import torch import math import os import shutil import glob import csv import operator import numpy as np from collections import OrderedDict class CheckpointSaver: def __init__( self, checkpoint_prefix='checkpoint', recovery_prefix='recovery', checkpoint_dir='', recovery_dir='', decreasing=False, verbose=True, max_history=10): # state self.checkpoint_files = [] # (filename, metric) tuples in order of decreasing betterness self.best_epoch = None self.best_metric = None self.curr_recovery_file = '' self.last_recovery_file = '' # config self.checkpoint_dir = checkpoint_dir self.recovery_dir = recovery_dir self.save_prefix = checkpoint_prefix self.recovery_prefix = recovery_prefix self.extension = '.pth.tar' self.decreasing = decreasing # a lower metric is better if True self.cmp = if decreasing else # True if lhs better than rhs self.verbose = verbose self.max_history = max_history assert self.max_history >= 1 def save_checkpoint(self, state, epoch, metric=None): worst_file = self.checkpoint_files[-1] if self.checkpoint_files else None if len(self.checkpoint_files) < self.max_history or self.cmp(metric, worst_file[1]): if len(self.checkpoint_files) >= self.max_history: self._cleanup_checkpoints(1) filename = '-'.join([self.save_prefix, str(epoch)]) + self.extension save_path = os.path.join(self.checkpoint_dir, filename) if metric is not None: state['metric'] = metric, save_path) self.checkpoint_files.append((save_path, metric)) self.checkpoint_files = sorted( self.checkpoint_files, key=lambda x: x[1], reverse=not self.decreasing) # sort in descending order if a lower metric is not better if self.verbose: print("Current checkpoints:") for c in self.checkpoint_files: print(c) if metric is not None and (self.best_metric is None or self.cmp(metric, self.best_metric)): self.best_epoch = epoch self.best_metric = metric shutil.copyfile(save_path, os.path.join(self.checkpoint_dir, 'model_best' + self.extension)) return (None, None) if self.best_metric is None else (self.best_metric, self.best_epoch) def _cleanup_checkpoints(self, trim=0): trim = min(len(self.checkpoint_files), trim) delete_index = self.max_history - trim if delete_index <= 0 or len(self.checkpoint_files) <= delete_index: return to_delete = self.checkpoint_files[delete_index:] for d in to_delete: try: if self.verbose: print('Cleaning checkpoint: ', d) os.remove(d[0]) except Exception as e: print('Exception (%s) while deleting checkpoint' % str(e)) self.checkpoint_files = self.checkpoint_files[:delete_index] def save_recovery(self, state, epoch, batch_idx): filename = '-'.join([self.recovery_prefix, str(epoch), str(batch_idx)]) + self.extension save_path = os.path.join(self.recovery_dir, filename), save_path) if os.path.exists(self.last_recovery_file): try: if self.verbose: print('Cleaning recovery', self.last_recovery_file) os.remove(self.last_recovery_file) except Exception as e: print("Exception (%s) while removing %s" % (str(e), self.last_recovery_file)) self.last_recovery_file = self.curr_recovery_file self.curr_recovery_file = save_path def find_recovery(self): recovery_path = os.path.join(self.recovery_dir, self.recovery_prefix) files = glob.glob(recovery_path + '*' + self.extension) files = sorted(files) if len(files): return files[0] else: return '' class AverageMeter: """Computes and stores the average and current value""" def __init__(self): self.reset() def reset(self): self.val = 0 self.avg = 0 self.sum = 0 self.count = 0 def update(self, val, n=1): self.val = val self.sum += val * n self.count += n self.avg = self.sum / self.count def accuracy(output, target, topk=(1,)): """Computes the precision@k for the specified values of k""" maxk = max(topk) batch_size = target.size(0) _, pred = output.topk(maxk, 1, True, True) pred = pred.t() correct = pred.eq(target.view(1, -1).expand_as(pred)) res = [] for k in topk: correct_k = correct[:k].view(-1).float().sum(0) res.append(correct_k.mul_(100.0 / batch_size)) return res def one_hot(x, num_classes, on_value=1., off_value=0., device='cuda'): x = x.long().view(-1, 1) return torch.full((x.size()[0], num_classes), off_value, device=device).scatter_(1, x, on_value) def mixup_target(target, num_classes, lam=1., smoothing=0.0): off_value = smoothing / num_classes on_value = 1. - smoothing + off_value y1 = one_hot(target, num_classes, on_value=on_value, off_value=off_value) y2 = one_hot(target.flip(0), num_classes, on_value=on_value, off_value=off_value) return lam*y1 + (1. - lam)*y2 def get_outdir(path, *paths, inc=False): outdir = os.path.join(path, *paths) if not os.path.exists(outdir): os.makedirs(outdir) elif inc: count = 1 outdir_inc = outdir + '-' + str(count) while os.path.exists(outdir_inc): count = count + 1 outdir_inc = outdir + '-' + str(count) assert count < 100 outdir = outdir_inc os.makedirs(outdir) return outdir def update_summary(epoch, train_metrics, eval_metrics, filename, write_header=False): rowd = OrderedDict(epoch=epoch) rowd.update([('train_' + k, v) for k, v in train_metrics.items()]) rowd.update([('eval_' + k, v) for k, v in eval_metrics.items()]) with open(filename, mode='a') as cf: dw = csv.DictWriter(cf, fieldnames=rowd.keys()) if write_header: # first iteration (epoch == 1 can't be used) dw.writeheader() dw.writerow(rowd)