""" A dataset parser that reads tarfile based datasets This parser can read and extract image samples from: * a single tar of image files * a folder of multiple tarfiles containing imagefiles * a tar of tars containing image files Labels are based on the combined folder and/or tar name structure. Hacked together by / Copyright 2020 Ross Wightman """ import os import tarfile import pickle import logging import numpy as np from glob import glob from typing import List, Dict from timm.utils.misc import natural_key from .parser import Parser from .class_map import load_class_map from .constants import IMG_EXTENSIONS _logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) CACHE_FILENAME_SUFFIX = '_tarinfos.pickle' class TarState: def __init__(self, tf: tarfile.TarFile = None, ti: tarfile.TarInfo = None): self.tf: tarfile.TarFile = tf self.ti: tarfile.TarInfo = ti self.children: Dict[str, TarState] = {} # child states (tars within tars) def reset(self): self.tf = None def _extract_tarinfo(tf: tarfile.TarFile, parent_info: Dict, extensions=IMG_EXTENSIONS): sample_count = 0 for i, ti in enumerate(tf): if not ti.isfile(): continue dirname, basename = os.path.split(ti.path) name, ext = os.path.splitext(basename) ext = ext.lower() if ext == '.tar': with tarfile.open(fileobj=tf.extractfile(ti), mode='r|') as ctf: child_info = dict( name=ti.name, path=os.path.join(parent_info['path'], name), ti=ti, children=[], samples=[]) sample_count += _extract_tarinfo(ctf, child_info, extensions=extensions) _logger.debug(f'{i}/?. Extracted child tarinfos from {ti.name}. {len(child_info["samples"])} images.') parent_info['children'].append(child_info) elif ext in extensions: parent_info['samples'].append(ti) sample_count += 1 return sample_count def extract_tarinfos(root, class_name_to_idx=None, cache_tarinfo=None, extensions=IMG_EXTENSIONS, sort=True): root_is_tar = False if os.path.isfile(root): assert os.path.splitext(root)[-1].lower() == '.tar' tar_filenames = [root] root, root_name = os.path.split(root) root_name = os.path.splitext(root_name)[0] root_is_tar = True else: root_name = root.strip(os.path.sep).split(os.path.sep)[-1] tar_filenames = glob(os.path.join(root, '*.tar'), recursive=True) num_tars = len(tar_filenames) tar_bytes = sum([os.path.getsize(f) for f in tar_filenames]) assert num_tars, f'No .tar files found at specified path ({root}).' _logger.info(f'Scanning {tar_bytes/1024**2:.2f}MB of tar files...') info = dict(tartrees=[]) cache_path = '' if cache_tarinfo is None: cache_tarinfo = True if tar_bytes > 10*1024**3 else False # FIXME magic number, 10GB if cache_tarinfo: cache_filename = '_' + root_name + CACHE_FILENAME_SUFFIX cache_path = os.path.join(root, cache_filename) if os.path.exists(cache_path): _logger.info(f'Reading tar info from cache file {cache_path}.') with open(cache_path, 'rb') as pf: info = pickle.load(pf) assert len(info['tartrees']) == num_tars, "Cached tartree len doesn't match number of tarfiles" else: for i, fn in enumerate(tar_filenames): path = '' if root_is_tar else os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(fn))[0] with tarfile.open(fn, mode='r|') as tf: # tarinfo scans done in streaming mode parent_info = dict(name=os.path.relpath(fn, root), path=path, ti=None, children=[], samples=[]) num_samples = _extract_tarinfo(tf, parent_info, extensions=extensions) num_children = len(parent_info["children"]) _logger.debug( f'{i}/{num_tars}. Extracted tarinfos from {fn}. {num_children} children, {num_samples} samples.') info['tartrees'].append(parent_info) if cache_path: _logger.info(f'Writing tar info to cache file {cache_path}.') with open(cache_path, 'wb') as pf: pickle.dump(info, pf) samples = [] labels = [] build_class_map = False if class_name_to_idx is