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# Recent Changes
3 years ago
### March 23, 2022
* Add `ParallelBlock` and `LayerScale` option to base vit models to support model configs in [Three things everyone should know about ViT](
* `convnext_tiny_hnf` (head norm first) weights trained with (close to) A2 recipe, 82.2% top-1, could do better with more epochs.
### March 21, 2022
* Merge `norm_norm_norm`. **IMPORTANT** this update for a coming 0.6.x release will likely de-stabilize the master branch for a while. Branch [`0.5.x`]( or a previous 0.5.x release can be used if stability is required.
* Significant weights update (all TPU trained) as described in this [release](
* `regnety_040` - 82.3 @ 224, 82.96 @ 288
* `regnety_064` - 83.0 @ 224, 83.65 @ 288
* `regnety_080` - 83.17 @ 224, 83.86 @ 288
* `regnetv_040` - 82.44 @ 224, 83.18 @ 288 (timm pre-act)
* `regnetv_064` - 83.1 @ 224, 83.71 @ 288 (timm pre-act)
* `regnetz_040` - 83.67 @ 256, 84.25 @ 320
* `regnetz_040h` - 83.77 @ 256, 84.5 @ 320 (w/ extra fc in head)
* `resnetv2_50d_gn` - 80.8 @ 224, 81.96 @ 288 (pre-act GroupNorm)
* `resnetv2_50d_evos` 80.77 @ 224, 82.04 @ 288 (pre-act EvoNormS)
* `regnetz_c16_evos` - 81.9 @ 256, 82.64 @ 320 (EvoNormS)
* `regnetz_d8_evos` - 83.42 @ 256, 84.04 @ 320 (EvoNormS)
* `xception41p` - 82 @ 299 (timm pre-act)
* `xception65` - 83.17 @ 299
* `xception65p` - 83.14 @ 299 (timm pre-act)
* `resnext101_64x4d` - 82.46 @ 224, 83.16 @ 288
* `seresnext101_32x8d` - 83.57 @ 224, 84.270 @ 288
* `resnetrs200` - 83.85 @ 256, 84.44 @ 320
* HuggingFace hub support fixed w/ initial groundwork for allowing alternative 'config sources' for pretrained model definitions and weights (generic local file / remote url support soon)
* SwinTransformer-V2 implementation added. Submitted by [Christoph Reich]( Training experiments and model changes by myself are ongoing so expect compat breaks.
* Swin-S3 (AutoFormerV2) models / weights added from
* MobileViT models w/ weights adapted from
* PoolFormer models w/ weights adapted from
* VOLO models w/ weights adapted from
* Significant work experimenting with non-BatchNorm norm layers such as EvoNorm, FilterResponseNorm, GroupNorm, etc
* Enhance support for alternate norm + act ('NormAct') layers added to a number of models, esp EfficientNet/MobileNetV3, RegNet, and aligned Xception
* Grouped conv support added to EfficientNet family
* Add 'group matching' API to all models to allow grouping model parameters for application of 'layer-wise' LR decay, lr scale added to LR scheduler
* Gradient checkpointing support added to many models
* `forward_head(x, pre_logits=False)` fn added to all models to allow separate calls of `forward_features` + `forward_head`
* All vision transformer and vision MLP models update to return non-pooled / non-token selected features from `foward_features`, for consistency with CNN models, token selection or pooling now applied in `forward_head`
### Feb 2, 2022
* [Chris Hughes]( posted an exhaustive run through of `timm` on his blog yesterday. Well worth a read. [Getting Started with PyTorch Image Models (timm): A Practitioners Guide](
* I'm currently prepping to merge the `norm_norm_norm` branch back to master (ver 0.6.x) in next week or so.
* The changes are more extensive than usual and may destabilize and break some model API use (aiming for full backwards compat). So, beware `pip install git+` installs!
* `0.5.x` releases and a `0.5.x` branch will remain stable with a cherry pick or two until dust clears. Recommend sticking to pypi install for a bit if you want stable.
### Jan 14, 2022
* Version 0.5.4 w/ release to be pushed to pypi. It's been a while since last pypi update and riskier changes will be merged to main branch soon....
* Add ConvNeXT models /w weights from official impl (, a few perf tweaks, compatible with timm features
* Tried training a few small (~1.8-3M param) / mobile optimized models, a few are good so far, more on the way...
