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// For licensing see accompanying file.
// Copyright (C) 2022 Apple Inc. All Rights Reserved.
import Foundation
import CoreML
import Accelerate
import CoreGraphics
/// Schedulers compatible with StableDiffusionPipeline
public enum StableDiffusionScheduler {
/// Scheduler that uses a pseudo-linear multi-step (PLMS) method
case pndmScheduler
/// Scheduler that uses a second order DPM-Solver++ algorithm
case dpmSolverMultistepScheduler
/// RNG compatible with StableDiffusionPipeline
public enum StableDiffusionRNG {
/// RNG that matches numpy implementation
case numpyRNG
/// RNG that matches PyTorch CPU implementation.
case torchRNG
/// A pipeline used to generate image samples from text input using stable diffusion
/// This implementation matches:
/// [Hugging Face Diffusers Pipeline](
@available(iOS 16.2, macOS 13.1, *)
public struct StableDiffusionPipeline: ResourceManaging {
public enum Error: String, Swift.Error {
case startingImageProvidedWithoutEncoder
/// Model to generate embeddings for tokenized input text
var textEncoder: TextEncoder
/// Model used to predict noise residuals given an input, diffusion time step, and conditional embedding
var unet: Unet
/// Model used to generate final image from latent diffusion process
var decoder: Decoder
/// Model used to latent space for image2image, and soon, in-painting
var encoder: Encoder?
/// Optional model for checking safety of generated image
var safetyChecker: SafetyChecker? = nil
/// Reports whether this pipeline can perform safety checks
public var canSafetyCheck: Bool {
safetyChecker != nil
/// Option to reduce memory during image generation
/// If true, the pipeline will lazily load TextEncoder, Unet, Decoder, and SafetyChecker
/// when needed and aggressively unload their resources after
/// This will increase latency in favor of reducing memory
var reduceMemory: Bool = false
/// Creates a pipeline using the specified models and tokenizer
/// - Parameters:
/// - textEncoder: Model for encoding tokenized text
/// - unet: Model for noise prediction on latent samples
/// - decoder: Model for decoding latent sample to image
/// - safetyChecker: Optional model for checking safety of generated images
/// - reduceMemory: Option to enable reduced memory mode
/// - Returns: Pipeline ready for image generation
public init(textEncoder: TextEncoder,
unet: Unet,
decoder: Decoder,
encoder: Encoder?,
safetyChecker: SafetyChecker? = nil,
reduceMemory: Bool = false) {
self.textEncoder = textEncoder
self.unet = unet
self.decoder = decoder
self.encoder = encoder
self.safetyChecker = safetyChecker
self.reduceMemory = reduceMemory
/// Load required resources for this pipeline
/// If reducedMemory is true this will instead call prewarmResources instead
/// and let the pipeline lazily load resources as needed
public func loadResources() throws {
if reduceMemory {
try prewarmResources()
} else {
try textEncoder.loadResources()
try unet.loadResources()
try decoder.loadResources()
try safetyChecker?.loadResources()
/// Unload the underlying resources to free up memory
public func unloadResources() {
// Prewarm resources one at a time
public func prewarmResources() throws {
try textEncoder.prewarmResources()
try unet.prewarmResources()
try decoder.prewarmResources()
try safetyChecker?.prewarmResources()
/// Image generation using stable diffusion
/// - Parameters:
/// - disableSafety: Safety checks are only performed if `self.canSafetyCheck && !disableSafety`
/// - progressHandler: Callback to perform after each step, stops on receiving false response
/// - Returns: An array of `imageCount` optional images.
/// The images will be nil if safety checks were performed and found the result to be un-safe
public func generateImages(
configuration config: Configuration,
progressHandler: (Progress) -> Bool = { _ in true }
) throws -> [CGImage?] {
// Encode the input prompt and negative prompt
let promptEmbedding = try textEncoder.encode(config.prompt)
let negativePromptEmbedding = try textEncoder.encode(config.negativePrompt)
if reduceMemory {
// Convert to Unet hidden state representation
// Concatenate the prompt and negative prompt embeddings
let concatEmbedding = MLShapedArray<Float32>(
concatenating: [negativePromptEmbedding, promptEmbedding],
alongAxis: 0
let hiddenStates = toHiddenStates(concatEmbedding)
/// Setup schedulers
let scheduler: [Scheduler] = (0..<config.imageCount).map { _ in
switch config.schedulerType {
case .pndmScheduler: return PNDMScheduler(stepCount: config.stepCount)
case .dpmSolverMultistepScheduler: return DPMSolverMultistepScheduler(stepCount: config.stepCount)
let stdev = scheduler[0].initNoiseSigma
// Generate random latent samples from specified seed
var latents: [MLShapedArray<Float32>]
let timestepStrength: Float?
