@ -339,15 +339,18 @@ EXCLUDE_FX_FILTERS = []
if ' GITHUB_ACTIONS ' in os . environ :
' beit_large* ' ,
' swin_large* ' ,
' mixer_l* ' ,
' *nfnet_f2* ' ,
' *resnext101_32x32d ' ,
' resnetv2_152x2* ' ,
' *nfnet_f2* ' ,
' resmlp_big* ' ,
' resnetrs270 ' ,
' swin_large* ' ,
' vgg* ' ,
' vit_large* ' ,
' vit_base_patch8* ' ,
' xcit_large* ' ,
' *evob ' , ' *evos ' , # remove experimental evonorm models, seem to cause issues with dtype manipulation
@ -368,81 +371,89 @@ def test_model_forward_fx(model_name, batch_size):
input_size = _get_input_size ( model = model , target = TARGET_FWD_FX_SIZE )
if max ( input_size ) > MAX_FWD_FX_SIZE :
pytest . skip ( " Fixed input size model > limit. " )
inputs = torch . randn ( ( batch_size , * input_size ) )
outputs = model ( inputs )
if isinstance ( outputs , tuple ) :
outputs = torch . cat ( outputs )
with torch . no_grad ( ) :
inputs = torch . randn ( ( batch_size , * input_size ) )
outputs = model ( inputs )
if isinstance ( outputs , tuple ) :
outputs = torch . cat ( outputs )
model = _create_fx_model ( model )
fx_outputs = tuple ( model ( inputs ) . values ( ) )
if isinstance ( fx_outputs , tuple ) :
fx_outputs = torch . cat ( fx_outputs )
model = _create_fx_model ( model )
fx_outputs = tuple ( model ( inputs ) . values ( ) )
if isinstance ( fx_outputs , tuple ) :
fx_outputs = torch . cat ( fx_outputs )
assert torch . all ( fx_outputs == outputs )
assert outputs . shape [ 0 ] == batch_size
assert not torch . isnan ( outputs ) . any ( ) , ' Output included NaNs '
@pytest.mark.timeout ( 120 )
@pytest.mark.parametrize ( ' model_name ' , list_models (
exclude_filters = EXCLUDE_FILTERS + EXCLUDE_FX_FILTERS , name_matches_cfg = True ) )
@pytest.mark.parametrize ( ' batch_size ' , [ 2 ] )
def test_model_backward_fx ( model_name , batch_size ) :
""" Symbolically trace each model and run single backward pass through the resulting GraphModule """
if not has_fx_feature_extraction :
pytest . skip ( " Can ' t test FX. Torch >= 1.10 and Torchvision >= 0.11 are required. " )
input_size = _get_input_size ( model_name = model_name , target = TARGET_BWD_FX_SIZE )
if max ( input_size ) > MAX_BWD_FX_SIZE :
pytest . skip ( " Fixed input size model > limit. " )
model = create_model ( model_name , pretrained = False , num_classes = 42 )
num_params = sum ( [ x . numel ( ) for x in model . parameters ( ) ] )
model . train ( )
model = _create_fx_model ( model , train = True )
outputs = tuple ( model ( torch . randn ( ( batch_size , * input_size ) ) ) . values ( ) )
if isinstance ( outputs , tuple ) :
outputs = torch . cat ( outputs )
outputs . mean ( ) . backward ( )
for n , x in model . named_parameters ( ) :
assert x . grad is not None , f ' No gradient for { n } '
num_grad = sum ( [ x . grad . numel ( ) for x in model . parameters ( ) if x . grad is not None ] )
assert outputs . shape [ - 1 ] == 42
assert num_params == num_grad , ' Some parameters are missing gradients '
assert not torch . isnan ( outputs ) . any ( ) , ' Output included NaNs '
# reason: model is scripted after fx tracing, but beit has torch.jit.is_scripting() control flow
' deit_*_distilled_patch16_224 ' ,
' levit* ' ,
' pit_*_distilled_224 ' ,
@pytest.mark.timeout ( 120 )
@pytest.mark.parametrize (
' model_name ' , list_models (
exclude_filters = EXCLUDE_FILTERS + EXCLUDE_JIT_FILTERS + EXCLUDE_FX_JIT_FILTERS , name_matches_cfg = True ) )
@pytest.mark.parametrize ( ' batch_size ' , [ 1 ] )
def test_model_forward_fx_torchscript ( model_name , batch_size ) :
""" Symbolically trace each model, script it, and run single forward pass """
if not has_fx_feature_extraction :
pytest . skip ( " Can ' t test FX. Torch >= 1.10 and Torchvision >= 0.11 are required. " )