* `mnasnet_small` - 65.6 top-1
* `mobilenetv2_050` - 65.9
* `lcnet_100/075/050` - 72.1 / 68.8 / 63.1
* `semnasnet_075` - 73
* `fbnetv3_b/d/g` - 79.1 / 79.7 / 82.0
* TinyNet models added by [rsomani95](
* LCNet added via MobileNetV3 architecture
### Nov 22, 2021
* A number of updated weights anew new model defs
* `eca_halonext26ts` - 79.5 @ 256
* `resnet50_gn` (new) - 80.1 @ 224, 81.3 @ 288
* `resnet50` - 80.7 @ 224, 80.9 @ 288 (trained at 176, not replacing current a1 weights as default since these don't scale as well to higher res, [weights](
* `resnext50_32x4d` - 81.1 @ 224, 82.0 @ 288
* `sebotnet33ts_256` (new) - 81.2 @ 224
* `lamhalobotnet50ts_256` - 81.5 @ 256
* `halonet50ts` - 81.7 @ 256
* `halo2botnet50ts_256` - 82.0 @ 256
* `resnet101` - 82.0 @ 224, 82.8 @ 288
* `resnetv2_101` (new) - 82.1 @ 224, 83.0 @ 288
* `resnet152` - 82.8 @ 224, 83.5 @ 288
* `regnetz_d8` (new) - 83.5 @ 256, 84.0 @ 320
* `regnetz_e8` (new) - 84.5 @ 256, 85.0 @ 320
* `vit_base_patch8_224` (85.8 top-1) & `in21k` variant weights added thanks [Martins Bruveris](
* Groundwork in for FX feature extraction thanks to [Alexander Soare](
* models updated for tracing compatibility (almost full support with some distlled transformer exceptions)
### Oct 19, 2021
* ResNet strikes back ( weights added, plus any extra training components used. Model weights and some more details here (
* BCE loss and Repeated Augmentation support for RSB paper
* 4 series of ResNet based attention model experiments being added (implemented across These include all sorts of attention, from channel attn like SE, ECA to 2D QKV self-attention layers such as Halo, Bottlneck, Lambda. Details here (
* Working implementations of the following 2D self-attention modules (likely to be differences from paper or eventual official impl):
* Halo (
* Bottleneck Transformer (
* LambdaNetworks (
* A RegNetZ series of models with some attention experiments (being added to). These do not follow the paper ( in any way other than block architecture, details of official models are not available. See more here (
* ConvMixer (, CrossVit (, and BeiT ( architectures + weights added
* freeze/unfreeze helpers by [Alexander Soare](
### Aug 18, 2021
* Optimizer bonanza!
* Add LAMB and LARS optimizers, incl trust ratio clipping options. Tweaked to work properly in PyTorch XLA (tested on TPUs w/ `timm bits` [branch](
* Add MADGRAD from FB research w/ a few tweaks (decoupled decay option, step handling that works with PyTorch XLA)
* Some cleanup on all optimizers and factory. No more `.data`, a bit more consistency, unit tests for all!
* SGDP and AdamP still won't work with PyTorch XLA but others should (have yet to test Adabelief, Adafactor, Adahessian myself).
* EfficientNet-V2 XL TF ported weights added, but they don't validate well in PyTorch (L is better). The pre-processing for the V2 TF training is a bit diff and the fine-tuned 21k -> 1k weights are very sensitive and less robust than the 1k weights.
* Added PyTorch trained EfficientNet-V2 'Tiny' w/ GlobalContext attn weights. Only .1-.2 top-1 better than the SE so more of a curiosity for those interested.
### July 12, 2021
* Add XCiT models from [official facebook impl]( Contributed by [Alexander Soare](
### July 5-9, 2021
* Add `efficientnetv2_rw_t` weights, a custom 'tiny' 13.6M param variant that is a bit better than (non NoisyStudent) B3 models. Both faster and better accuracy (at same or lower res)
* top-1 82.34 @ 288x288 and 82.54 @ 320x320
* Add [SAM pretrained]( in1k weight for ViT B/16 (`vit_base_patch16_sam_224`) and B/32 (`vit_base_patch32_sam_224`) models.
* Add 'Aggregating Nested Transformer' (NesT) w/ weights converted from official [Flax impl]( Contributed by [Alexander Soare](
* `jx_nest_base` - 83.534, `jx_nest_small` - 83.120, `jx_nest_tiny` - 81.426
### June 23, 2021
* Reproduce gMLP model training, `gmlp_s16_224` trained to 79.6 top-1, matching [paper]( Hparams for this and other recent MLP training [here](
### June 20, 2021
* Release Vision Transformer 'AugReg' weights from [How to train your ViT? Data, Augmentation, and Regularization in Vision Transformers](
* .npz weight loading support added, can load any of the 50K+ weights from the [AugReg series](
* See [example notebook]( from [official impl]( for navigating the augreg weights
* Replaced all default weights w/ best AugReg variant (if possible). All AugReg 21k classifiers work.
* Highlights: `vit_large_patch16_384` (87.1 top-1), `vit_large_r50_s32_384` (86.2 top-1), `vit_base_patch16_384` (86.0 top-1)
* `vit_deit_*` renamed to just `deit_*`
* Remove my old small model, replace with DeiT compatible small w/ AugReg weights
* Add 1st training of my `gmixer_24_224` MLP /w GLU, 78.1 top-1 w/ 25M params.
* Add weights from official ResMLP release (
* Add `eca_nfnet_l2` weights from my 'lightweight' series. 84.7 top-1 at 384x384.
* Add distilled BiT 50x1 student and 152x2 Teacher weights from [Knowledge distillation: A good teacher is patient and consistent](
* NFNets and ResNetV2-BiT models work w/ Pytorch XLA now
* weight standardization uses F.batch_norm instead of std_mean (std_mean wasn't lowered)
* eps values adjusted, will be slight differences but should be quite close
* Improve test coverage and classifier interface of non-conv (vision transformer and mlp) models
* Cleanup a few classifier / flatten details for models w/ conv classifiers or early global pool
* Please report any regressions, this PR touched quite a few models.