# (Gluon) ResNet **Residual Networks**, or **ResNets**, learn residual functions with reference to the layer inputs, instead of learning unreferenced functions. Instead of hoping each few stacked layers directly fit a desired underlying mapping, residual nets let these layers fit a residual mapping. They stack [residual blocks](https://paperswithcode.com/method/residual-block) ontop of each other to form network: e.g. a ResNet-50 has fifty layers using these blocks. The weights from this model were ported from [Gluon](https://cv.gluon.ai/model_zoo/classification.html). {% include 'code_snippets.md' %} ## How do I train this model? You can follow the [timm recipe scripts](https://rwightman.github.io/pytorch-image-models/scripts/) for training a new model afresh. ## Citation ```BibTeX @article{DBLP:journals/corr/HeZRS15, author = {Kaiming He and Xiangyu Zhang and Shaoqing Ren and Jian Sun}, title = {Deep Residual Learning for Image Recognition}, journal = {CoRR}, volume = {abs/1512.03385}, year = {2015}, url = {http://arxiv.org/abs/1512.03385}, archivePrefix = {arXiv}, eprint = {1512.03385}, timestamp = {Wed, 17 Apr 2019 17:23:45 +0200}, biburl = {https://dblp.org/rec/journals/corr/HeZRS15.bib}, bibsource = {dblp computer science bibliography, https://dblp.org} } ```