
amp: bool = False
autocast: Optional[Callable] = None # set by post_init from env when None
memory_format: Optional[torch.memory_format] = None
dtype: Optional[torch.dtype] = None
def __post_init__(
device_type: Optional[str],
device_index: Optional[int],
channels_last: bool,
device_type = device_type or 'cpu'
self.device = torch.device(device_type) if device_index is None \
else torch.device(device_type, device_index)
self.world_size = 1 if self.world_size is None else self.world_size
self.local_rank = 0 if self.local_rank is None else self.local_rank
self.global_rank = 0 if self.global_rank is None else self.global_rank
if self.autocast is None:
self.autocast = suppress
if channels_last:
self.memory_format = torch.channels_last
def is_instance():
return is_global_device()
def instance():
# throws if called before global device is set / initialized
return get_global_device()
def type(self) -> DeviceEnvType:
if self.device.type == 'cpu':
return DeviceEnvType.CPU
elif self.device.type == 'cuda':
return DeviceEnvType.CUDA
elif self.device.type == 'xla':
return DeviceEnvType.XLA
assert False, "Unexpected device type for base DevEnv impl."
def type_cuda(self):
# shortcut for common cuda device type
return self.type == DeviceEnvType.CUDA
def type_xla(self):
# shortcut for common xla device type
return self.type == DeviceEnvType.XLA
def distributed(self):
return self.world_size > 1
def primary(self):
return self.local_rank == 0
def global_primary(self):
return self.global_rank == 0
def wrap_distributed(self, *modules):
def wrap_parallel(self, *modules):
def to_cpu(self, *modules: torch.nn.Module):
moved = [m.cpu() for m in modules]
return moved[0] if len(moved) == 1 else moved
def to_device(self, *modules: torch.nn.Module):
# FIXME handling dtype? Do we want separate dtype for data vs model?
moved = [, memory_format=self.memory_format) for m in modules]
return moved[0] if len(moved) == 1 else moved
def state_dict_to_cpu(self, state: Dict[str, Any]):
cpu_state = state_dict_apply(state, apply_fn=lambda x: x.cpu())
return cpu_state
def state_dict_to_device(self, state: Dict[str, Any]):
cpu_state = state_dict_apply(state, apply_fn=lambda x:
return cpu_state
def mark_step(self):
pass # NO-OP for non-XLA devices
def synchronize(self, tensors: Optional[TensorList] = None):
def all_reduce_(self, tensor: TensorList, op=dist.ReduceOp.SUM, average=False):
dist.all_reduce(tensor, op=op)
if average:
return tensor
def all_reduce(self, tensor: torch.Tensor, op=dist.ReduceOp.SUM, average=False):
reduce_tensor = tensor.clone()
dist.all_reduce(reduce_tensor, op=op)
if average:
reduce_tensor = reduce_tensor / self.world_size
return reduce_tensor
def all_gather(self, tensor: torch.Tensor, cat_dim=0):
output_tensors = [torch.empty_like(tensor) for _ in range(self.world_size)]
dist.all_gather(output_tensors, tensor)
return, cat_dim)
def all_to_all(self, tensor: torch.Tensor, num_splits, split_dim, cat_dim=0):
input_tensors = torch.chunk(tensor, num_splits, split_dim)
output_tensors = [torch.empty_like(input_tensors[0]) for _ in range(self.world_size)]
dist.all_to_all(output_tensors, input_tensors)
return, cat_dim)
def broadcast_(self, tensor: torch.Tensor, src_rank=0):
dist.broadcast(tensor, src=src_rank)
return tensor
def broadcast(self, tensor: Optional[torch.Tensor] = None, src_rank=0):
if self.global_rank != src_rank:
tensor = torch.empty_like(tensor)
assert tensor is not None
dist.broadcast(tensor, src=src_rank)
return tensor
def barrier(self):
# Global device environment singleton instance
_global_device_env: Optional[DeviceEnv] = None
def is_global_device():
return _global_device_env is not None
def get_global_device() -> DeviceEnv:
if not is_global_device():
raise RuntimeError('Please initialize device environment by calling initialize_device / set_global_device.')
return _global_device_env
def set_global_device(device: DeviceEnv):
global _global_device_env
if _global_device_env is not None:
raise RuntimeError('Global device is already set, it should NOT be set again.')
_global_device_env = device