* Master may be a bit unstable wrt to training, these changes have been tested but not all combos
* Implementations of AugMix added to existing RA and AA. Including numerous suporting pieces like JSD loss (Jensen-Shannon Divergence + CE), and AugMixDataset
* SplitBatchNorm adaptation layer added for implementing Auxiliary BN as per AdvProp paper
* Training results with AugMix and related command lines coming soon...
### Jan 3, 2020
* Add RandAugment trained EfficientNet-B0 weight with 77.7 top-1. Trained by [Michael Klachko](https://github.com/michaelklachko) with this code and recent hparams (see Training section)
* Add `avg_checkpoints.py` script for post training weight averaging and update all scripts with header docstrings and shebangs.