input_size = _get_input_size ( model_name = model_name , target = TARGET_JIT_SIZE )
if max ( input_size ) > MAX_JIT_SIZE :
pytest . skip ( " Fixed input size model > limit. " )
if ' GITHUB_ACTIONS ' not in os . environ :
# FIXME this test is causing GitHub actions to run out of RAM and abruptly kill the test process
with set_scriptable ( True ) :
model = create_model ( model_name , pretrained = False )
model . eval ( )
@pytest.mark.timeout ( 120 )
@pytest.mark.parametrize ( ' model_name ' , list_models (
exclude_filters = EXCLUDE_FILTERS + EXCLUDE_FX_FILTERS , name_matches_cfg = True ) )
@pytest.mark.parametrize ( ' batch_size ' , [ 2 ] )
def test_model_backward_fx ( model_name , batch_size ) :
""" Symbolically trace each model and run single backward pass through the resulting GraphModule """
if not has_fx_feature_extraction :
pytest . skip ( " Can ' t test FX. Torch >= 1.10 and Torchvision >= 0.11 are required. " )
input_size = _get_input_size ( model_name = model_name , target = TARGET_BWD_FX_SIZE )
if max ( input_size ) > MAX_BWD_FX_SIZE :
pytest . skip ( " Fixed input size model > limit. " )
model = create_model ( model_name , pretrained = False , num_classes = 42 )
model . train ( )
num_params = sum ( [ x . numel ( ) for x in model . parameters ( ) ] )
if ' GITHUB_ACTIONS ' in os . environ and num_params > 100e6 :
pytest . skip ( " Skipping FX backward test on model with more than 100M params. " )
model = _create_fx_model ( model , train = True )
outputs = tuple ( model ( torch . randn ( ( batch_size , * input_size ) ) ) . values ( ) )
if isinstance ( outputs , tuple ) :
outputs = torch . cat ( outputs )
outputs . mean ( ) . backward ( )
for n , x in model . named_parameters ( ) :
assert x . grad is not None , f ' No gradient for { n } '
num_grad = sum ( [ x . grad . numel ( ) for x in model . parameters ( ) if x . grad is not None ] )
assert outputs . shape [ - 1 ] == 42
assert num_params == num_grad , ' Some parameters are missing gradients '
assert not torch . isnan ( outputs ) . any ( ) , ' Output included NaNs '
# reason: model is scripted after fx tracing, but beit has torch.jit.is_scripting() control flow
' deit_*_distilled_patch16_224 ' ,
' levit* ' ,
' pit_*_distilled_224 ' ,
model = torch . jit . script ( _create_fx_model ( model ) )
outputs = tuple ( model ( torch . randn ( ( batch_size , * input_size ) ) ) . values ( ) )
if isinstance ( outputs , tuple ) :
outputs = torch . cat ( outputs )
assert outputs . shape [ 0 ] == batch_size
assert not torch . isnan ( outputs ) . any ( ) , ' Output included NaNs '
@pytest.mark.timeout ( 120 )
@pytest.mark.parametrize (
' model_name ' , list_models (
exclude_filters = EXCLUDE_FILTERS + EXCLUDE_JIT_FILTERS + EXCLUDE_FX_JIT_FILTERS , name_matches_cfg = True ) )
@pytest.mark.parametrize ( ' batch_size ' , [ 1 ] )
def test_model_forward_fx_torchscript ( model_name , batch_size ) :
""" Symbolically trace each model, script it, and run single forward pass """
if not has_fx_feature_extraction :
pytest . skip ( " Can ' t test FX. Torch >= 1.10 and Torchvision >= 0.11 are required. " )
input_size = _get_input_size ( model_name = model_name , target = TARGET_JIT_SIZE )
if max ( input_size ) > MAX_JIT_SIZE :
pytest . skip ( " Fixed input size model > limit. " )
with set_scriptable ( True ) :
model = create_model ( model_name , pretrained = False )
model . eval ( )
model = torch . jit . script ( _create_fx_model ( model ) )
with torch . no_grad ( ) :
outputs = tuple ( model ( torch . randn ( ( batch_size , * input_size ) ) ) . values ( ) )
if isinstance ( outputs , tuple ) :
outputs = torch . cat ( outputs )
assert outputs . shape [ 0 ] == batch_size
assert not torch . isnan ( outputs ) . any ( ) , ' Output included NaNs '