// For licensing see accompanying LICENSE.md file. // Copyright (C) 2022 Apple Inc. All Rights Reserved. import Foundation import CoreML import Accelerate /// Image safety checking model public struct SafetyChecker { /// Safety checking Core ML model var model: MLModel /// Creates safety checker /// /// - Parameters: /// - model: Underlying model which performs the safety check /// - Returns: Safety checker ready from checks public init(model: MLModel) { self.model = model } /// Prediction queue let queue = DispatchQueue(label: "safetycheker.predict") typealias PixelBufferPFx1 = vImage.PixelBuffer typealias PixelBufferP8x1 = vImage.PixelBuffer typealias PixelBufferPFx3 = vImage.PixelBuffer typealias PixelBufferP8x3 = vImage.PixelBuffer typealias PixelBufferIFx3 = vImage.PixelBuffer typealias PixelBufferI8x3 = vImage.PixelBuffer typealias PixelBufferI8x4 = vImage.PixelBuffer enum SafetyCheckError: Error { case imageResizeFailure case imageToFloatFailure case modelInputFailure case unexpectedModelOutput } /// Check if image is safe /// /// - Parameters: /// - image: Image to check /// - Returns: Whether the model considers the image to be safe public func isSafe(_ image: CGImage) throws -> Bool { let inputName = "clip_input" let adjustmentName = "adjustment" let imagesNames = "images" let inputInfo = model.modelDescription.inputDescriptionsByName let inputShape = inputInfo[inputName]!.multiArrayConstraint!.shape let width = inputShape[2].intValue let height = inputShape[3].intValue let resizedImage = try resizeToRGBA(image, width: width, height: height) let bufferP8x3 = try getRGBPlanes(of: resizedImage) let arrayPFx3 = normalizeToFloatShapedArray(bufferP8x3) guard let input = try? MLDictionaryFeatureProvider( dictionary:[ // Input that is analyzed for safety inputName : MLMultiArray(arrayPFx3), // No adjustment, use default threshold adjustmentName : MLMultiArray(MLShapedArray(scalars: [0], shape: [1])), // Supplying dummy images to be filtered (will be ignored) imagesNames : MLMultiArray(shape:[1, 512, 512, 3], dataType: .float16) ] ) else { throw SafetyCheckError.modelInputFailure } let result = try queue.sync { try model.prediction(from: input) } let output = result.featureValue(for: "has_nsfw_concepts") guard let unsafe = output?.multiArrayValue?[0].boolValue else { throw SafetyCheckError.unexpectedModelOutput } return !unsafe } func resizeToRGBA(_ image: CGImage, width: Int, height: Int) throws -> CGImage { guard let context = CGContext( data: nil, width: width, height: height, bitsPerComponent: 8, bytesPerRow: width*4, space: CGColorSpaceCreateDeviceRGB(), bitmapInfo: CGImageAlphaInfo.noneSkipLast.rawValue) else { throw SafetyCheckError.imageResizeFailure } context.interpolationQuality = .high context.draw(image, in: CGRect(x: 0, y: 0, width: width, height: height)) guard let resizedImage = context.makeImage() else { throw SafetyCheckError.imageResizeFailure } return resizedImage } func getRGBPlanes(of rgbaImage: CGImage) throws -> PixelBufferP8x3 { // Reference as interleaved 8 bit vImage PixelBuffer var emptyFormat = vImage_CGImageFormat() guard let bufferI8x4 = try? PixelBufferI8x4( cgImage: rgbaImage, cgImageFormat:&emptyFormat) else { throw SafetyCheckError.imageToFloatFailure } // Drop the alpha channel, keeping RGB let bufferI8x3 = PixelBufferI8x3(width: rgbaImage.width, height:rgbaImage.height) bufferI8x4.convert(to: bufferI8x3, channelOrdering: .RGBA) // De-interleave into 8-bit planes return PixelBufferP8x3(interleavedBuffer: bufferI8x3) } func normalizeToFloatShapedArray(_ bufferP8x3: PixelBufferP8x3) -> MLShapedArray { let width = bufferP8x3.width let height = bufferP8x3.height let means = [0.485, 0.456, 0.406] as [Float] let stds = [0.229, 0.224, 0.225] as [Float] // Convert to normalized float 1x3xWxH input (plannar) let arrayPFx3 = MLShapedArray(repeating: 0.0, shape: [1, 3, width, height]) for c in 0..<3 { arrayPFx3[0][c].withUnsafeShapedBufferPointer { ptr, _, strides in let floatChannel = PixelBufferPFx1(data: .init(mutating: ptr.baseAddress!), width: width, height: height, byteCountPerRow: strides[0]*4) bufferP8x3.withUnsafePixelBuffer(at: c) { uint8Channel in uint8Channel.convert(to: floatChannel) // maps [0 255] -> [0 1] floatChannel.multiply(by: 1.0/stds[c], preBias: -means[c], postBias: 0.0, destination: floatChannel) } } } return arrayPFx3 } }