// For licensing see accompanying LICENSE.md file. // Copyright (C) 2022 Apple Inc. All Rights Reserved. import Foundation extension BPETokenizer { enum FileReadError: Error { case invalidMergeFileLine(Int) } /// Read vocab.json file at URL into a dictionary mapping a String to its Int token id static func readVocabulary(url: URL) throws -> [String: Int] { let content = try Data(contentsOf: url) return try JSONDecoder().decode([String: Int].self, from: content) } /// Read merges.txt file at URL into a dictionary mapping bigrams to the line number/rank/priority static func readMerges(url: URL) throws -> [TokenPair: Int] { let content = try String(contentsOf: url) let lines = content.split(separator: "\n") let merges: [(TokenPair, Int)] = try lines.enumerated().compactMap { (index, line) in if line.hasPrefix("#") { return nil } let pair = line.split(separator: " ") if pair.count != 2 { throw FileReadError.invalidMergeFileLine(index+1) } return (TokenPair(String(pair[0]), String(pair[1])),index) } return [TokenPair : Int](uniqueKeysWithValues: merges) } }