""" Transforms Factory Factory methods for building image transforms for use with TIMM (PyTorch Image Models) Hacked together by / Copyright 2020 Ross Wightman """ import math import torch from torchvision import transforms from timm.data.constants import IMAGENET_DEFAULT_MEAN, IMAGENET_DEFAULT_STD, DEFAULT_CROP_PCT from timm.data.auto_augment import rand_augment_transform, augment_and_mix_transform, auto_augment_transform from timm.data.transforms import _pil_interp, RandomResizedCropAndInterpolation, ToNumpy, ToTensor from timm.data.random_erasing import RandomErasing def transforms_noaug_train( img_size=224, interpolation='bilinear', use_prefetcher=False, mean=IMAGENET_DEFAULT_MEAN, std=IMAGENET_DEFAULT_STD, ): if interpolation == 'random': # random interpolation not supported with no-aug interpolation = 'bilinear' tfl = [ transforms.Resize(img_size, _pil_interp(interpolation)), transforms.CenterCrop(img_size) ] if use_prefetcher: # prefetcher and collate will handle tensor conversion and norm tfl += [ToNumpy()] else: tfl += [ transforms.ToTensor(), transforms.Normalize( mean=torch.tensor(mean), std=torch.tensor(std)) ] return transforms.Compose(tfl) def transforms_imagenet_train( img_size=224, scale=None, ratio=None, hflip=0.5, vflip=0., color_jitter=0.4, auto_augment=None, interpolation='random', use_prefetcher=False, mean=IMAGENET_DEFAULT_MEAN, std=IMAGENET_DEFAULT_STD, re_prob=0., re_mode='const', re_count=1, re_num_splits=0, separate=False, ): """ If separate==True, the transforms are returned as a tuple of 3 separate transforms for use in a mixing dataset that passes * all data through the first (primary) transform, called the 'clean' data * a portion of the data through the secondary transform * normalizes and converts the branches above with the third, final transform """ scale = tuple(scale or (0.08, 1.0)) # default imagenet scale range ratio = tuple(ratio or (3./4., 4./3.)) # default imagenet ratio range primary_tfl = [ RandomResizedCropAndInterpolation(img_size, scale=scale, ratio=ratio, interpolation=interpolation)] if hflip > 0.: primary_tfl += [transforms.RandomHorizontalFlip(p=hflip)] if vflip > 0.: primary_tfl += [transforms.RandomVerticalFlip(p=vflip)] secondary_tfl = [] if auto_augment: assert isinstance(auto_augment, str) if isinstance(img_size, (tuple, list)): img_size_min = min(img_size) else: img_size_min = img_size aa_params = dict( translate_const=int(img_size_min * 0.45), img_mean=tuple([min(255, round(255 * x)) for x in mean]), ) if interpolation and interpolation != 'random': aa_params['interpolation'] = _pil_interp(interpolation) if auto_augment.startswith('rand'): secondary_tfl += [rand_augment_transform(auto_augment, aa_params)] elif auto_augment.startswith('augmix'): aa_params['translate_pct'] = 0.3 secondary_tfl += [augment_and_mix_transform(auto_augment, aa_params)] else: secondary_tfl += [auto_augment_transform(auto_augment, aa_params)] elif color_jitter is not None: # color jitter is enabled when not using AA if isinstance(color_jitter, (list, tuple)): # color jitter should be a 3-tuple/list if spec brightness/contrast/saturation # or 4 if also augmenting hue assert len(color_jitter) in (3, 4) else: # if it's a scalar, duplicate for brightness, contrast, and saturation, no hue color_jitter = (float(color_jitter),) * 3 secondary_tfl += [transforms.ColorJitter(*color_jitter)] final_tfl = [] if use_prefetcher: # prefetcher and collate will handle tensor conversion and norm final_tfl += [ToNumpy()] else: final_tfl += [ transforms.ToTensor(), transforms.Normalize( mean=torch.tensor(mean), std=torch.tensor(std)) ] if re_prob > 0.: final_tfl.append( RandomErasing(re_prob, mode=re_mode, max_count=re_count, num_splits=re_num_splits, device='cpu')) if separate: return transforms.Compose(primary_tfl), transforms.Compose(secondary_tfl), transforms.Compose(final_tfl) else: return transforms.Compose(primary_tfl + secondary_tfl + final_tfl) def transforms_imagenet_eval( img_size=224, crop_pct=None, interpolation='bilinear', use_prefetcher=False, mean=IMAGENET_DEFAULT_MEAN, std=IMAGENET_DEFAULT_STD): crop_pct = crop_pct or DEFAULT_CROP_PCT if isinstance(img_size, (tuple, list)): assert len(img_size) == 2 if img_size[-1] == img_size[-2]: # fall-back to older behaviour so Resize scales to shortest edge if target is square scale_size = int(math.floor(img_size[0] / crop_pct)) else: scale_size = tuple([int(x / crop_pct) for x in img_size]) else: scale_size = int(math.floor(img_size / crop_pct)) tfl = [ transforms.Resize(scale_size, _pil_interp(interpolation)), transforms.CenterCrop(img_size), ] if use_prefetcher: # prefetcher and collate will handle tensor conversion and norm tfl += [ToNumpy()] else: tfl += [ transforms.ToTensor(), transforms.Normalize( mean=torch.tensor(mean), std=torch.tensor(std)) ] return transforms.Compose(tfl) def create_transform( input_size, is_training=False, use_prefetcher=False, no_aug=False, scale=None, ratio=None, hflip=0.5, vflip=0., color_jitter=0.4, auto_augment=None, interpolation='bilinear', mean=IMAGENET_DEFAULT_MEAN, std=IMAGENET_DEFAULT_STD, re_prob=0., re_mode='const', re_count=1, re_num_splits=0, crop_pct=None, tf_preprocessing=False, separate=False): if isinstance(input_size, (tuple, list)): img_size = input_size[-2:] else: img_size = input_size if tf_preprocessing and use_prefetcher: assert not separate, "Separate transforms not supported for TF preprocessing" from timm.data.tf_preprocessing import TfPreprocessTransform transform = TfPreprocessTransform( is_training=is_training, size=img_size, interpolation=interpolation) else: if is_training and no_aug: assert not separate, "Cannot perform split augmentation with no_aug" transform = transforms_noaug_train( img_size, interpolation=interpolation, use_prefetcher=use_prefetcher, mean=mean, std=std) elif is_training: transform = transforms_imagenet_train( img_size, scale=scale, ratio=ratio, hflip=hflip, vflip=vflip, color_jitter=color_jitter, auto_augment=auto_augment, interpolation=interpolation, use_prefetcher=use_prefetcher, mean=mean, std=std, re_prob=re_prob, re_mode=re_mode, re_count=re_count, re_num_splits=re_num_splits, separate=separate) else: assert not separate, "Separate transforms not supported for validation preprocessing" transform = transforms_imagenet_eval( img_size, interpolation=interpolation, use_prefetcher=use_prefetcher, mean=mean, std=std, crop_pct=crop_pct) return transform