@ -138,6 +138,9 @@ default_cfgs = {
url = ' https://github.com/rwightman/pytorch-image-models/releases/download/v0.1-weights/mixnet_m-4647fc68.pth ' ) ,
' mixnet_l ' : _cfg (
url = ' https://github.com/rwightman/pytorch-image-models/releases/download/v0.1-weights/mixnet_l-5a9a2ed8.pth ' ) ,
' mixnet_xl ' : _cfg (
url = ' https://github.com/rwightman/pytorch-image-models/releases/download/v0.1-weights/mixnet_xl-ac5fbe8d.pth ' ) ,
' mixnet_xxl ' : _cfg ( ) ,
' tf_mixnet_s ' : _cfg (
url = ' https://github.com/rwightman/pytorch-image-models/releases/download/v0.1-weights/tf_mixnet_s-89d3354b.pth ' ) ,
' tf_mixnet_m ' : _cfg (
@ -312,21 +315,59 @@ def _decode_block_str(block_str, depth_multiplier=1.0):
else :
assert False , ' Unknown block type ( %s ) ' % block_type
# return a list of block args expanded by num_repeat and
# scaled by depth_multiplier
num_repeat = int ( math . ceil ( num_repeat * depth_multiplier ) )
return [ deepcopy ( block_args ) for _ in range ( num_repeat ) ]
return block_args , num_repeat
def _decode_arch_def ( arch_def , depth_multiplier = 1.0 ) :
def _scale_stage_depth ( stack_args , repeats , depth_multiplier = 1.0 , depth_trunc = ' ceil ' ) :
""" Per-stage depth scaling
Scales the block repeats in each stage . This depth scaling impl maintains
compatibility with the EfficientNet scaling method , while allowing sensible
scaling for other models that may have multiple block arg definitions in each stage .
# We scale the total repeat count for each stage, there may be multiple
# block arg defs per stage so we need to sum.
num_repeat = sum ( repeats )
if depth_trunc == ' round ' :
# Truncating to int by rounding allows stages with few repeats to remain
# proportionally smaller for longer. This is a good choice when stage definitions
# include single repeat stages that we'd prefer to keep that way as long as possible
num_repeat_scaled = max ( 1 , round ( num_repeat * depth_multiplier ) )
else :
# The default for EfficientNet truncates repeats to int via 'ceil'.
# Any multiplier > 1.0 will result in an increased depth for every stage.
num_repeat_scaled = int ( math . ceil ( num_repeat * depth_multiplier ) )
# Proportionally distribute repeat count scaling to each block definition in the stage.
# Allocation is done in reverse as it results in the first block being less likely to be scaled.
# The first block makes less sense to repeat in most of the arch definitions.
repeats_scaled = [ ]
for r in repeats [ : : - 1 ] :
rs = max ( 1 , round ( ( r / num_repeat * num_repeat_scaled ) ) )
repeats_scaled . append ( rs )
num_repeat - = r
num_repeat_scaled - = rs
repeats_scaled = repeats_scaled [ : : - 1 ]
# Apply the calculated scaling to each block arg in the stage
sa_scaled = [ ]
for ba , rep in zip ( stack_args , repeats_scaled ) :
sa_scaled . extend ( [ deepcopy ( ba ) for _ in range ( rep ) ] )
return sa_scaled
def _decode_arch_def ( arch_def , depth_multiplier = 1.0 , depth_trunc = ' ceil ' ) :
arch_args = [ ]
for stack_idx , block_strings in enumerate ( arch_def ) :
assert isinstance ( block_strings , list )
stack_args = [ ]
repeats = [ ]
for block_str in block_strings :
assert isinstance ( block_str , str )
stack_args . extend ( _decode_block_str ( block_str , depth_multiplier ) )
arch_args . append ( stack_args )
ba , rep = _decode_block_str ( block_str )
stack_args . append ( ba )
repeats . append ( rep )
arch_args . append ( _scale_stage_depth ( stack_args , repeats , depth_multiplier , depth_trunc ) )
return arch_args
@ -1261,7 +1302,7 @@ def _gen_mixnet_s(channel_multiplier=1.0, num_classes=1000, **kwargs):
return model
def _gen_mixnet_m ( channel_multiplier = 1.0 , num_classes= 1000 , * * kwargs ) :
def _gen_mixnet_m ( channel_multiplier = 1.0 , depth_multiplier= 1.0 , num_classes= 1000 , * * kwargs ) :
""" Creates a MixNet Medium-Large model.
Ref impl : https : / / github . com / tensorflow / tpu / tree / master / models / official / mnasnet / mixnet
@ -1283,7 +1324,7 @@ def _gen_mixnet_m(channel_multiplier=1.0, num_classes=1000, **kwargs):
# 7x7
model = GenEfficientNet (
_decode_arch_def ( arch_def ),
_decode_arch_def ( arch_def , depth_multiplier = depth_multiplier , depth_trunc = ' round ' ),
num_classes = num_classes ,
stem_size = 24 ,
num_features = 1536 ,
@ -1876,6 +1917,36 @@ def mixnet_l(pretrained=False, num_classes=1000, in_chans=3, **kwargs):
return model
def mixnet_xl ( pretrained = False , num_classes = 1000 , in_chans = 3 , * * kwargs ) :
""" Creates a MixNet Extra-Large model.
Not a paper spec , experimental def by RW w / depth scaling .
default_cfg = default_cfgs [ ' mixnet_xl ' ]
#kwargs['drop_connect_rate'] = 0.2
model = _gen_mixnet_m (
channel_multiplier = 1.6 , depth_multiplier = 1.2 , num_classes = num_classes , in_chans = in_chans , * * kwargs )
model . default_cfg = default_cfg
if pretrained :
load_pretrained ( model , default_cfg , num_classes , in_chans )
return model
def mixnet_xxl ( pretrained = False , num_classes = 1000 , in_chans = 3 , * * kwargs ) :
""" Creates a MixNet Double Extra Large model.
Not a paper spec , experimental def by RW w / depth scaling .
default_cfg = default_cfgs [ ' mixnet_xxl ' ]
# kwargs['drop_connect_rate'] = 0.2
model = _gen_mixnet_m (
channel_multiplier = 2.4 , depth_multiplier = 1.3 , num_classes = num_classes , in_chans = in_chans , * * kwargs )
model . default_cfg = default_cfg
if pretrained :
load_pretrained ( model , default_cfg , num_classes , in_chans )
return model
def tf_mixnet_s ( pretrained = False , num_classes = 1000 , in_chans = 3 , * * kwargs ) :
""" Creates a MixNet Small model. Tensorflow compatible variant