// For licensing see accompanying LICENSE.md file. // Copyright (C) 2022 Apple Inc. All Rights Reserved. import Foundation import CoreML @available(iOS 16.2, macOS 13.1, *) public extension StableDiffusionPipeline { struct ResourceURLs { public let textEncoderURL: URL public let unetURL: URL public let unetChunk1URL: URL public let unetChunk2URL: URL public let decoderURL: URL public let safetyCheckerURL: URL public let vocabURL: URL public let mergesURL: URL public init(resourcesAt baseURL: URL) { textEncoderURL = baseURL.appending(path: "TextEncoder.mlmodelc") unetURL = baseURL.appending(path: "Unet.mlmodelc") unetChunk1URL = baseURL.appending(path: "UnetChunk1.mlmodelc") unetChunk2URL = baseURL.appending(path: "UnetChunk2.mlmodelc") decoderURL = baseURL.appending(path: "VAEDecoder.mlmodelc") safetyCheckerURL = baseURL.appending(path: "SafetyChecker.mlmodelc") vocabURL = baseURL.appending(path: "vocab.json") mergesURL = baseURL.appending(path: "merges.txt") } } /// Create stable diffusion pipeline using model resources at a /// specified URL /// /// - Parameters: /// - baseURL: URL pointing to directory holding all model /// and tokenization resources /// - configuration: The configuration to load model resources with /// - disableSafety: Load time disable of safety to save memory /// - reduceMemory: Setup pipeline in reduced memory mode /// - Returns: /// Pipeline ready for image generation if all necessary resources loaded init(resourcesAt baseURL: URL, configuration config: MLModelConfiguration = .init(), disableSafety: Bool = false, reduceMemory: Bool = false) throws { /// Expect URL of each resource let urls = ResourceURLs(resourcesAt: baseURL) // Text tokenizer and encoder let tokenizer = try BPETokenizer(mergesAt: urls.mergesURL, vocabularyAt: urls.vocabURL) let textEncoder = TextEncoder(tokenizer: tokenizer, modelAt: urls.textEncoderURL, configuration: config) // Unet model let unet: Unet if FileManager.default.fileExists(atPath: urls.unetChunk1URL.path) && FileManager.default.fileExists(atPath: urls.unetChunk2URL.path) { unet = Unet(chunksAt: [urls.unetChunk1URL, urls.unetChunk2URL], configuration: config) } else { unet = Unet(modelAt: urls.unetURL, configuration: config) } // Image Decoder let decoder = Decoder(modelAt: urls.decoderURL, configuration: config) // Optional safety checker var safetyChecker: SafetyChecker? = nil if !disableSafety && FileManager.default.fileExists(atPath: urls.safetyCheckerURL.path) { safetyChecker = SafetyChecker(modelAt: urls.safetyCheckerURL, configuration: config) } // Construct pipelien self.init(textEncoder: textEncoder, unet: unet, decoder: decoder, safetyChecker: safetyChecker, reduceMemory: reduceMemory) } }