""" A dataset reader that reads tarfile based datasets This reader can extract image samples from: * a single tar of image files * a folder of multiple tarfiles containing imagefiles * a tar of tars containing image files Labels are based on the combined folder and/or tar name structure. Hacked together by / Copyright 2020 Ross Wightman """ import logging import os import pickle import tarfile from glob import glob from typing import List, Tuple, Dict, Set, Optional, Union import numpy as np from timm.utils.misc import natural_key from .class_map import load_class_map from .img_extensions import get_img_extensions from .reader import Reader _logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) CACHE_FILENAME_SUFFIX = '_tarinfos.pickle' class TarState: def __init__(self, tf: tarfile.TarFile = None, ti: tarfile.TarInfo = None): self.tf: tarfile.TarFile = tf self.ti: tarfile.TarInfo = ti self.children: Dict[str, TarState] = {} # child states (tars within tars) def reset(self): self.tf = None def _extract_tarinfo(tf: tarfile.TarFile, parent_info: Dict, extensions: Set[str]): sample_count = 0 for i, ti in enumerate(tf): if not ti.isfile(): continue dirname, basename = os.path.split(ti.path) name, ext = os.path.splitext(basename) ext = ext.lower() if ext == '.tar': with tarfile.open(fileobj=tf.extractfile(ti), mode='r|') as ctf: child_info = dict( name=ti.name, path=os.path.join(parent_info['path'], name), ti=ti, children=[], samples=[]) sample_count += _extract_tarinfo(ctf, child_info, extensions=extensions) _logger.debug(f'{i}/?. Extracted child tarinfos from {ti.name}. {len(child_info["samples"])} images.') parent_info['children'].append(child_info) elif ext in extensions: parent_info['samples'].append(ti) sample_count += 1 return sample_count def extract_tarinfos( root, class_name_to_idx: Optional[Dict] = None, cache_tarinfo: Optional[bool] = None, extensions: Optional[Union[List, Tuple, Set]] = None, sort: bool = True ): extensions = get_img_extensions(as_set=True) if not extensions else set(extensions) root_is_tar = False if os.path.isfile(root): assert os.path.splitext(root)[-1].lower() == '.tar' tar_filenames = [root] root, root_name = os.path.split(root) root_name = os.path.splitext(root_name)[0] root_is_tar = True else: root_name = root.strip(os.path.sep).split(os.path.sep)[-1] tar_filenames = glob(os.path.join(root, '*.tar'), recursive=True) num_tars = len(tar_filenames) tar_bytes = sum([os.path.getsize(f) for f in tar_filenames]) assert num_tars, f'No .tar files found at specified path ({root}).' _logger.info(f'Scanning {tar_bytes/1024**2:.2f}MB of tar files...') info = dict(tartrees=[]) cache_path = '' if cache_tarinfo is None: cache_tarinfo = True if tar_bytes > 10*1024**3 else False # FIXME magic number, 10GB if cache_tarinfo: cache_filename = '_' + root_name + CACHE_FILENAME_SUFFIX cache_path = os.path.join(root, cache_filename) if os.path.exists(cache_path): _logger.info(f'Reading tar info from cache file {cache_path}.') with open(cache_path, 'rb') as pf: info = pickle.load(pf) assert len(info['tartrees']) == num_tars, "Cached tartree len doesn't match number of tarfiles" else: for i, fn in enumerate(tar_filenames): path = '' if root_is_tar else os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(fn))[0] with tarfile.open(fn, mode='r|') as tf: # tarinfo scans done in streaming mode parent_info = dict(name=os.path.relpath(fn, root), path=path, ti=None, children=[], samples=[]) num_samples = _extract_tarinfo(tf, parent_info, extensions=extensions) num_children = len(parent_info["children"]) _logger.debug( f'{i}/{num_tars}. Extracted tarinfos from {fn}. {num_children} children, {num_samples} samples.') info['tartrees'].append(parent_info) if cache_path: _logger.info(f'Writing tar info to cache file {cache_path}.') with open(cache_path, 'wb') as pf: pickle.dump(info, pf) samples = [] labels = [] build_class_map = False if class_name_to_idx is None: build_class_map = True # Flatten tartree info into lists of samples and targets w/ targets based on label id via # class map arg or from unique paths. # NOTE: currently only flattening up to two-levels, filesystem .tars and then one level of sub-tar children # this covers my current use cases and keeps things a little easier to test for now. tarfiles = [] def _label_from_paths(*path, leaf_only=True): path = os.path.join(*path).strip(os.path.sep) return path.split(os.path.sep)[-1] if leaf_only else path.replace(os.path.sep, '_') def _add_samples(info, fn): added = 0 for s in info['samples']: label = _label_from_paths(info['path'], os.path.dirname(s.path)) if not build_class_map and label not in class_name_to_idx: continue samples.append((s, fn, info['ti'])) labels.append(label) added += 1 return added _logger.info(f'Collecting samples and building tar states.') for parent_info in info['tartrees']: # if tartree has children, we assume all samples are at the child level tar_name = None if root_is_tar else parent_info['name'] tar_state = TarState() parent_added = 0 for child_info in parent_info['children']: child_added = _add_samples(child_info, fn=tar_name) if child_added: tar_state.children[child_info['name']] = TarState(ti=child_info['ti']) parent_added += child_added parent_added += _add_samples(parent_info, fn=tar_name) if parent_added: tarfiles.append((tar_name, tar_state)) del info if build_class_map: # build class index sorted_labels = list(sorted(set(labels), key=natural_key)) class_name_to_idx = {c: idx for idx, c in enumerate(sorted_labels)} _logger.info(f'Mapping targets and sorting samples.') samples_and_targets = [(s, class_name_to_idx[l]) for s, l in zip(samples, labels) if l in class_name_to_idx] if sort: samples_and_targets = sorted(samples_and_targets, key=lambda k: natural_key(k[0][0].path)) samples, targets = zip(*samples_and_targets) samples = np.array(samples) targets = np.array(targets) _logger.info(f'Finished processing {len(samples)} samples across {len(tarfiles)} tar files.') return samples, targets, class_name_to_idx, tarfiles class ReaderImageInTar(Reader): """ Multi-tarfile dataset reader where there is one .tar file per class """ def __init__(self, root, class_map='', cache_tarfiles=True, cache_tarinfo=None): super().__init__() class_name_to_idx = None if class_map: class_name_to_idx = load_class_map(class_map, root) self.root = root self.samples, self.targets, self.class_name_to_idx, tarfiles = extract_tarinfos( self.root, class_name_to_idx=class_name_to_idx, cache_tarinfo=cache_tarinfo ) self.class_idx_to_name = {v: k for k, v in self.class_name_to_idx.items()} if len(tarfiles) == 1 and tarfiles[0][0] is None: self.root_is_tar = True self.tar_state = tarfiles[0][1] else: self.root_is_tar = False self.tar_state = dict(tarfiles) self.cache_tarfiles = cache_tarfiles def __len__(self): return len(self.samples) def __getitem__(self, index): sample = self.samples[index] target = self.targets[index] sample_ti, parent_fn, child_ti = sample parent_abs = os.path.join(self.root, parent_fn) if parent_fn else self.root tf = None cache_state = None if self.cache_tarfiles: cache_state = self.tar_state if self.root_is_tar else self.tar_state[parent_fn] tf = cache_state.tf if tf is None: tf = tarfile.open(parent_abs) if self.cache_tarfiles: cache_state.tf = tf if child_ti is not None: ctf = cache_state.children[child_ti.name].tf if self.cache_tarfiles else None if ctf is None: ctf = tarfile.open(fileobj=tf.extractfile(child_ti)) if self.cache_tarfiles: cache_state.children[child_ti.name].tf = ctf tf = ctf return tf.extractfile(sample_ti), target def _filename(self, index, basename=False, absolute=False): filename = self.samples[index][0].name if basename: filename = os.path.basename(filename) return filename