📝 move validation script doc up in order

nateraw 1 year ago
parent 9076aa2087
commit d654cb0838

@ -19,7 +19,24 @@ To train an SE-ResNet34 on ImageNet, locally distributed, 4 GPUs, one process pe
It is recommended to use PyTorch 1.9+ w/ PyTorch native AMP and DDP instead of APEX AMP. --amp defaults to native AMP as of timm ver 0.4.3. --apex-amp will force use of APEX components if they are installed.
## Training Script Examples
## Validation / Inference Scripts
Validation and inference scripts are similar in usage. One outputs metrics on a validation set and the other outputs topk class ids in a csv. Specify the folder containing validation images, not the base as in training script.
To validate with the model's pretrained weights (if they exist):
python validate.py /imagenet/validation/ --model seresnext26_32x4d --pretrained
To run inference from a checkpoint:
python inference.py /imagenet/validation/ --model mobilenetv3_large_100 --checkpoint ./output/train/model_best.pth.tar
## Training Examples
### EfficientNet-B2 with RandAugment - 80.4 top-1, 95.1 top-5
@ -82,19 +99,3 @@ These params will also work well for SE-ResNeXt-50 and SK-ResNeXt-50 and likely
./distributed_train.sh 8 /imagenet --model resnext50_32x4d --lr 0.6 --warmup-epochs 5 --epochs 240 --weight-decay 1e-4 --sched cosine --reprob 0.4 --recount 3 --remode pixel --aa rand-m7-mstd0.5-inc1 -b 192 -j 6 --amp --dist-bn reduce
## Validation / Inference Scripts
Validation and inference scripts are similar in usage. One outputs metrics on a validation set and the other outputs topk class ids in a csv. Specify the folder containing validation images, not the base as in training script.
To validate with the model's pretrained weights (if they exist):
python validate.py /imagenet/validation/ --model seresnext26_32x4d --pretrained
To run inference from a checkpoint:
python inference.py /imagenet/validation/ --model mobilenetv3_large_100 --checkpoint ./output/train/model_best.pth.tar