let startingImage = config.startingImage,
config.mode == .imageToImage
timestepStrength = config.strength
guard let encoder else {
throw Error.startingImageProvidedWithoutEncoder
let noiseTuples = generateImage2ImageLatentSamples(config.imageCount, rng: config.rngType, stdev: 1, seed: config.seed)
latents = try{
try encoder.encode(
image: startingImage,
diagonalNoise: $0.diagonal,
noise: $0.latentNoise,
alphasCumprodStep: scheduler[0].calculateAlphasCumprod(strength: config.strength))
} else {
timestepStrength = nil
// Generate random latent samples from specified seed
latents = generateLatentSamples(config.imageCount, rng: config.rngType, stdev: stdev, seed: config.seed)
// De-noising loop
let timeSteps: [Int] = scheduler[0].calculateTimesteps(strength: timestepStrength)
for (step,t) in timeSteps.enumerated() {
// Expand the latents for classifier-free guidance
// and input to the Unet noise prediction model
let latentUnetInput = {
MLShapedArray<Float32>(concatenating: [$0, $0], alongAxis: 0)
// Predict noise residuals from latent samples
// and current time step conditioned on hidden states
var noise = try unet.predictNoise(
latents: latentUnetInput,
timeStep: t,
hiddenStates: hiddenStates
noise = performGuidance(noise, config.guidanceScale)
// Have the scheduler compute the previous (t-1) latent
// sample given the predicted noise and current sample
for i in 0..<config.imageCount {
latents[i] = scheduler[i].step(
output: noise[i],
timeStep: t,
sample: latents[i]
// Report progress
let progress = Progress(
pipeline: self,
prompt: config.prompt,
step: step,
stepCount: timeSteps.count,
currentLatentSamples: latents,
isSafetyEnabled: canSafetyCheck && !config.disableSafety
if !progressHandler(progress) {
// Stop if requested by handler
return []
if reduceMemory {
// Decode the latent samples to images
return try decodeToImages(latents, disableSafety: config.disableSafety)
private func randomSource(from rng: StableDiffusionRNG, seed: UInt32) -> RandomSource {
switch rng {
case .numpyRNG:
return NumPyRandomSource(seed: seed)
case .torchRNG:
return TorchRandomSource(seed: seed)
func generateLatentSamples(_ count: Int, rng: StableDiffusionRNG, stdev: Float, seed: UInt32) -> [MLShapedArray<Float32>] {
var sampleShape = unet.latentSampleShape
sampleShape[0] = 1
var random = randomSource(from: rng, seed: seed)
let samples = (0..<count).map { _ in
converting: random.normalShapedArray(sampleShape, mean: 0.0, stdev: Double(stdev)))
return samples
/// For image2image -
/// - Parameters:
/// - count: batch size
/// - stdev: 1
/// - seed: seed provided
/// - diagonalAndLatentNoiseIsSame: Diffusions library does not seem to use the same noise for the `DiagonalGaussianDistribution` operation,
/// but I have seen implementations of pipelines where it is the same.
/// - Returns: An array of tuples of noise values with length of batch size.
func generateImage2ImageLatentSamples(_ count: Int, rng: StableDiffusionRNG, stdev: Float, seed: UInt32, diagonalAndLatentNoiseIsSame: Bool = false) -> [(diagonal: MLShapedArray<Float32>, latentNoise: MLShapedArray<Float32>)] {
var sampleShape = unet.latentSampleShape
sampleShape[0] = 1
var random = randomSource(from: rng, seed: seed)
let samples = (0..<count).map { _ in
if diagonalAndLatentNoiseIsSame {
let noise = MLShapedArray<Float32>(
converting: random.normalShapedArray(sampleShape, mean: 0.0, stdev: Double(stdev)))
return (noise, noise)
} else {
return (MLShapedArray<Float32>(
converting: random.normalShapedArray(sampleShape, mean: 0.0, stdev: Double(stdev))),
converting: random.normalShapedArray(sampleShape, mean: 0.0, stdev: Double(stdev))))
return samples
func toHiddenStates(_ embedding: MLShapedArray<Float32>) -> MLShapedArray<Float32> {
// Unoptimized manual transpose [0, 2, None, 1]
// e.g. From [2, 77, 768] to [2, 768, 1, 77]
let fromShape = embedding.shape
let stateShape = [fromShape[0],fromShape[2], 1, fromShape[1]]
var states = MLShapedArray<Float32>(repeating: 0.0, shape: stateShape)
for i0 in 0..<fromShape[0] {
for i1 in 0..<fromShape[1] {
for i2 in 0..<fromShape[2] {
states[scalarAt:i0,i2,0,i1] = embedding[scalarAt:i0, i1, i2]
return states
func performGuidance(_ noise: [MLShapedArray<Float32>], _ guidanceScale: Float) -> [MLShapedArray<Float32>] { { performGuidance($0, guidanceScale) }
func performGuidance(_ noise: MLShapedArray<Float32>, _ guidanceScale: Float) -> MLShapedArray<Float32> {
let blankNoiseScalars = noise[0].scalars
let textNoiseScalars = noise[1].scalars
var resultScalars = blankNoiseScalars
for i in 0..<resultScalars.count {
// unconditioned + guidance*(text - unconditioned)
resultScalars[i] += guidanceScale*(textNoiseScalars[i]-blankNoiseScalars[i])
var shape = noise.shape
shape[0] = 1
return MLShapedArray<Float32>(scalars: resultScalars, shape: shape)
func decodeToImages(_ latents: [MLShapedArray<Float32>],
disableSafety: Bool) throws -> [CGImage?] {
let images = try decoder.decode(latents)
if reduceMemory {
// If safety is disabled return what was decoded
if disableSafety {
return images
// If there is no safety checker return what was decoded
guard let safetyChecker = safetyChecker else {
return images
// Otherwise change images which are not safe to nil
let safeImages = try { image in
try safetyChecker.isSafe(image) ? image : nil
if reduceMemory {
return safeImages
@available(iOS 16.2, macOS 13.1, *)
extension StableDiffusionPipeline {
/// Sampling progress details
public struct Progress {
public let pipeline: StableDiffusionPipeline
public let prompt: String
public let step: Int
public let stepCount: Int
public let currentLatentSamples: [MLShapedArray<Float32>]
public let isSafetyEnabled: Bool
public var currentImages: [CGImage?] {
try! pipeline.decodeToImages(
disableSafety: !isSafetyEnabled)