""" Create Conv2d Factory Method Hacked together by Ross Wightman """ from .mixed_conv2d import MixedConv2d from .cond_conv2d import CondConv2d from .conv2d_same import create_conv2d_pad def create_conv2d(in_channels, out_channels, kernel_size, **kwargs): """ Select a 2d convolution implementation based on arguments Creates and returns one of torch.nn.Conv2d, Conv2dSame, MixedConv2d, or CondConv2d. Used extensively by EfficientNet, MobileNetv3 and related networks. """ if isinstance(kernel_size, list): assert 'num_experts' not in kwargs # MixNet + CondConv combo not supported currently assert 'groups' not in kwargs # MixedConv groups are defined by kernel list # We're going to use only lists for defining the MixedConv2d kernel groups, # ints, tuples, other iterables will continue to pass to normal conv and specify h, w. m = MixedConv2d(in_channels, out_channels, kernel_size, **kwargs) else: depthwise = kwargs.pop('depthwise', False) groups = out_channels if depthwise else kwargs.pop('groups', 1) if 'num_experts' in kwargs and kwargs['num_experts'] > 0: m = CondConv2d(in_channels, out_channels, kernel_size, groups=groups, **kwargs) else: m = create_conv2d_pad(in_channels, out_channels, kernel_size, groups=groups, **kwargs) return m