None: build_class_map = True # Flatten tartree info into lists of samples and targets w/ targets based on label id via # class map arg or from unique paths. # NOTE: currently only flattening up to two-levels, filesystem .tars and then one level of sub-tar children # this covers my current use cases and keeps things a little easier to test for now. tarfiles = [] def _label_from_paths(*path, leaf_only=True): path = os.path.join(*path).strip(os.path.sep) return path.split(os.path.sep)[-1] if leaf_only else path.replace(os.path.sep, '_') def _add_samples(info, fn): added = 0 for s in info['samples']: label = _label_from_paths(info['path'], os.path.dirname(s.path)) if not build_class_map and label not in class_name_to_idx: continue samples.append((s, fn, info['ti'])) labels.append(label) added += 1 return added _logger.info(f'Collecting samples and building tar states.') for parent_info in info['tartrees']: # if tartree has children, we assume all samples are at the child level tar_name = None if root_is_tar else parent_info['name'] tar_state = TarState() parent_added = 0 for child_info in parent_info['children']: child_added = _add_samples(child_info, fn=tar_name) if child_added: tar_state.children[child_info['name']] = TarState(ti=child_info['ti']) parent_added += child_added parent_added += _add_samples(parent_info, fn=tar_name) if parent_added: tarfiles.append((tar_name, tar_state)) del info if build_class_map: # build class index sorted_labels = list(sorted(set(labels), key=natural_key)) class_name_to_idx = {c: idx for idx, c in enumerate(sorted_labels)} _logger.info(f'Mapping targets and sorting samples.') samples_and_targets = [(s, class_name_to_idx[l]) for s, l in zip(samples, labels) if l in class_name_to_idx] if sort: samples_and_targets = sorted(samples_and_targets, key=lambda k: natural_key(k[0][0].path)) _logger.info(f'Finished processing {len(samples_and_targets)} samples across {len(tarfiles)} tar files.') return samples_and_targets, class_name_to_idx, tarfiles class ParserImageInTar(Parser): """ Multi-tarfile dataset parser where there is one .tar file per class """ def __init__(self, root, class_map='', cache_tarfiles=True, cache_tarinfo=None): super().__init__() class_name_to_idx = None if class_map: class_name_to_idx = load_class_map(class_map, root) self.root = root self.samples_and_targets, self.class_name_to_idx, tarfiles = extract_tarinfos( self.root, class_name_to_idx=class_name_to_idx, cache_tarinfo=cache_tarinfo, extensions=IMG_EXTENSIONS) self.class_idx_to_name = {v: k for k, v in self.class_name_to_idx.items()} if len(tarfiles) == 1 and tarfiles[0][0] is None: self.root_is_tar = True self.tar_state = tarfiles[0][1] else: self.root_is_tar = False self.tar_state = dict(tarfiles) self.cache_tarfiles = cache_tarfiles def __len__(self): return len(self.samples_and_targets) def __getitem__(self, index): sample, target = self.samples_and_targets[index] sample_ti, parent_fn, child_ti = sample parent_abs = os.path.join(self.root, parent_fn) if parent_fn else self.root tf = None cache_state = None if self.cache_tarfiles: cache_state = self.tar_state if self.root_is_tar else self.tar_state[parent_fn] tf = cache_state.tf if tf is None: tf = tarfile.open(parent_abs) if self.cache_tarfiles: cache_state.tf = tf if child_ti is not None: ctf = cache_state.children[child_ti.name].tf if self.cache_tarfiles else None if ctf is None: ctf = tarfile.open(fileobj=tf.extractfile(child_ti)) if self.cache_tarfiles: cache_state.children[child_ti.name].tf = ctf tf = ctf return tf.extractfile(sample_ti), target def _filename(self, index, basename=False, absolute=False): filename = self.samples_and_targets[index][0][0].name if basename: filename = os.path.basename(filename) return filename