// For licensing see accompanying LICENSE.md file. // Copyright (C) 2022 Apple Inc. All Rights Reserved. import Foundation import CoreML /// U-Net noise prediction model for stable diffusion public struct Unet: ResourceManaging { /// Model used to predict noise residuals given an input, diffusion time step, and conditional embedding /// /// It can be in the form of a single model or multiple stages var models: [ManagedMLModel] /// Creates a U-Net noise prediction model /// /// - Parameters: /// - url: Location of single U-Net compiled Core ML model /// - configuration: Configuration to be used when the model is loaded /// - Returns: U-net model that will lazily load its required resources when needed or requested public init(modelAt url: URL, configuration: MLModelConfiguration) { self.models = [ManagedMLModel(modelAt: url, configuration: configuration)] } /// Creates a U-Net noise prediction model /// /// - Parameters: /// - urls: Location of chunked U-Net via urls to each compiled chunk /// - configuration: Configuration to be used when the model is loaded /// - Returns: U-net model that will lazily load its required resources when needed or requested public init(chunksAt urls: [URL], configuration: MLModelConfiguration) { self.models = urls.map { ManagedMLModel(modelAt: $0, configuration: configuration) } } /// Load resources. public func loadResources() throws { for model in models { try model.loadResources() } } /// Unload the underlying model to free up memory public func unloadResources() { for model in models { model.unloadResources() } } /// Pre-warm resources public func prewarmResources() throws { // Override default to pre-warm each model for model in models { try model.loadResources() model.unloadResources() } } var latentSampleDescription: MLFeatureDescription { try! models.first!.perform { model in model.modelDescription.inputDescriptionsByName["sample"]! } } /// The expected shape of the models latent sample input public var latentSampleShape: [Int] { latentSampleDescription.multiArrayConstraint!.shape.map { $0.intValue } } /// Batch prediction noise from latent samples /// /// - Parameters: /// - latents: Batch of latent samples in an array /// - timeStep: Current diffusion timestep /// - hiddenStates: Hidden state to condition on /// - Returns: Array of predicted noise residuals func predictNoise( latents: [MLShapedArray], timeStep: Int, hiddenStates: MLShapedArray ) throws -> [MLShapedArray] { // Match time step batch dimension to the model / latent samples let t = MLShapedArray(scalars:[Float(timeStep), Float(timeStep)],shape:[2]) // Form batch input to model let inputs = try latents.map { let dict: [String: Any] = [ "sample" : MLMultiArray($0), "timestep" : MLMultiArray(t), "encoder_hidden_states": MLMultiArray(hiddenStates) ] return try MLDictionaryFeatureProvider(dictionary: dict) } let batch = MLArrayBatchProvider(array: inputs) // Make predictions let results = try predictions(from: batch) // Pull out the results in Float32 format let noise = (0..(fp32Noise) } return noise } func predictions(from batch: MLBatchProvider) throws -> MLBatchProvider { var results = try models.first!.perform { model in try model.predictions(fromBatch: batch) } if models.count == 1 { return results } // Manual pipeline batch prediction let inputs = batch.arrayOfFeatureValueDictionaries for stage in models.dropFirst() { // Combine the original inputs with the outputs of the last stage let next = try results.arrayOfFeatureValueDictionaries .enumerated().map { (index, dict) in let nextDict = dict.merging(inputs[index]) { (out, _) in out } return try MLDictionaryFeatureProvider(dictionary: nextDict) } let nextBatch = MLArrayBatchProvider(array: next) // Predict results = try stage.perform { model in try model.predictions(fromBatch: nextBatch) } } return results } } extension MLFeatureProvider { var featureValueDictionary: [String : MLFeatureValue] { self.featureNames.reduce(into: [String : MLFeatureValue]()) { result, name in result[name] = self.featureValue(for: name) } } } extension MLBatchProvider { var arrayOfFeatureValueDictionaries: [[String : MLFeatureValue]] { (0..