""" Mixup and Cutmix Papers: mixup: Beyond Empirical Risk Minimization (https://arxiv.org/abs/1710.09412) CutMix: Regularization Strategy to Train Strong Classifiers with Localizable Features (https://arxiv.org/abs/1905.04899) Code Reference: CutMix: https://github.com/clovaai/CutMix-PyTorch Hacked together by / Copyright 2020 Ross Wightman """ import numpy as np import torch import math import numbers def one_hot(x, num_classes, on_value=1., off_value=0., device='cuda'): x = x.long().view(-1, 1) return torch.full((x.size()[0], num_classes), off_value, device=device).scatter_(1, x, on_value) def mixup_target(target, num_classes, lam=1., smoothing=0.0, device='cuda'): off_value = smoothing / num_classes on_value = 1. - smoothing + off_value y1 = one_hot(target, num_classes, on_value=on_value, off_value=off_value, device=device) y2 = one_hot(target.flip(0), num_classes, on_value=on_value, off_value=off_value, device=device) return y1 * lam + y2 * (1. - lam) def mixup_batch(input, target, alpha=0.2, num_classes=1000, smoothing=0.1, disable=False): lam = 1. if not disable: lam = np.random.beta(alpha, alpha) input = input.mul(lam).add_(1 - lam, input.flip(0)) target = mixup_target(target, num_classes, lam, smoothing) return input, target def rand_bbox(size, lam, border=0., count=None): ratio = math.sqrt(1 - lam) img_h, img_w = size[-2:] cut_h, cut_w = int(img_h * ratio), int(img_w * ratio) margin_y, margin_x = int(border * cut_h), int(border * cut_w) cy = np.random.randint(0 + margin_y, img_h - margin_y, size=count) cx = np.random.randint(0 + margin_x, img_w - margin_x, size=count) yl = np.clip(cy - cut_h // 2, 0, img_h) yh = np.clip(cy + cut_h // 2, 0, img_h) xl = np.clip(cx - cut_w // 2, 0, img_w) xh = np.clip(cx + cut_w // 2, 0, img_w) return yl, yh, xl, xh def rand_bbox_minmax(size, minmax, count=None): assert len(minmax) == 2 img_h, img_w = size[-2:] cut_h = np.random.randint(int(img_h * minmax[0]), int(img_h * minmax[1]), size=count) cut_w = np.random.randint(int(img_w * minmax[0]), int(img_w * minmax[1]), size=count) yl = np.random.randint(0, img_h - cut_h, size=count) xl = np.random.randint(0, img_w - cut_w, size=count) yu = yl + cut_h xu = xl + cut_w return yl, yu, xl, xu def cutmix_bbox_and_lam(img_shape, lam, ratio_minmax=None, correct_lam=True, count=None): if ratio_minmax is not None: yl, yu, xl, xu = rand_bbox_minmax(img_shape, ratio_minmax, count=count) else: yl, yu, xl, xu = rand_bbox(img_shape, lam, count=count) if correct_lam or ratio_minmax is not None: bbox_area = (yu - yl) * (xu - xl) lam = 1. - bbox_area / (img_shape[-2] * img_shape[-1]) return (yl, yu, xl, xu), lam def cutmix_batch(input, target, alpha=0.2, num_classes=1000, smoothing=0.1, disable=False, correct_lam=False): lam = 1. if not disable: lam = np.random.beta(alpha, alpha) if lam != 1: yl, yh, xl, xh = rand_bbox(input.size(), lam) input[:, :, yl:yh, xl:xh] = input.flip(0)[:, :, yl:yh, xl:xh] if correct_lam: lam = 1 - (yh - yl) * (xh - xl) / (input.shape[-2] * input.shape[-1]) target = mixup_target(target, num_classes, lam, smoothing) return input, target def mix_batch( input, target, mixup_alpha=0.2, cutmix_alpha=0., prob=1.0, switch_prob=.5, num_classes=1000, smoothing=0.1, disable=False): # FIXME test this version if np.random.rand() > prob: return input, target use_cutmix = cutmix_alpha > 0. and np.random.rand() <= switch_prob if use_cutmix: return cutmix_batch(input, target, cutmix_alpha, num_classes, smoothing, disable) else: return mixup_batch(input, target, mixup_alpha, num_classes, smoothing, disable) class FastCollateMixup: """Fast Collate Mixup/Cutmix that applies different params to each element or whole batch NOTE once experiments are done, one of the three variants will remain with this class name """ def __init__(self, mixup_alpha=1., cutmix_alpha=0., cutmix_minmax=None, prob=1.0, switch_prob=0.5, elementwise=False, correct_lam=True, label_smoothing=0.1, num_classes=1000): """ Args: mixup_alpha (float): mixup alpha value, mixup is active if > 0. cutmix_alpha (float): cutmix alpha value, cutmix is active if > 0. cutmix_minmax (float): cutmix min/max image ratio, cutmix is active and uses this vs alpha if not None prob (float): probability of applying mixup or cutmix per batch or element switch_prob (float): probability of using cutmix instead of mixup when both active elementwise (bool): apply mixup/cutmix params per batch element instead of per batch label_smoothing (float): num_classes (int): """ self.mixup_alpha = mixup_alpha self.cutmix_alpha = cutmix_alpha self.cutmix_minmax = cutmix_minmax if self.cutmix_minmax is not None: assert len(self.cutmix_minmax) == 2 # force cutmix alpha == 1.0 when minmax active to keep logic simple & safe self.cutmix_alpha = 1.0 self.prob = prob self.switch_prob = switch_prob self.label_smoothing = label_smoothing self.num_classes = num_classes self.elementwise = elementwise self.correct_lam = correct_lam # correct lambda based on clipped area for cutmix self.mixup_enabled = True # set to false to disable mixing (intended tp be set by train loop) def _mix_elem(self, output, batch): batch_size = len(batch) lam_out = np.ones(batch_size) use_cutmix = np.zeros(batch_size).astype(np.bool) if self.mixup_enabled: if self.mixup_alpha > 0. and self.cutmix_alpha > 0.: use_cutmix = np.random.rand(batch_size) < self.switch_prob lam_mix = np.where( use_cutmix, np.random.beta(self.cutmix_alpha, self.cutmix_alpha, size=batch_size), np.random.beta(self.mixup_alpha, self.mixup_alpha, size=batch_size)) elif self.mixup_alpha > 0.: lam_mix = np.random.beta(self.mixup_alpha, self.mixup_alpha, size=batch_size) elif self.cutmix_alpha > 0.: use_cutmix = np.ones(batch_size).astype(np.bool) lam_mix = np.random.beta(self.cutmix_alpha, self.cutmix_alpha, size=batch_size) else: assert False, "One of mixup_alpha > 0., cutmix_alpha > 0., cutmix_minmax not None should be true." lam_out = np.where(np.random.rand(batch_size) < self.prob, lam_mix, lam_out) for i in range(batch_size): j = batch_size - i - 1 lam = lam_out[i] mixed = batch[i][0].astype(np.float32) if lam != 1.: if use_cutmix[i]: (yl, yh, xl, xh), lam = cutmix_bbox_and_lam( output.shape, lam, ratio_minmax=self.cutmix_minmax, correct_lam=self.correct_lam) mixed[:, yl:yh, xl:xh] = batch[j][0][:, yl:yh, xl:xh].astype(np.float32) lam_out[i] = lam else: mixed = mixed * lam + batch[j][0].astype(np.float32) * (1 - lam) lam_out[i] = lam np.round(mixed, out=mixed) output[i] += torch.from_numpy(mixed.astype(np.uint8)) return torch.tensor(lam_out).unsqueeze(1) def _mix_batch(self, output, batch): batch_size = len(batch) lam = 1. use_cutmix = False if self.mixup_enabled and np.random.rand() < self.prob: if self.mixup_alpha > 0. and self.cutmix_alpha > 0.: use_cutmix = np.random.rand() < self.switch_prob lam_mix = np.random.beta(self.cutmix_alpha, self.cutmix_alpha) if use_cutmix else \ np.random.beta(self.mixup_alpha, self.mixup_alpha) elif self.mixup_alpha > 0.: lam_mix = np.random.beta(self.mixup_alpha, self.mixup_alpha) elif self.cutmix_alpha > 0.: use_cutmix = True lam_mix = np.random.beta(self.cutmix_alpha, self.cutmix_alpha) else: assert False, "One of mixup_alpha > 0., cutmix_alpha > 0., cutmix_minmax not None should be true." lam = lam_mix if use_cutmix: (yl, yh, xl, xh), lam = cutmix_bbox_and_lam( output.shape, lam, ratio_minmax=self.cutmix_minmax, correct_lam=self.correct_lam) for i in range(batch_size): j = batch_size - i - 1 mixed = batch[i][0].astype(np.float32) if lam != 1.: if use_cutmix: mixed[:, yl:yh, xl:xh] = batch[j][0][:, yl:yh, xl:xh].astype(np.float32) else: mixed = mixed * lam + batch[j][0].astype(np.float32) * (1 - lam) np.round(mixed, out=mixed) output[i] += torch.from_numpy(mixed.astype(np.uint8)) return lam def __call__(self, batch): batch_size = len(batch) assert batch_size % 2 == 0, 'Batch size should be even when using this' output = torch.zeros((batch_size, *batch[0][0].shape), dtype=torch.uint8) if self.elementwise: lam = self._mix_elem(output, batch) else: lam = self._mix_batch(output, batch) target = torch.tensor([b[1] for b in batch], dtype=torch.int64) target = mixup_target(target, self.num_classes, lam, self.label_smoothing, device='cpu') return output, target